
Melatonin = Better Quality Sleep = Maximizing Natural Growth Hormone Release = Better Recovery From Injuries

Yes, that was a mouthful for a headline, but it should hopefully grab the attention of anyone in need of better recovery, especially after an injury or a surgical procedure. Also, it kind of summarizes this article. But before we get ahead of ourselves, let’s look at a study that the website Examine recently summarized for us. And as usual, the researchers, nor the crew at Examine, understands the mechanics behind the findings, and […]

Melatonin = Better Quality Sleep = Maximizing Natural Growth Hormone Release = Better Recovery From Injuries Read the Full Article »

Just Another Dangerous Scam: The Noom Diet

Iron Magazine and its extremely ignorant and clueless writer, Matt Weik, has been putting out more nonsensical garbage than usual this week. One of their articles covered the Noom diet and read more like an advertisement piece than a critical review. And although it sounds like the old Lolcat meme of “Om Nom Nom Nom,” it’s far from it. Let’s see what this moron, this Matt Weik, managed to put together. And I’ll try

Just Another Dangerous Scam: The Noom Diet Read the Full Article »

Supplemented Inorganic Zinc Increase Endometriosis Risk

The shills at Medical News Today recently published another piece of garbage where they, and the mentally handicapped researchers of the quoted study, cannot differentiate between natural organic zinc and inorganic or synthetic forms of zinc that is used in supplements or to fortify processed foods. A very simple and universal rule is that any nutrient from an animal is organic, non-toxic and 100% bioavailable to humans, while anything else, whether it’s plant-based or

Supplemented Inorganic Zinc Increase Endometriosis Risk Read the Full Article »

Alzheimer’s Is Still Caused by A Starving Brain 

The shills at Medical News Today continue to push out nonsense about Alzheimer’s as the pharmaceutical industry wants to offer more ways to subdue the symptoms for a short period of time while ignoring the cause of the problem so they can milk you dry before you die. This time MNT covered a new “study” in “predicting” Alzheimer’s. Yes, predictive and preventive “care” is the new money-making machine. Just imagine the possibilities to prescribe

Alzheimer’s Is Still Caused by A Starving Brain  Read the Full Article »

Walking Pneumonia Scare and A Look at Bacteria and Toxins

The shills at Medscape, via the extremely evil propaganda website WebMD, recently published an article about an alleged rise in “walking pneumonia” among children. Let’s see what they had to say. “Young children are increasingly being infected with bacteria that can lead to the illness known as walking pneumonia. A hallmark symptom is a cough that starts out dry but eventually produces moderate amounts of thick, non-bloody mucus. The cough can last for weeks.”

Walking Pneumonia Scare and A Look at Bacteria and Toxins Read the Full Article »

Autoimmune Diseases And The Immune System Does Not Exist

Recently, the evil scum and shills at Medical News Today published an article on “early-life vitamin D deficiency and autoimmune conditions.” Of course, one of the biggest lies within the frauds of germ theory, virology, and medical science is that of “autoimmune disease.” It should be obvious to anyone with the most basic understanding of biology and the survival and reproduction mechanisms of every single organism — yet the conditioning and the backwards-thinking is

Autoimmune Diseases And The Immune System Does Not Exist Read the Full Article »

It’s Not Fasting! Resveratrol Induced Autophagy Will Kill Any Cells

The supplement and bro-science shills at T-Nation have been busy little bees as of lately, as always mixing backward-thinking “science,” bad interpretations, and the complete lack of understanding of physiology, biology, and biochemistry — especially the simple biological and chemical differences between animals, such as human, and that of plants. This time these deceiving bastards try to hijack the benefits of fasting by selling you them through a very toxic and potentially deadly supplement.

It’s Not Fasting! Resveratrol Induced Autophagy Will Kill Any Cells Read the Full Article »

Everything Wrong With Breast Cancer Treatment

As I’ve helped several women reverse “breast cancer” and regain their health, and I get a lot of questions about it, as well as I have people within my circle that have been lied to and used by the medical establishment, we will once again cover the typical and very harmful and totally unnecessary treatment of breast cancer as recommended by indoctrinated doctors. I will use Mayo Clinic, one of the evil disinformation websites,

Everything Wrong With Breast Cancer Treatment Read the Full Article »

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