food choices

Intermittent Fasting: The Importance of Actually Eating and The Difference Between Men and Women

Muscle & Fitness recently posted an article on Intermittent Fasting and differences between men and women. And since a sane human being actually acknowledge that there are only two genders and that there are differences between the sexes, this is an interesting topic. Also, as with all these ‘Intermittent Fasting’ articles, they never mention the real important part, that of actually eating. Their article begins with quoting a 2020 survey where, allegedly, 24 percent […]

Intermittent Fasting: The Importance of Actually Eating and The Difference Between Men and Women Read the Full Article »

Human History: Losing Body Fat is Not Hard

The other day CNN featured an article on “weight loss,” kind of glorifying body fat as a survival tool, which it once was while claiming that it’s really hard to lose it, which it absolutely is not. While the article is biased, it’s not that terrible for something published by the Jesuit-controlled CNN. Let’s break it down. “(CNN) — If you think it’s hard to lose weight and keep it off, you are not

Human History: Losing Body Fat is Not Hard Read the Full Article »

Women’s Fitness — Preparing for a Fitness Competition

T-Nation, ranking among the 10 most visited ‘fitness’ and ‘weight-lifting’ websites in the world, recently posted an article called “6 Hard Truths That’ll Get You Stage Ready” written by some Gareth Sapstead. As a former elite coach for 25+ years myself, and before my real awakening in 2018, I might have agreed with most of his “truths.” Now however, my main focus is health, life quality, longevity, and simply doing this ‘body transformation’ and

Women’s Fitness — Preparing for a Fitness Competition Read the Full Article »

Sustainable ‘Fat Loss’ and Body Composition

Today we’ll take a look at what the “health-” and medical community recommends for “sustainable weight loss.”The government and Big Pharma shill website ‘Healthline’ recently published an article called, “How Do You Keep Up Weight Loss in a Sustainable Way?” Let’s see what they got right, and what, as usual, is complete bollocks.And be warned, there will be some tough love in this one. They start off with the traditional cliché of telling us

Sustainable ‘Fat Loss’ and Body Composition Read the Full Article »

Healthy Eating in Real Life is Very Simple

Healthline is one of the most visited “health” websites in the world, which means that they influence a lot of people with their conclusions and recommendations.In their ‘letter from the editor,’ Lisa Valente, MS, RD, states that, “At Healthline Nutrition, we want to help you eat food that makes you feel good. Looking at science is always where we start, but we understand that real-life eating doesn’t fit some perfect nutrient pattern.” That will

Healthy Eating in Real Life is Very Simple Read the Full Article »

Do you get hungry; do you get cravings?

Unless you have a severe metabolic disorder, hunger or cravings are not due to lack of ‘calories’ (energy) or a low meal frequency (and thus low blood sugar, lol). Hunger, thoughts about food, and cravings are simply a sign that you have a nutrient deficiency. To put it bluntly, your diet and/or food choices suck. If you consume nutrition-dense foods with a high bioavailability, such as meat, egg yolks, fish roe and organ meats;

Do you get hungry; do you get cravings? Read the Full Article »

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