
Richard Slayman Died a Jesuit 56-days After His Alleged Pig Kidney Transplant

On March 16, 2024, Richard Slayman was allegedly the first living person to receive a “genetically modified” pig kidney, something CNN called a medical milestone, while most educated people simply would call it ‘bollocks.’Now, this will be short and sweet, as I have less than one hour this morning for reading, researching, writing, editing, and publishing. On May 12, the media reported that Richard Slayman had died on May 11, exactly a Jesuit and […]

Richard Slayman Died a Jesuit 56-days After His Alleged Pig Kidney Transplant Read the Full Article »

Your Best Bet for Gray Hair Reversal

Today we return to the shill-website Healthline who recently published an article on graying hair, it’s causes, and what can and can’t be done about it.As usual, they get a small portion right while explaining it wrong, and as always, they fall back on complete pseudo-science, the lies we’ve been told since childhood. Let’s see what they have to say. “Your hair turns gray or white from a loss of melanin, a pigment-producing component

Your Best Bet for Gray Hair Reversal Read the Full Article »

Memory Decline and Dementia is Not Natural

For today’s article review we return to the gatekeeper and controlled opposition Dr. Joseph Mercola, and as such, he will reveal some truths by hiding others, and blatantly lying about the major ones, such as the extreme dangers of long-time exposure to plant foods and toxic carbohydrates. In this article, from March 23, 2024, Dr. Mercola analyzes “6 Healthy Lifestyle Habits That May Help Slow Memory Decline,” and in turn, I will analyze his

Memory Decline and Dementia is Not Natural Read the Full Article »

The Simple Truth About Obesity

The governmental Big Pharma and Medical pseudo-science shill-site Healthline recently posted an article raising the question if obesity is “genetic” or “environmental.” While those living in the illusion of right vs. left, as in conservatives vs. liberals, always chose one of the opposites, as they have been programmed to do, the truth is usually quite simple and very logical. Trainers, coaches, fitness influencers, and those leaning to the “right” often tell those wanting to

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FDA Approves Pseudo-Science “Gene Therapies” for “Sickle Cell” in Racism Ritual

Here we go again with the speculative and theoretical “science” of the genome, mRNA, RNA and DNA. Alleged parts of us that has never been proven to exist or function as described, and are simply based on flawed and backward theories, built from ignorant interpretations of totally useless and distorted images taken by electron microscopes. Even the images said to be of the ribosome is actually gas bubbles stained with dye from the extremely

FDA Approves Pseudo-Science “Gene Therapies” for “Sickle Cell” in Racism Ritual Read the Full Article »

Article Review: Sleep, Caffeine, and Naps

This article recently caught my eye as sleep is an important subject, and not that often talked about. When writing programs/guides for my clients, I set a side about two pages covering the importance of sleep and how to get your best night’s sleep by following your circadian rhythm, preparing a few hours in advance, and setting up your bedroom for actually sleeping. As for the article in question, it was written by Co-founder

Article Review: Sleep, Caffeine, and Naps Read the Full Article »

Ye, Kanye West, Claims Elon Musk is a Clone, Engineered Like Obama

Ye, aka., Kanye West, continues to throw out small baits of old ‘conspiracy theories’ to lure in the baby truthers to put him on a pedestal as ‘the real deal’ – and many will swallow it, hook, line and sinker. We already know that he is controlled opposition, just an actor playing his part by the script on the world stage. Question is, is there any small fragment of truth in these statements? That

Ye, Kanye West, Claims Elon Musk is a Clone, Engineered Like Obama Read the Full Article »

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