Healthline, who also operates Medical News Today, and who is owned by Red Ventures that is financed by Silver Lake Partners, who has its roots in BlackRock, recently posted an article about a “30-day no sugar challenge.” Sounds good, no?
Well, let’s see how they tackle that subject with their agenda of keeping you a weak, disease ridden, and dependent little slave to the food- and pharmaceutical industry.
“There’s no doubt that consuming too much added sugar harms your overall health. Cutting back on added sugar is important, as excessive consumption is linked to an increased risk of certain health conditions, including type 2 diabetes and heart disease.”
Note how they tip-toe around the big elephant in the room by calling it “added sugar.” Well, sugar is sugar. All types of carbohydrates break down to sugar, as in blood glucose. It does not matter if you consume slave foods like bread or pasta, or if you gulp down a soda, some fruit juice or some processed junk with “added” sugars, such as fructose, glucose, corn syrup, maltodextrin, or agave nectar. All of them will turn into blood glucose. The only difference is the speed of the process, but ultimately the same amount of insulin will be needed to manage blood glucose levels. And also, any elevation of blood glucose that is not your body’s own doing from gluconeogenesis, as in from consuming carbohydrates, is very toxic and will damage your tissue and especially the artery walls. A quick spike of blood glucose will do large short-term damage, while a slow release of glucose that lingers in the blood will do less damage, but over a longer period of time. The end result, as in accumulated tissue damage, is about the same. I’ve covered this too many times to count.

In other words, if you want to be healthy and avoid damage to blood vessels, nerves, organs, your skin, your eyes and other soft tissues, you need to cut out ALL carbohydrates from your diet, as they are contraindicated to the natural human carnivorous diet. Actually, they are highly damaging to human physiology through their conversion into glucose.

“To reduce their added sugar intake, some people take part in “no sugar” challenges. These challenges typically involve cutting out all forms of added sugar for a set amount of time, often 30 days.”
30 days is nothing compared to a lifetime of accumulated damage. While the challenge might influence some people to reduce their overall intake of carbohydrates, it might trigger binging and eating disorders in others — especially if their diet is lacking in animal foods, as in real bioavailable nutrients; since any kind of nutrient deficiency will trigger hunger and cravings.
And we also know that foods that are high in carbohydrates, especially “added sugars,” are engineered to be addictive, to activate the brain’s reward system, releasing feel-good neurotransmitters like dopamine.

How do 30-day no sugar challenges work?
“The main goal is to cut out all sources of added sugar for 30 days. Instead, you focus on consuming nutrient-dense, whole foods that don’t contain added sugars. Natural sugars, which are found in foods like vegetables, fruits, and dairy products, are OK to eat.”
That is a small first step towards a slightly improved diet. Unfortunately, 99.9% of all people have no idea of what “nutrient-dense” foods actually are, and the backwards pseudo-science of nutrition and modern medicine lies about this as well, deceiving people into consuming complete garbage such as vegetables, fruits, whole grain products, and other extremely damaging slave foods that all are totally void of bioavailable nutrients.
“30-day no sugar challenges are 30-day plans focused on cutting out sources of added sugar from the diet and consuming nutrient-dense foods instead. Natural sugars from fruits and vegetables are OK to consume.”
Again, your body does not differentiate between what you label as “added sugars” or “natural sugars.” All of them break down to glucose, and all of them will elevate blood glucose levels over normal levels and thus cause tissue damage.
And these foods that contain “natural sugars” are plant-based, which means that they have pretty much zero nutritional value to humans. So, the difference between the “natural sources” and the foods with “added sugars” are that natural sources contain more antinutrients, defense chemicals, and pesticides, while the processed garbage with “added sugars” contain more toxic man-made chemicals and seed/vegetable oils. They are both toxic and highly damaging in their own respective fields, and none of them should ever be consumed by humans.

Do 30-day no sugar challenges have benefits?
“Any dietary pattern that reduces or cuts out added sugar is likely to reduce obesity and benefit overall health, especially among people who regularly consume high amounts of added sugar.”
Stop obsessing over obesity. That is only a symptom of consuming too much toxic and unnatural food — as your fat tissue functions as a storage for energy and toxins.
Instead, focus on the real danger, that of the damage these foods do to your body through elevated blood glucose, through antinutrients, defense chemicals, pesticides, and added chemicals. That is what is making people sick, weak, docile, tired, “ridden with disease,” and age them quicker than Madonna can keep up with her plastic surgery operations and hormone treatments.
“However, the most important factor in any dietary pattern is consistency, which isn’t necessarily the point of a 30-day no sugar challenge. If you cut out added sugar for 30 days only to return to a diet that’s high in added sugar, the benefits of following an added-sugar-free diet will be quickly lost.”
Yes, and this is why you need to alter your perception and relationship to food. What people think is food, such as bread, pasta, cereal, pancakes, pizza, fried foods, burgers, tacos, curry, paella, ramen, fake meat/vegan products, and other processed garbage are NOT foods. They are simply extremely toxic “temporary fillers” designed to activate the brain’s reward system, and since they are totally void of any bioavailable nutrition, they will leave you hungry and craving for more only a few hours later. These “fillers” are designed to keep you hungry, to keep you starving for nutrients, to keep you coming back for more — to consume and spend more money — all while they are poisoning you with added unnatural chemicals that have no place in anything edible, making you into a recurring customer of Big Pharma.
Remember, almost every disease is caused by what you eat and expose yourself to, as in the toxic load that accumulates in your body. All these “fillers” are ridden with such toxins. What people have been brainwashed into believing are food items are the big elephant in the room when it comes to almost every single “modern disease.”
Again, these “foods,” these fillers, are not actually a source of pleasure, they are the cause of all your suffering. They are the source of everything that is hurting and breaking you down, the source of all your health problems, the source of what is accelerating your aging process, cutting your life extremely short. Remember, humans are built to live 120 to 150 years. Anything shorter than this is from your lifestyle taking its toll, and the largest contributor is your diet.

So, why the hell would you want to consume these “fillers?” Why would you want to do that damage to yourself? And why would you want to set such an idiotic and harmful example for your children?
You need to stop thinking of anything that is processed and/or plant-based as food, because it is not food for humans. Humans are obligate hyper carnivores. The only food suitable for our physiology are meat, organ meats, animal fat, and the produce of animals such as eggs and the occasional raw and unprocessed dairy. A real meal, as in some fatty meat and perhaps a few eggs will sustain you for a whole day. If you are nourished, you will never feel hunger or cravings, and you will have unlimited energy all throughout the day.

After this, Healthline goes through several health benefits that can be seen from reducing “added sugars” and “sugars” (as in carbohydrates) in general, such as; lowered blood sugar, decrease in body weight, improved oral health, improved liver health, improved heart health (the entire cardiovascular system,) improved skin health, decreased acne, and improved mental health. In other words, pretty much improvements in all aspects of what takes damage from high levels of blood sugar. And the funny thing is that by writing this, Healthline admits that all these diseases are caused by elevated blood sugar, something that is only possible by consuming carbohydrates. Bam! Full circle.
To summarize, instead of doing stupid 30-day challenges, reprogram yourself and your attitude and relationship towards food. Start by slowly phasing out carbohydrates and plant-based garbage during a span of 6 to 8 weeks while slowly adding in animal foods. This transition will guarantee that your body has time and resources to adapt and reactivate its natural fat metabolism and start producing its own glucose through gluconeogenesis. It will also help with your reprogramming.
If you need help or guidance with this, I have personalized plans and complete guides available in my coaching packages, or you can simply hire me for a consultation.
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