One of the worst and possible most evil ways to manipulate weak-minded and gullible people, is to maim them for life through surgical procedures, such as bariatric surgery, or “weight-loss surgery” to reduce the size of the stomach in order to limit the amount of food someone can eat in a day. Anyone with an ounce of intelligence should be able to figure out that such an approach is a very, very bad idea. And we’ll get to all the reasons why in a bit. But first, let’s see what the medical-, pharmaceutical-, and government shills at Medical News Today have to say about this procedure and an extremely retarded study on kidney health.
“For people with obesity and chronic kidney disease, bariatric surgery is significantly more closely associated with a decrease in the progression of kidney disease than treatment with GLP-1 drugs for diabetes. This is the finding of a new study from the Cleveland Clinic.”
First, obesity is a symptom of overeating and a high exposure to toxins, as your body stores both energy and toxins in your fat cells (adipose tissue,) and the accumulation of toxins can force your body to create more fat cells, increasing its storage capacity. I covered this in my article, “What Makes You Fat?”

As for diabetes, it’s the result of the same underlying problem, that of high levels of blood glucose from overconsuming carbohydrates while the cardiovascular system and all soft tissues and other cells take severe damage from both blood glucose levels and from the high toxic load.

And as for kidney disease, guess what? Yes, the same underlying factors! Imagine that! It’s almost like these invented and named “diseases” that seem to be linked together all come from the same abuse of the body. Oh, wait, that is how it works! Although the retarded medical science will blame a man-made disease for another man-made disease. Ridiculous.

In other words, kidney damage is the result of prolonged elevated levels of blood glucose that damage the kidney’s filtering units (nephrons,) and due to damage from toxins, especially defense chemicals and antinutrients as found in all plant-based foods.
“In the study, individuals treated with bariatric surgery had a 60% lower risk of the progression of kidney impairment, and a 44% lower risk of kidney failure or death.”
Of course they did. If you reduce the size of their stomach, they can’t eat as much. That simply means less carbohydrates and thus less blood glucose, and of course, also less toxins from plant-based and processed food. Less blood glucose above normal levels and less toxins equals less damage, not only to the kidneys, but to the entire body. Even a little child would understand this simple logic, but let’s see if MNT even mentions it…
“Chronic kidney disease is a known major cause of further health problems and death in people with obesity and type 2 diabetes.”
Well, if you overeat on carbohydrates and toxic crap, you will get obese. If you continue, the accumulated damage to your cardiovascular system and all the cells that have been forced to store unnatural amounts of glycogen will start to shut down in order not to die, so then you develop what is labeled as “type 2 diabetes.” If you still continue with the same insane dietary approach, all the accumulated damage will eventually overwhelm your organs and you will experience kidney and/or liver damage/disease.
“Bariatric surgery, one common type of which is gastric sleeve surgery, reduces the size of the stomach by about 80% through the removal of sections of the organ.”
It should be called ‘Barbaric surgery,” because that is what it is. Pure insanity. Madness.
“This has the effect of reducing the amount of food it takes for a person to feel full, and also results in metabolic changes that reduce their sense of hunger in the first place.”
Let’s begin with the surgery. Any kind of surgery, or unnatural intervention to the body, will cause trauma and a chronic healing response (inflammation,) as the body will try to repair what some retarded surgeon cut into and altered or removed. Also, this unnatural manipulation and disruption of normal tissue will lead to micro-tears and damage to blood vessels, nerves, and other structures, which also triggers a prolonged or even chronic healing response as tissue function can be altered.

So, while your body will be stressed and under a constant healing response, it’s only one problem of many.
While the idiotic idea is to reduce the amount of food a person can eat during a day, what implications might this have considering how bad their diet has to be to even be considered for such a surgery? Do these charlatans at all understand what a body needs to function and to survive long-term? Yes, essential nutrients, nutrients only found in animal-based foods.

So, what do you think will happen to a person who only consumes processed plant-based high-carbohydrate fast food and the occasional processed meat? Yes, nutrient deficiencies!
Just imagine only being able to fill your stomach to 20% of normal. Even if you get coaching from a “dietician” or “nutritionist,” who knows absolutely nothing about nutrition and surely will recommend a lot of toxic and nutritionless plant-based foods, you will become severely malnourished within a year, or even within months.

While you will lose weight, reduce your toxic load, and perhaps remove some current health problems that stemmed from these culprits, you will encounter a lot of new health problems instead. And nutrient deficiencies are extremely dangerous, as it is the same thing as extreme starvation. Your body will consume itself in order to keep all the necessary metabolic processes running. Well, at least until it can’t sustain itself no longer, and then you will really experience organ failure!
Also keep in mind that these barbaric surgeries are non reversible. You are forced to consume tiny amounts of food for the rest of your life. Even if you adopt our natural human diet and go fully carnivore, it will be difficult to get all the nutrients on a daily basis to really thrive and flourish. You’d have to focus on organ meats like liver, heart, brain and pure animal fat, as in tallow and butter every single day of your life.
“Both of these changes help resolve obesity, which is implicated in both kidney disease and diabetes.”
No, you frikkin’ morons. Obesity is not implicated in both kidney disease and diabetes. Correlation does not imply causation — and especially not between man-made diseases based on different symptoms. None of these “diseases” exist. They are labels on observable symptoms, and the symptoms are manifestations from your body struggling to heal and detoxify. Again, the cause of these health problems are a high toxic load and the overconsumption of macronutrients, especially carbohydrates and seed/vegetable oils that are extremely toxic to humans.

How obesity and diabetes affect the kidneys
“Obesity is a condition that places an amount of stress on all the body’s organs. It also increases the risk of type 2 diabetes.”
No, it’s the toxic load and the chronically high levels of blood sugar that causes both obesity and type 2 diabetes, while damaging the organs. Obesity in itself does nothing of the sort. The only thing obesity does is put unnatural weight and stress on your body, skeletal structure and joints.

