Fiber Is Extremely Damaging And Not Needed in Any Diet — And Keto Transition Explained

Once again, Dr. Axe and his crew exemplifies exactly what controlled opposition is all about, telling you one truth while twisting it into a lie. As you might know, Dr. Axe does promote a ketogenic diet, as in a high fat diet that is void of damaging carbohydrates, which is what humans are made for, i.e., running on a fat metabolism and being in ketosis most of the time.

However, “ketogenic diets” are only a collective label for diets high in fat that allows us to enter ketosis. It does not define what kind of foods to consume, which is the really crucial and important part as animal-based foods are the only source of bioavailable nutrients and also the only foods that are totally free of toxins. 

And while there are many health benefits once you get into ketosis and your body has readapted to run on a fat metabolism, the real health benefits comes from not only eliminating the very damaging carbohydrates, but all possible toxins and other harmful edible matter, as in all plant-based foods. Humans are obligate hyper carnivores, and we can only thrive on a fully carnivorous diet, as in consuming solely animal-based foods. And such a diet, of animal fats and animal proteins, is in its nature ketogenic.

This is the reason why we see bastardized versions of our natural human diet, such as various ketogenic diets or even animal-based diets where charlatans recommend honey or fruit. By incorporating specific plant-based foods, they mitigate a lot of the health benefits while making sure that you continue to harm your body by toxins, effectively reducing your lifespan. And that is where today’s article comes in, as Dr. Axe and his crew recommend extremely damaging fiber on ketogenic diets, while pushing other toxic edibles as if they were a natural staple for people following ketogenic diets. Let’s see what they have to say.

“It’s true that the keto diet food list contains high amounts of healthy fats. Eighty percent of your total daily calories should be coming from foods like olive oil, coconut oil, grass-fed butter, nuts and seeds — but what kind of role does fiber play in the ketogenic diet?”

Olive oil is not a healthy fat, it contains polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids, the kind that goes rancid the second they are separated from the source and get in contact with oxygen and light. It is well established that these unsaturated fats are not needed, nor are they beneficial for human health. And when oxidized, which they always are, they will do great harm to the body — including cellular damage, offsetting the normal ratio between essential fatty acids, depleting our body’s natural antioxidant defenses (uric acid,) and increase lipid peroxidation, forming toxic aldehydes (which are already present in all seed- and vegetable oils.) Only animal fats, as in saturated fats and cholesterol are essential for human health.

Also, nuts and seeds are the most toxic components of any plant, as that is how they reproduce. Not only do these nuts and seeds contain a lot of toxic and oxidized unsaturated fats, they also contain extreme amounts of damaging defense chemicals and antinutrients.

“The answer is that we need fiber on keto. Fiber is essential to normalize our digestive health and support the beneficial bacteria in our guts.”

No, humans are obligate hyper carnivores. Our digestive system is not constructed for fiber or fermentation. Trying to consume foods containing fiber will harm our large intestine and colon.

And again, our gut bacteria will always conform to what we eat, i.e., what the bacteria feed on. The only bacteria that can be unhealthy and cause problems is that of bacteria that feed on fiber, as we are not constructed to break down and ferment plant matter in our large intestine. Simple logic. I’ve covered this many times.

“You may have noticed after beginning the keto diet that your digestion has slowed down. That’s why it’s especially important to consume plenty of fiber on keto in order to avoid digestive issues like constipation.”

If digestion slows down, it is because your body can absorb more nutrients than it did on your previous diet. However, going from a balanced diet to a ketogenic diet requires a transition phase as your body needs to slowly accustom itself to break down and use fats as energy, and to get accustomed to our natural fat metabolism. If you change diets over a day, as many do, you will probably run into a lot of problems, including constipation. However, that is not remedied by consuming something that damages your body. It’s remedied by slowly transitioning between diets during a span of 6, 8 or more weeks.

“Everyone needs to eat enough high-fiber foods in order to support the growth of healthy bacteria in the gut and normalize digestion.”

No, you frikkin’ evil shills, that is criminal advice as it will damage people’s health. We already covered this above. It will promote the growth of bacteria that is fermenting fiber and starches, something that our physiology is not constructed for. The result of this will be gas, bloating, and ultimately a lot of cellular damage to the intestine walls, which can cause the growth of protective tumors, as in colon cancer.

“In order to prevent or improve these keto flu symptoms, and avoid digestive issues like constipation and diarrhea, we need to eat fiber on keto.”

Diarrhea is usually from not being able to break down fat properly, as you previously followed a diet high in carbohydrates and much lower in fats. Your liver and gallbladder need to get accustomed to producing bile salts and the same goes for your pancreas and the production of lipase enzymes. Again, easily solved by doing a transition phase.

And if you can handle the fat, you might instead get constipation as the digestive system is overwhelmed with more available nutrients than on your previous diet, slowing down digestion.

While this usually corrects itself within a few weeks, it is best remedied by a transition phase, slowly conditioning the digestive system.

“Here’s one thing people get confused about when they are counting their net carbs for the day: Your “net carbs” are the amount of carbohydrates that remain once dietary fiber is taken into account. Fiber is indigestible when it’s eaten, so most people don’t count grams of fiber toward their daily carb allotment. Think of it this way: Total carbs – grams of fiber = net carbs.”

There, you said it. Fiber is indigestible. You should not consume things that are indigestible. Will you eat stones and gravel next, or perhaps some plastic?

Seriously though, if you care about your health and longevity and want to be totally free of any “diseases,” it’s not enough to adopt a ketogenic diet. You need to adopt our natural human species-specific carnivorous diet of animal fat and animal protein. And guess what, when only consuming healthy animal-based foods, that also is completely free of any toxins, you do not need to worry about counting “net carbs” or any of that nonsense.

After this, the shills at Dr. Axe lists their “high-fiber keto foods” including fiber supplements, the most retarded thing you could add to a ketogenic diet.

Now, the best way to transition from a toxic “balanced diet” to our healthy natural diet is by slowly going into a typical ketogenic diet and then from there, slowly remove all plant-based edibles until fully carnivore.

Simplified, it could look something like this.

Week 1 to 6: remove carbohydrates from your meals in even steps every week. Begin with your last meal of the day and work towards being fully ketogenic on week 6. Keep all vegetables.

Week 6 to 12: slowly replace all seed/vegetable oils with animal fats while slowly reducing vegetables and fiber each week until fully carnivore on week 12.

If you need help with transitioning from your current way of eating to our natural species-appropriate, species-specific way of eating, I’m available for both coaching and consultation.

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