Today we return to Medical News Today to look at a new study that is a prime example of how researchers has no idea about what they actually found out — or they know very well, and twist it backwards to fit their agenda of keeping people weak, “diseased,” docile, dependent, and most importantly, cutting their real life expectancy in half. And that is where the plant-based agenda fits in, a sneaky and extremely evil way to not only poison and damage people, but also make them malnourished.
According to the study, researchers from Shibaura Institute of Technology in Japan have found that polyphenols in plants activates T2R in the GI tract, which causes the secretion of hormones that may help lower a person’s risk of developing type 2 diabetes and obesity.
If you have any fundamental knowledge of biology, biochemistry, and physiology, you know that every chemical compound from plants is inherently toxic to humans, and by simply knowing this fact, you can likely figure out where this is going, and what actually is happening. Still, let’s humor the pharmaceutical and evil shills at MNT and I’ll break it down along the way.
“Polyphenols are a type of chemical naturally occurring in plant-based foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and nuts and seeds.”
If you say ‘A,’ you should also mention ‘B.’ Polyphenols are not only “chemicals,” they are ‘defense chemicals,’ something that has been studied for hundreds of years within biology, as it is one of several ways in how plants defend themselves from being attacked and eaten, and to withstand environmental stress. Even herbivores get sick and can die if they eat too much of a certain plant and thus get too high concentrations of some of these defense chemicals, as seen with sheep who were fed kale and died of oxalate poisoning. And humans, being obligate hyper carnivores, are much more sensitive to all these thousands of compounds that are present in every single plant-based edible, amounting to incredible stress and damage within the body. There have been several reports of vegans dying from defense chemical and oxalate (antinutrient) poisoning after overconsuming green veggie smoothies.
“There are more than 8,000 types of polyphenols, all of which are antioxidants that have the potential to protect the body’s cells from aging and damage from outside factors like injuries, environmental pollution, smoking, and eating processed foods.”
More than 8.000 different toxins that can damage and potentially kill you! This fact alone should scare the hell out of you! And they do absolutely nothing of what these evil shills claim. Antioxidants is simply another word for defense chemicals. These defense chemicals, or “antioxidants,” protect the plant from environmental stressors, such as oxidative damage. However, humans are obviously not plants as our biochemistry is completely different, and plant-based antioxidants are simply toxins for our physiology. This should not even have to be explained as it is such an extremely basic understanding of biology and physiology.
And this also means that if a “antioxidant” or a “defense chemical” seems to create a certain reaction in the body, it is the result of acute poisoning and our body’s reaction to damage and detoxification. Understanding this makes it quite easy to understand what actually is happening and that it is not a good thing, but rather a very damaging and life reducing reaction.
“Because polyphenols are generally considered to taste bitter, they interact with the bitter taste receptors on the tongue, known as the Type 2 taste receptors (TR2).”
You don’t say? How frikkin’ stupid are you guys? If something tastes bitter, that is our body’s way of telling us not to consume it as it is potentially toxic or even deadly. This is kindergarten-level understanding. And you still believe that they have health benefits after contradicting yourselves? Morons.
“Past studies show that TR2 taste receptors are not only on the tongue, but can also be found in other organs and tissues of the body, including those that make up the gastrointestinal system.”
Yes, that is logical. They are present to release inhibitory signals that reduce gastric motility and secretion, slowing down digestion and absorption of the toxic compound, making you feel nauseous and full, preventing you from eating more. This is well-established within physiology, biology, and biochemistry. And my smart readers should now know where this is going.
“Recently, it has been reported that bitter taste receptors are widely expressed in the digestive tract and are involved in the secretion of incretin, a digestive hormone, and appetite suppression, Naomi Osakabe, Ph.D., professor in the Department of Bioscience and Engineering at the Shibaura Institute of Technology in Japan told Medical News Today.”
Oh, you don’t say! As I explained, the most toxic polyphenols will oversaturate these TR2 receptors in the stomach, signaling that you have consumed too much of a very toxic compound that will do great harm to your body. As a result, hormones are excreted to slow down digestion and make you feel full, or even make you vomit.
