The pharmaceutical shill website Medical News Today recently posted an article based on a ridiculous review of “existing literature” on the gut microbiome and type 2 diabetes. And this “review” is a perfect example of how incredibly indoctrinated, stupid, and backwards thinking the researchers within the medical- and pharmaceutical field are. To be perfectly honest, most researchers totally lack common sense, logic, and insight into other much more important fields, such as physiology, biology, and microbiology — thus, they might actually be among the most unintelligent, illogical, and useless sheeple on this earth. And add to this that most of them are bought and paid for.
With that truth bomb out of the way, let’s drop another. The gut microbiome, as in bacteria, archaea (single-cell organisms similar to bacteria,) and fungi, will always adjust to what you consume, because the different kinds of bacteria, archaea, and fungi live on different kinds of compounds and waste found in different kinds of food. If you increase one type of food, the bacteria that thrives on the waste from these foods will increase. If you remove a type of food, the bacteria that lived on the waste products of these foods will die off and disappear. The gut microbiome is simply the result of what we consume — and its function is to assist in breaking down nutrients, making them more absorbable, producing some nutrients, and in removing waste products and toxins that these bacteria feed on. And this goes for parasites as well, while not considered a typical part of the gut microbiome, they are still vital for our health and work in harmony with our digestive system.
Also, the gut microbiome produces neurotransmitters and hormones that interact with the central nervous system.

And yes, only an animal-based diet will provide all nutrients that are needed for a healthy gut microbiome while plant-based foods lack many essential nutrients which will not only hurt the body, but the gut microbiome as well (especially the lack of saturated fats, real omega-3, and cholesterol.)

My smart readers will already have figured out the backwards thinking in connecting type 2 diabetes with the gut microbiome. However, let’s humor them and see what MNT has to say.
“Diabetes affects over 38 million people in the United States alone. The vast majority of people who have diabetes have type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes often involves insulin resistance, when cells in the body don’t respond well to the hormone insulin produced by the beta cells in the pancreas.”
Yes, because the cells have been damaged by continually high blood glucose levels for a long time. So, in order to survive and not die from the accumulated damage from toxic exposure, they shut down the receptor and no longer store any glucose. I’ve covered this in many articles about diabetes. Please read them to get up to speed.

“A paper published in Cell Host & Microbe reviewed how the gut microbiome affects the development of type 2 diabetes and its management. Paper authors further suggested how this information could be translated into clinical applications.”
Well, as the gut microbiome is the result of what you eat, this will be interesting. If you consume a lot of carbohydrates, which is the reason for developing type 2 diabetes, the bacteria that live on starch will be dominant. If you cut down or eliminate these carbohydrates, blood glucose will go down and be more stable, helping you with your diabetes, and the starchy bacteria will no longer be dominant and might eventually die off. However, the change in the gut microbiome had no impact on the factors behind diabetes which is blood glucose control — it simply changes in accordance to how your diet looks like.

“Bharat Pothuri, MD, who was not involved in the study, said the evolving understanding of the gut microbiome beyond the context of gastrointestinal health could lead to new avenues for type 2 diabetes intervention. Integrating microbiome-targeted therapies with conventional diabetes management could lead to more effective and holistic patient care, he explained to Medical News Today.”
Mr. Bharat, please put on your dunce cap and stand in the corner, you dimwit. Idiotic “microbiome-targeted therapies,” are not a solution. It’s not even a band-aid. These therapies include useless “probiotic supplements” (to add some strains of bacteria) or antimicrobial agents (to kill some strains of bacteria.)
Again, the bacteria is only there to feed on waste products and toxins within the colon, which just happens to help with releasing some nutrients and actually manufacturing others. That still has nothing to do with type 2 diabetes. You can make a diabetic pop pills with probiotics all day long, you can even stuff him with poop from a “healthy person,” but if he continue with the same diet and the same intake of carbohydrates, nothing will change as all carbohydrates are broken down to glucose, which is the culprit.
Also, if you add bacteria that you think someone is lacking, it will do nothing as that bacteria is simply lacking because that person does not consume the foods that support that bacteria.
Again, the bacteria only breaks down and eliminates stuff. If there’s nothing for the bacteria to feed on, it will only sit around until it starves and die off.

How is the gut microbiome connected to type 2 diabetes?
“Recent research indicates that there are multiple pathways involved in the dysfunction of beta cells and that the gut microbiome can be part of this process. The authors note that this understanding has led to a more complex understanding of diabetes pathophysiology. For example, clinical data suggests that the gut microbiome affects the development of high blood sugar.”
These people are so frikkin’ stupid. This is the perfect example of backwards thinking, of not being able to see and recognize the whole picture, of completely lacking any understanding of basic physiology and biology.
Again, the gut microbiome is the result of your diet, and so is the development of diabetes. Carbohydrates are broken down and processed into glucose in the small intestine, where also most fats and proteins are broken down and absorbed. Whatever is left passes to the colon and to the majority of the gut microbiome. And it is well-established that elevated levels of blood glucose above normal physiological levels as kept by our natural glucose manufacturing process, gluconeogenesis, is damaging and can eventually manifest as diabetes.