“Mir Ali, MD, a board-certified bariatric surgeon and medical director of MemorialCare Surgical Weight Loss Center, who was not involved in the study, explained for Medical News Today that, additionally, type 2 diabetes — especially when blood sugar control is poor — can also negatively affect kidney health.
However, he noted, this doesn’t mean that if you have diabetes, you’re definitely going to get chronic kidney disease, and you can also get chronic kidney disease without diabetes. There are some other conditions that can lead to that — some of it is hereditary, congenital issues.”
Well, I think we all can at least agree that Mir Ali is a certified idiot. When blood sugar control is poor, it’s due to prolonged exposure to high levels of blood glucose and all the accumulated damage. The only way to heal and reverse this is to cut out the thing that causes the damage — the carbohydrates and seed/vegetable oils.
And yes, you can still get kidney disease from a very high toxic load, or from prolonged but only slightly elevated blood glucose levels in combination with a high toxic load, as seen in those who are more physically active, but still follows a retarded plant-centric diet with a lot of carbohydrates and thus toxins.
And there is no such thing as “hereditary” diseases or health problems. Nature does not put us at such a disadvantage. We covered this in yesterday’s article “Humans Are Shaped By The Environment And How We React And Learn From Our Experiences.”
Any health problems in a newborn or a small child is from the mother having nutrient deficiencies during her pregnancy and not feeding the baby properly, as in breast feeding and only serving animal-based food.
Is weight-loss surgery a first-choice treatment for kidney disease?
“Raj Dasgupta, MD, FACP, FCCP, chief medical advisor for Fortune Recommends Health, was also not involved in the study, noted that bariatric surgery isn’t usually the first choice for people with obesity and kidney disease, but it’s becoming more common for those with severe obesity, especially if they also have diabetes.”
Another certified idiot. This is getting tiresome, but it shows how extremely clueless the medical “health care” system is. They know absolutely nothing about human physiology or biology. It’s all about making money and keeping people as sick and dependent as possible, at least until retirement age, then they are killed off before they become a burden to the system.
Again, all these made-up diseases are remedied by fixing the diet and lowering the toxic load.
“Ali pointed out that as far as insurance companies go, there are qualifying requirements to get coverage for surgery.
Currently, a person must have a body mass index (BMI) of between 35 and 40 and have no other medical conditions to qualify for coverage in the United States.
Now, there’s a lot of published data that this can be 5 [BMI] points lower. But unfortunately, even though that data has been out for some time now, the insurance companies have not adopted that criteria, Ali told us.”
So, now they’re trying to lower the criteria by 5 BMI points. You are considered “obese” with a BMI of 30. The prevalence of obesity among U.S. adults 20 and over was 41.9% during 2017 and 2020. So, it’s rapidly approaching 50%! Of these, 9.2% were considered severely obese (a BMI of 40 or higher.)
In other words, if they lower the requirements, just about anyone considered obese and with serious health problems can be deceived by their doctor to get this barbaric surgery. As of 2024, 70 million people, or about 20% of the population in the U.S., has a BMI above 35.

“He added that GLP-1 treatments do not produce the helpful metabolic changes that a gastric sleeve does.
Still, Dasgupta pointed out that GLP-1 drugs “can still help control diabetes and weight, which benefits the kidneys, without the need for an operation.”
Again, change the diet and heal. You cannot use drugs as a band-aid, especially not if you continue to poison your body with the same toxic diet. It will only slow down the outcome by a little bit. But that is how modern “health care” works. Making sure they can profit from you until the day you become a burden.
What metabolic changes does bariatric surgery cause?
“Certain hormones are produced in the stomach, and when we do a gastric sleeve, we’re removing a lot of those cells that produce hormones which are producing the sensation of hunger. One hormone that I can give an example of is a hormone called ghrelin, and ghrelin stimulates hunger. So when somebody diets, their ghrelin levels go up, and they feel hungrier. When they have the surgery, their ghrelin levels go way down. They don’t feel hungry, and when they do feel hungry, it takes a lot less food to satisfy that hunger.”
Again, barbaric. Idiotic!
“During a bypass, surgeons reroute the patient’s digestion around areas that stimulate such hormones, changing the individual’s metabolism.
These changes improve overall health and protect the kidneys by controlling diabetes and other factors that can damage them, Dasgupta said.”
This evil bastard needs to be put in jail for life. Nothing about this improves someone’s health! Are you frikkin’ retarded?
The only thing you do is limit what the person can eat in a day while suppressing “hunger hormones.” And again, that is extremely dangerous unless that person’s diet is fully carnivore, as we are supposed to eat as a species. And since most people have been deceived and programmed to believe that plant-based food is good for them, you have destroyed this person’s life, and likely killed him/her too, as he/she will become rapidly malnourished, which will lead to hormone imbalances, lack of energy, mental illness, and ultimately organ failure.
And again, diabetes does not damage the kidneys as it’s a label for several symptoms. Tell it like it is! High blood glucose, which is the main “symptom” of diabetes, is what is damaging the kidneys. Again, remove the thing that causes high blood glucose, as in carbohydrates, and voila.
And that sums it up for today. Another perfect example of how twisted, inverted, and evil the medical “health care” system is. And the people behind it are either extremely unintelligent and brainwashed, or fully aware of the truth, but so inherently evil that they do not care, they just follow the agenda and the money from their superiors.
The only surgery you should ever consider is life-saving or corrective surgery after an accident.
If you need help with any kind of health problems or transitioning from your current way of eating to our natural species-appropriate, species-specific way of eating, I’m available for both coaching and consultation.
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