Today we return to the old copycats of the supplement-driven Iron Magazine and what seems to be an anonymous article on hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring biopolymer with diverse functions in the body, including wound repair, cell signaling, and hydration and lubrication of various tissues. Perhaps Matt Weik was too afraid to put his name on the top of this one, as he’s clueless about biochemistry and physiology (and pretty much anything nutrition- and health-related, for that matter.) Or perhaps they simply stole the article as they did in the old days (1996–2002) when my crew was running IronMag Online and they tried to copy us every step of the way.
Anyway, let’s see what they have to say about this natural compound.
“Hyaluronic acid is a trending supplement that has many benefits you can experience through its use. Many women (and men) are using it to improve their skin health.”
Never take a supplement unless it’s naturally derived from an animal. Any chemically produced supplement is not even close to the chemical bioavailable structure of what your body will produce on its own or assimilate and store from compatible sources, such as animal-based foods.
Within the backwards and corrupted supplement industry, hyaluronic acid (HA) is produced either by a genetically modified bacillus subtilis bacteria culture yielding hyalurons or by chemical synthesis involving the introduction of protein-based cross-links, free-radical scavenging molecules (such as sorbitol,) and minimal stabilization of HA chains through chemical agents like NASHA (non-animal stabilized hyaluronic acid.)
None of these methods will yield anything like the hyaluronic acid the body produces naturally from the process involving the enzyme hyaluronan synthase (HAS) and the monomers UDP-glucuronic acid and UDP-N-acetylglucosamine. This process breaks down various damaged cell types, primarily fibroblasts, chondrocytes, synoviocytes, and epithelial cells, producing hyaluronic acid. So, the production of hyaluronic acid is a natural function of autophagy, your body’s recycling system of damaged cells. And this is why prolonged fasting, especially dry fasting, which increases the activity of autophagy after about 16 to 36 hours, seems to have a very dramatic impact on improving skin health, as the production of hyaluronic acid is increased way beyond natural levels du to the increase in autophagy.

Now, the main problem with supplemental HA is that it cannot be fully metabolized, leading to accumulation in the bloodstream and various tissues, which will cause damage. This damage includes, and is not limited to, skin issues, such as acne, rosacea, and skin thickening, joint pain, respiratory problems, and cardiovascular complications, including atherosclerosis and hypertension.

As I said, never take supplements as they are simply an attempt to mimic something found in nature or in the body by chemically breaking down other toxic compounds by using toxic compounds. In other words, you will never get an exact copy of what is naturally found in our tissues, the way our body has metabolized and stored it. The only way to acquire any kind of nutrient or beneficial compound is by getting it in the same form, as from animal-based foods or by getting the nutrients needed for our body to manufacture it on its own, as in the case with hyaluronic acid.
“But did you know that a key ingredient in your body’s natural moisturizing system starts to vanish as early as age 20? Hyaluronic acid is a powerhouse molecule that does more than just give your skin a dewy glow.”
No, it does no such thing if you are a healthy human limiting your toxic exposure and following our natural animal-based diet. This should be obvious as the production of hyaluronic acid is essential for the human body. And considering that we in ideal conditions and following our species-appropriate carnivore diet are expected to live for 120 to 150 years, a reduction of an essential compound in our twenties is absurd. Only a complete idiot would not question this. So, I guess it’s Matt Weik after all who wrote this piece of garbage.

The main reason for a decline in the natural production of hyaluronic acid is accumulated damage to your body and its current milieu, as in its terrain. The main factor, as in almost all cases of dysfunction, is that of elevated blood glucose from consuming carbohydrates. We already know that carbohydrates, as in elevating our blood glucose by unnatural means, accelerates aging more than anything else, and this is one of the reasons — the reduction of hyaluronic acid.

This is also why we see this extremely unnatural decline of hyaluronic acid in younger people, as most people has been deceived and programmed to consume toxic plant-based crap and processed food high in carbohydrates and low in essential animal fats, such as saturated fats and cholesterol, which are required for tissue healing and detoxification.
“This remarkable substance, found naturally in your body, can hold an astounding 1,000 times its weight in water. It plays a crucial role in keeping your joints healthy, acting like a built-in shock absorber.
But here’s the catch: as you age, your body’s hyaluronic acid levels start to drop. By the time you hit your fifties, you’ve lost about half of what you had in your youth. This decline can affect both your skin’s appearance and your joint health. That’s where hyaluronic acid supplements come into play.”
Again, no. It should not have dropped when you reach your 50’s. A drop at this young age is due to your toxic diet and the damage you inflict on yourself. If you would follow our natural human carnivore diet, this would not happen. Only by wear and tear would the production slowly decline as you get older, as in approaching 100-years old and beyond.
And this is why everyone on a carnivore diet looks younger than they are supposed to look by today’s modern society standards, and why vegans look like rotting zombies at least twice their age. It’s not complicated or hard to understand. It’s simple biology, physiology and biochemistry.

What is Hyaluronic Acid?
“Hyaluronic acid plays an important role in the human body, occurring naturally in the skin, eyes, connective tissues, and joints. This remarkable substance attracts and binds water, promoting elastin and collagen synthesis while protecting skin from free radicals. These properties contribute to a youthful appearance and overall tissue health.
As the body ages, hyaluronic acid production declines, leading to visible signs of aging, like wrinkles and reduced skin elasticity. To avoid these effects, hyaluronic acid can be introduced through various methods.”
Yes, but the main reason for its decline and making people look older is due to their toxic milieu from a very bad and lacking diet. Again, we should not see a natural decline as early as at 50-years-old, more like 90- to 100-years old. A decline before that is due to your lifestyle, due to your diet.
And introducing hyaluronic acid through various methods (supplements or injections,) as we already covered, is not a good or healthy idea. Fix your diet instead and let your body heal, and the production of hyaluronic acid will return to normal, countering some of the damage you have done and will at least slow down the aging process to normal again.
And that was about it for this article, as they continued with the ‘health benefits’ of hyaluronic acid, which I already covered. And you will only get some of them temporarily with a supplement, as in what the body can actually absorb and use. However, as it’s not fully metabolized, it will begin to accumulate and cause the damage it was supposed to reverse. So, if you supplement for a long time, as most people surely will do, you will get the exact opposite effect instead. Not a funny scenario, is it?
Again, never try to fix a problem by adding to it. Fix it by removing what is causing it, as in a toxic carbohydrate-ridden diet.
So, the only way to normalize and even boost the production of hyaluronic acid is by getting plenty of animal-based foods, preferably following our natural carnivore diet, which will also reduce the toxic load to zero.

And once you have achieved a high-nutritional status and you’ve seen some improvements, you can do some prolonged fasting for at least 72 hours to increase autophagy and thus the production of hyaluronic acid. This is very effective in reversing skin disorders and premature aging.

And keep in mind that any kind of plant-based “food” (edible) contains anywhere from 20 to 200 different toxins that damage our cells and tissues, while also interfering with our hormones and enzymatic processes. Also, these foods tend to contain carbohydrates, the main factor for reducing hyaluronic acid and speeding-up the aging process (and causing cardiovascular and soft tissue damage.) All edibles from the plant-kingdom should be avoided for maximum health and a long lifespan.

In other words, while a “ketogenic diet” rich in animal-based foods will help a lot, a fully carnivore diet totally void of any plant garbage is far superior and also our only natural species-appropriate diet that all of us should be following.
And yes, now I noticed, when I got to the end of their article, that it was indeed Matt Weik who was the author. This poor man can’t get anything right.

If you need help with transitioning from your current way of eating to our natural species-appropriate, species-specific way of eating, I’m available for both coaching and consultation.
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