So, it does not matter what you do with the gut microbiome. But if you change your diet, if you reduce or eliminate carbohydrates, plant-based foods, and processed foods, your gut microbiome will change to that of your new diet and you will begin to heal and your diabetes will eventually go away. Now, you got better because you changed your diet, not because the gut microbiome changed (which was the result of the new diet.)

This should not be difficult to understand, unless of course, you’re an indoctrinated low-intelligent fool playing researcher and a make-belief scientist employed by the pharmaceutical industry.
Humans now have fewer and less diverse gut bacteria
“The paper notes that many ancestral bacterial species have been lost over the years, leading to problems like metabolic diseases. There has been a decrease in gut microbiome diversity, likely related to medication use and Western lifestyle. The authors hypothesize that this lack of diversity in the gut microbiome is related to the increase in type 2 diabetes.”
Diversity is wrong-think. Again, your gut microbiome is a reflection of what you eat. If you eat according to your species, as in our natural human animal-based diet, which is the only way to get all essential nutrients, your gut microbiome will look totally different from that of a sickly, weak, and malnourished plant-based indoctrinated fool.
Someone who consumes both animal-products and plant-based garbage will have more bacteria and fungi in their microbiome, as unnatural and harmful fermentation processes takes place because of fiber and residues from starches, and that is not a good thing, as the bacteria needed for the plant-based garbage has no functionality of benefits in the human body as we are obligate hyper carnivores.

What really matters are nutrients, and especially essential nutrients, the nutrients that our body cannot manufacture on its own. And again, these are only available in animal-based foods.

Simply put, if you eat according to your species, you will have the perfect gut microbiome for your species. This is true for all animals. And as humans are carnivores, we should follow a carnivorous diet, and thus our gut microbiome will be perfect for our species and needs. It could not be more simple than that.

“Previous research has noted the changes to the gut microbiome in people with type 2 diabetes, such as changes in bacteria proportions and declines in species diversity. Body responses, medications, and the Western diet can affect the gut microbiome. The paper even notes that oral antidiabetic medications can affect gut microbiota.”
Yes, a poor diet with a high toxic load, including drugs and medication, can both increase and decrease certain bacteria, which might interfere with some of the benefits from the gut microbiome, such as extracting some nutrients and manufacturing others. This is especially true among people that for some reason use a lot of bacteria killing agents, such as hand sanitizers, or worse, antibiotics.
Still, while this can impact your overall health and some metabolic processes, it does not impact your glucose levels which are solely the result of your diet, as in consuming carbohydrates.
“The authors emphasize that gut homeostasis is essential, even in people who already have type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance. They point to several studies that link type 2 diabetes with alterations to the gut microbiome.”
Again, any alterations in gut microbiome is due to dietary habits. If you have “insulin resistance” or type 2 diabetes, you need to change your diet. You need to adopt our natural human species-specific carnivorous diet.
“They highlight the role of the gut microbiome in the “egregious eleven,” or the pathways that ultimately lead to beta cell dysfunction. They include information from many studies about how the gut microbiome metabolites likely and ultimately affect many organs in the body, like the pancreas, kidneys, and liver.”
Backwards thinking once again. While there will be some toxic metabolites from an unhealthy and unnatural gut microbiome, as in people consuming plant-based and processed food, and especially a lot of carbohydrates and fiber, the damage to beta cells is mainly caused by elevated levels of blood glucose. This is well-established within physiology and biology.

Again, what you dimwits think is a destructive gut microbiome is simply the result of a destructive diet, and it is the diet that is doing the majority of the damage, not the bacteria and fungi in your colon.
And after this, MNT goes into “therapies” for treating diabetes, which all are complete bollocks. It is obvious that this review was conducted to highlight the new scripted popularity of the “gut microbiome,” assigning it with imaginary properties and pseudo-scientific powers while steering you away from the obvious problem, that of modern plant-based and processed food that is high in carbohydrates — the largest contributor to all “modern diseases.”
It’s the same old script all over again. They’re doing their best to cover up the truth, as the medical field, the pharmaceutical industry, and the food industry are controlled by the same people — and they want you to be weak, sickly, dumbed-down, and dependent on their drugs and services.
If you need help with reversing diabetes, with your general health, nutrition, and/or transitioning from your current way of eating to our natural species-appropriate, species-specific way of eating, I’m available for both coaching and consultation.
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