“Researchers found that polyphenol-caused activation of T2R in the gastrointestinal tract causes the secretion of hormones that help regulate appetite and blood sugar, including glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1).”
Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) stimulates insulin secretion as a result of being poisoned by consuming toxic carbohydrates, which must be mitigated as blood glucose can raise to dangerous levels. It also regulates appetite and makes you feel full, especially if you consume toxic food such as plant-based foods and carbohydrates. However, it can take anywhere from only a few minutes to 20 minutes before you begin to feel full when eating, depending on how toxic the meal is and how much GLP-1 is being produced. The more toxic the meal, the sooner you will feel full and even lethargic or sleepy afterwards.
This is why we who follow our species-appropriate, natural human carnivorous diet never feel full or stuffed, we only feel satiated, energized and nourished after a meal. Because all animal-based foods are completely free of toxins and they contain every nutrient we need in fully bioavailable format.
Polyphenols and diabetes risk
“Despite their poor absorption, there are reports that polyphenols improve glucose tolerance, Osakabe said in a press release. We are investigating the relationship between polyphenol intake and the risk of type 2 diabetes, as the mechanism of this beneficial effect is still unknown.”
The mechanism is not unknown, it’s well documented within the real sciences. You’re simply to stupid and brainwashed to know where to look, or how to put one and two together. It’s embarrassing that dimwits like these get funding for research.
To put it simply, as a summary from what I wrote above, these polyphenols are extremely toxic and your digestive system reacts by slowing down digestion and releasing hormones that aid in metabolizing and neutralizing these toxins and to reduce the chance that they get into the bloodstream where they can do even more harm and damage. One of these hormones is GLP-1 which also has other effects, such as improving glucose metabolism by enhancing insulin secretion.
While this may seem like a good thing for those with diabetes, obesity and high blood glucose levels, it’s yet another backwards and very damaging approach. You should not poison yourself and inflict damage on your body only to get a slightly improved appetite control and glucose metabolism. That is full-blown retarded backwards thinking. You should always address the real problem, which in this case is the idiotic ingestion of carbohydrates, something that is not meant for human consumption.
Potential to replace current GLP-1 drugs
“Osakabe said that it is important for researchers to continue to find new ways to regulate blood sugar levels and appetite to help combat conditions like type 2 diabetes and obesity because medications currently used to treat diabetes many times have side effects, and there are no drugs that can be used preventively by the general population.”
No, there is no kind of medication, remedy, or magic pill that can help or even cure diabetes or obesity, as it is a result of ingesting carbohydrates, processed plant-based foods and seed/vegetable oils. You can only reverse it by removing the culprit, mainly the carbohydrates, from the diet. It is extremely simple, logical, and easy. Still, the pharmaceutical industry can not make money by educating people about our true human and species-specific diet. It is much more lucrative to sell “hope” in the form of a pill, injection or other retarded procedures. Something that can make the symptoms of a desperately damaged body more manageable while they speed on, just as ignorant and damaged, towards their grave.
And again, it fits with their agenda of control and making sure we die shortly after we reach our age of retirement. Again, humans, if following our species-appropriate diet, are meant to live healthy for 120 to 150 years. Anything shorter than that is the result of a harmful and toxic diet, something they have been conditioning the masses with for hundreds of years. Evil, but also very clever.
And after this, MNT goes into the possibility of “managing” diabetes and blood glucose levels by increasing food that are high in these toxic and deadly polyphenols. I should not even need to comment on how incredibly stupid that is. It is even worse than taking a pill with some polyphenols, as you get all the other thousands and thousands of antinutrients and defense chemicals if you consume a variety of plant-based “foods,” especially those who are known to be high in polyphenols or “antioxidants,” as in the most toxic of all plants. That will really put you in an early grave. Frikkin’ evil scumbags!
For everything you need to know about our natural and proper human diet, please visit my nutrition archives. And if you need more help or personal guidance, do not hesitate to contact me for coaching or consulting sessions.
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