In the recent two years or so, I’ve covered fish oil, or the omega-3 fatty acids, several times as the popularity of the retarded practice of supplementation is still on the rise and being pushed by shills. Something that is totally unnecessary as it is extremely easy to get all the omega-3 you need by simply consuming some meat and/or eggs daily.
While supplement companies like Biotest who run the fitness website T-Nation do their best to push these supplements to make money while totally ignoring the damage done to their gullible customers, the latest push for fish oil was actually published in an recent article by the government- and pharmaceutical shills at Medical News Today, which of course is another big red flag for omega-3 supplementation.
This time it’s about a study on Alzheimer’s disease and the possible effect of omega-3 fatty acids. And while this is a half-truth, as the omega-3 fatty acids are essential and crucial for our health, let’s see what they have to say about it. And as always, I’ll use my 30+ years of expertise in this field and specialization in biology, microbiology, biochemistry, and human physiology along the way.
“Oily fish is part of a healthful diet as it is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids (omega-3 PUFAs). Those who do not include oily fish in their diet may take fish oil supplements which are often advocated as having a number of health benefits, including:
- Heart and cardiovascular benefits
- Protecting eye health
- Healthy fetal development
- Memory and other mental health benefits.”
While fatty fish such as mackerel, salmon, herring, anchovy, and sardines contain between 1 gram to 2 grams of omega-3 fatty acids per 3-ounce serving, you get more than enough omega-3’s from simply consuming fatty meat such as beef or mutton and the occasional eggs. I covered this in my omega-3 article “Broken Brain Syndrome is Due to Lack of Animal Fats.”
And fish oil supplementation is very dangerous as the manufacturing will pretty much destroy the oils and make them rancid, not to mention the contamination of all the chemicals and solvents used in the process. I covered this in my article “The Manufacturing Process of Fish Oil and Why to Avoid it.”
“However, some of the health claims for fish oils are disputed, and taking supplements may be associated with health risks in some people.”
Yes, because supplements are inherently toxic. If you’re healthy and can detoxify, you will not notice any bad effects at first, however the damage will accumulate. But if your body is compromised, the added toxic load will either manifest as new symptoms or simply shut you down completely.
This is why negative effects are only seen in “some people,” because the health status and thus the tolerance varies widely among the population. This is simple logic and common sense.
“Now, a small study has found that fish oil supplements could be beneficial for older people with the APOEε4 gene that increases the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.”
Well, according to the current understanding, APOE signaling is simply instructions for the body to make a carrier protein called apolipoprotein E (apoE.) This protein combines with fats (lipids) in the body to form molecules called lipoproteins, which are responsible for packaging cholesterol and other fats and carrying them through the bloodstream.
Yes, read that again, it carries cholesterol! And what is most important for brain health? Yes, cholesterol.
It’s very interesting that Medical News Today does not even explain what APOE does, or even mention the crucial relationship with cholesterol.
Now, according to the same science, about 70% of the population carries the APOE3 gene and about 10% carries the APOE2 gene, and these 85% combined does not carry the APOE4 gene. Thus, only about 15% of the population carries the APOE4 gene.
With that said, some researchers believe that the APOE4 gene increases the risk of Alzheimer’s, as the “disease” is slightly more common among people with the APOE4 gene. However, they admit that they do not really know why.
“The study, which is published in JAMA Network Open, found reduced nerve cell breakdown in those with the gene who were given fish oil, but no significant benefit for people without the gene.”
We’ll get to what this actually means.
The Alzheimer’s risk gene
“According to the Alzheimer’s Association, there are several factors that may increase a person’s risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. These include:
- Age
- Smoking
- An unhealthy diet and/or overweight
- Lack of exercise
- Family history and genetics”
Those bullet points are complete bollocks. Alzheimer’s is simply the “end stage” of a starving brain lacking animal fats, especially cholesterol. That is why we see Alzheimer’s skyrocketing among people put on statins, or among those who are deceived or forced into a more plant-based diet (most elderly homes and such facilities serve absolutely death-bringing food that is very low in meat and animal fats, which is why people put in such facilities tend to waste away and die rather quickly.)
“A number of genes have been identified that are linked to Alzheimer’s, of which the best known is the APOE gene.
One version of this, APOEε4, increases the risk of developing Alzheimer’s, particularly in those who inherit APOEε4 from both their parents.”
That’s a theory, yes. And genetics are made-up bollocks. What is usually “inherited” are bad dietary habits. If your parents served you shitty food, chances are you will continue with similar habits throughout your life, developing similar toxic buildup and nutrient deficiencies, the drivers of “disease.” It has nothing to do with “genetic dispositions.” Again, simple common sense.
With that said, the signaling and the production of specific carrier proteins that can be identified might very well be real and might even be correctly identified. So, let’s go on with the premise that the APOE carrier proteins exist and that they are responsible for carrying lipids and cholesterol, nutrients that are essential for brain health (as I described earlier.)
“The study enlisted 102 people aged 75 and over who had relatively low levels of omega-3 fatty acids. All the participants were generally healthy, with no dementia (measured by mini-mental state examination and MRI scans at the start), but had some degree of white matter lesions (common changes in the nerve cells of the brain in older people).
The researchers gave half the participants 1.65g of omega-3 in 3 soft gel capsules daily. They gave the control group 3 soft gels containing only soybean oil, which were identical in taste, appearance, smell and texture to the omega-3 capsules.
Neither the researchers nor the participants knew who was receiving which treatment.”
