weight loss

Drinking Sparkling Water Will Force Your Body To Produce More Bicarbonate Ions To Avoid Hypercapnia

Today we return to Medical News Today and another great example of the wrong-think and the embarrassing lack of knowledge we see in almost every single medical- and nutritional study conducted today — as well as the publications writing about them. This should be basic level biology, physiology, and biochemistry, yet they fail at almost every single step. Let’s see what the morons have to say about something as stupid as sparkling water and […]

Drinking Sparkling Water Will Force Your Body To Produce More Bicarbonate Ions To Avoid Hypercapnia Read the Full Article »

Study Proves The Importance Of Toxic Load And Hormones In Body Fat Distribution

Today we return to the awful pharmaceutical shill-site Medscape Medical News and a recent review of a study on time-restricted eating and reductions in body weight, especially in VAT.Let’s get right into it. Methodology “Although previous studies suggest that TRE may lead to modest weight loss and improvements in cardiometabolic health, the optimal timing of the eating window in TRE and its impact on VAT remains unclear.” Perhaps among full-blown retards like these monkeys

Study Proves The Importance Of Toxic Load And Hormones In Body Fat Distribution Read the Full Article »

What Fasting Method Is Most Effective For Fat Loss?

Today we return to Examine.com and their review of a meta-analysis looking at various combinations of “intermittent” fasting regimens and their effectiveness when the goal is to lose body fat. As you probably know, I’ve used fasting as my number one fat loss tool among my clients, including top-level bodybuilders since 2008. Amongst overweight clients I’ve used either two 36-hour fasts a week (5:2) or an every other day fasting (alternate-day) approach. For bodybuilders

What Fasting Method Is Most Effective For Fat Loss? Read the Full Article »

Red Meat Is The Ultimate Fat Fighting Food

Today we return to the supplement shills at T-Nation and their clueless COO Chris Shugart, the guy who is obsessed with chemically man-made protein, as in the chemical shitstorms of their own poor quality protein powders.  This time he found another old “protein centric” study to misinterpret and use to sell their laughable products. Let’s see what he has this time and how to really use the information, if applicable. “Talk to the average

Red Meat Is The Ultimate Fat Fighting Food Read the Full Article »

Time-Restricted Eating Is Our Natural Approach To Food (Detoxing, Healing, Fat Loss)

Today we return to Examine.com and their summary of a meta-analysis looking at weight loss, body composition, and blood lipids in overweight adults following a time-restricted eating schedule. What was studied? “The effect of time-restricted eating (TRE) on anthropometrics (body measurements) and body mass in the context of overweight and obesity.” Well, using a time-restricted approach to eating, as in a feeding window of 4, 6 or 8 hours, will likely mean less food

Time-Restricted Eating Is Our Natural Approach To Food (Detoxing, Healing, Fat Loss) Read the Full Article »

Or Keep Your Liver Healthy By Removing The Worst Offenders

Your favorite Comic-Sans Anti-health writer Matt Weik of Ironmagazine is back with another not-so groundbreaking article. I’m not sure why he chose to write about a “liver shrinking diet,” but he unwittingly uncovered some small hidden truths — and being a total imbecile, he didn’t give them a second thought. Considering that Ironmagazine is a fitness and bodybuilding website, perhaps it was meant to mock the wanna-be bodybuilders that are afraid of tiny needles

Or Keep Your Liver Healthy By Removing The Worst Offenders Read the Full Article »

It’s Not About How Quickly You Can Lose Weight, It’s about Fixing Your Health

Medscape recently posted an article illustrating the extreme retardness of the backwards thinking and reasoning within the fields of medical care and nutrition — once again showing us how incredibly stupid these people/puppets are, and why you should never visit a hospital for any kind of ailment. Let’s see what kind of twisted propaganda they tried to stuff down the throats of their readers this time, and I’ll give you my thoughts as we

It’s Not About How Quickly You Can Lose Weight, It’s about Fixing Your Health Read the Full Article »

Caffeine is a Defense Chemical and a Potent Poison — Do Not Neglect Accumulated Damage

This was just too stupid, humorous, and dangerous at the same time to let it slide by. Only a few days after the imbecile Matt Weik, whom I called out as a hypocrite, published his awful advertisement article for the highly toxic and dangerous “mud water,” where he praised the lower caffeine content compared to coffee, he now published an article promoting the most potent and dangerous version of caffeine. Well, considering that caffeine

Caffeine is a Defense Chemical and a Potent Poison — Do Not Neglect Accumulated Damage Read the Full Article »

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