Again, this can be a hit or miss as there is no guarantee that the omega-3 fatty acids within the supplement can be used by the body. In the best case scenario, a little of it might still be intact and can be utilized, while likely most of it is rancid and instead does damage to the body.
However, the poor people who received soybean oil were even worse off, as that is pure poison and will screw you up badly.
Positive effects only in people with APOEε4 gene
“In the whole group, the researchers found no significant difference in outcome between those on the omega-3 treatment and those on placebo. However, for those with the APOEε4 gene, there was a significant difference in the progression of white matter lesions between the groups.
People with the APOEε4 allele in the omega-3 group had significantly less nerve cell breakdown than those with the allele in the placebo group.”
In other words, those who produce the APOE4 variant of the APOE carrier proteins might need a tiny higher amount of omega-3 fatty acids in their diet for the carrier protein to work correctly. This might be because the APOE4 is not as efficient in binding the omega-3 fatty acids, and a slightly higher saturation might help with bringing enough of these fatty acids, together with the cholesterol, to the brain. So, if the APOE4 transporter proteins are compromised by your diet, it also means even less cholesterol to the brain. A recipe for Alzheimer’s.
And if we look into some research within the field of biology, this theory is actually supported by some studies where APOE4 has shown to have a lesser binding affinity to omega-3 fatty acids, particularly docosahexaenoic acid (DHA.)
And while APOE4 seems to bind better to lipids overall, its affinity for cholesterol also seems lower, again proving my point. To conclude, those with APOE4 carrier proteins might need a bit more omega-3 and cholesterol in their diets compared to those with APOE2 and APOE3 to maintain brain health.
“Allder explained how the fish oils might have this effect: Carriers of the APOEε4 gene have a higher risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease and may have a different metabolic or inflammatory response to [Omega-3] PUFAs compared to non-carriers. This gene is associated with increased brain inflammation and oxidative stress, which [Omega-3] PUFAs are known to mitigate.”
No, that is backwards-thinking steaming from your indoctrination and inability to use reason and logic. This has already been explained in the field of biology. There is no “inflammatory” response from essential fatty acids. That’s retarded. The essential fatty acids are needed by the inflammatory response, as inflammation is our body’s response to healing. If your brain has been damaged by toxins, or if it is malnourished, there will be a repair response, as in healing where your body is trying to correct the problem, which creates inflammation. And in order to repair and heal the damaged or starving brain, omega-3 fatty acids as well as all other animal fats, especially cholesterol, is needed. That is why you see an increase of these nutrients and fatty acids when there is inflammation. They are not the cause (the damage or malnutrition is the cause) while the fatty acids are the solution, the repair blocks needed to heal the tissue. This is basic understanding of human physiology. Unfortunately, that is something that is not taught, nor practiced, within the pseudo-scientific and inverted field of “modern medicine” and “nutrition.”
Fish oil may be a potential preventive treatment for some
“The authors of the study do not advise the use of fish oil supplements by all older people, but suggest they may help reduce Alzheimer’s risk in those who have the APOEε4 allele. However, they emphasize that this was a small study, and that further clinical trials are needed to verify their findings.”
I agree, eat real food instead. As humans are obligate hyper carnivores, your diet should be heavily animal-based, preferably pure carnivore, especially if you want to maximize your health and avoid any kind of “diseases.”
“Both Allder and Molly Rapozo, RDN, registered dietician nutritionist and senior nutrition and health educator at Pacific Neuroscience Institute in Santa Monica, CA, told MNT that fish oils are generally safe, but people should take them only under medical advice. She added that it is preferable to increase the omega 3 in your diet: “In the meantime, up your intake of small cold-water fish which are good sources of omega 3 fats,” she advised.”
Look at that, a “nutritionist” that actually said something useful. However, as I said many times, you will get enough omega-3 if you consume some fatty meat daily and preferably a few eggs every week. Still, adding some fatty fish or fish roe might be a good idea if you suspect that you are deficient, as in having been deceived into being plant-based for a while.
“Allder advised that: “Further research should include larger and more diverse sample sizes to confirm these findings and determine the generalizability of the results. Studies should also investigate the long-term effects of [Omega-3] PUFAs on cognitive function and brain health, as well as the optimal dosage and formulation of fish oil supplements.”
No. This Allder guy is a frikkin’ retard. Not supplements you dimwit, fix the diet! While you might get a little bit of omega-3’s from a supplement, you will also get poisoned by the rancid fats, aldehydes, and all the residues from the manufacturing process.
And again, all you need is an animal-based diet. This will guarantee the intake of animal fats, as in all fatty acids that are needed for your body to function optimally, including your brain, whether you have APOE4 carrier proteins or not. And as demonstrated by this study, for those with the APOE4 carrier, only a tiny additional amount of omega-3s are needed, as in an additional egg yolk a day, or a serving of fatty meat.
Once again, the conclusion and solution is simple. By adopting our natural diet of animal-based foods, you will solve all health issues and problems — including Alzheimer’s disease. It’s that simple.
Addition, many blame aluminum for Alzheimer’s. And yes, aluminum is recognized as a neurotoxin, and a few studies using mass spectrometry have demonstrated that small but significant amounts of aluminum can cross the blood-brain barrier and accumulate in the brain. Its presence in the brain may contribute to cognitive deficiency and dementia, including Alzheimer’s.
However, that’s for another rainy day — and this article was exclusively about nutrition and the wrong think about omega-3 and fats — and a starving brain is the most common cause of all mental- and cognitive problems by far, including Alzheimer’s.
f you need help with your health, nutrition, and/or transitioning from your current way of eating to our natural species-appropriate, species-specific way of eating, I’m available for both coaching and consultation.
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