Terpenoids Are Highly Toxic Plant Defense Chemicals

Here we go again, the shill and government disinformation agent Dr. Joseph Mercola, posing as a ‘free thinker,’ ‘truther’ and medical-rebel, is back with more lies and propaganda about plants and their extremely toxic chemical compounds. Although I’ve covered many defense chemicals (phytonutrients/phytochemicals) and antinutrients in previous articles, I haven’t really touched specifically on terpenoids until now.

So, let’s see how Mercola twists, lies, and bullshit you this time. And a fair warning, I might be a bit harsh this time, but it’s more than warranted, I promise.

And with that said, if you’re easily offended — well, then you actually have come to the right place! However, you are in desperate need of fixing your hormones and get your nutrition in order, as cry-babies and weak people are not a natural trait within the human race and such NPCs would never make it in nature.
Start here and educate yourself: https://bartoll.se/nutrition-quickstart/
Once you’re ready, continue below. As for everyone else, please carry on.

Traditional medical practitioners have known for millennia that plants have the power to prevent, treat or otherwise improve a number of medical conditions. Plants contain bioactive phytochemicals, such as tocopherols, polyphenols and ascorbic acid, which perform important functions in both plants and humans.”

Mercola, are you really this retarded? Seriously? If you suffer from an ailment, as in symptoms, which are the manifestation of the healing process, and you take something and immediately you are relived of said symptom, that means that you slowed down or even stopped the healing process. That is only possible by ingesting a poison, something that is so toxic that the body has to change it priorities and focus on neutralizing that poison immediately to avoid critical damage to cells. And that is why you feel better as the healing symptoms you were suffering from are temporarily put on a halt while you also experience an increase in hormones, especially adrenaline/epinephrine, due to a ‘fight or flight’ response as your body is battling a new immediate threat. I’ve explained this many times. And this phenomenon is also what started the inverted “natural medicine” with toxic herbs and remedies thousands of years ago. They simply did not understand human physiology and the response to toxic compounds. Unfortunately, this continued through the ages and are now also a part of the backwards-thinking modern medicine where you use drugs to suppress symptoms instead of fixing the real problem.

Phytochemicals, or “phytonutrients” are simply a plant’s defense chemicals against herbivores, insects, fungi, and other organisms that try to eat the plant. Plants do not want to be eaten, they only want herbivores to swallow their fruits and poop out the seeds unharmed. Now, these chemicals are extremely toxic and make up the greater part of every single plant, no matter if it’s wild or man-made through cross-breeding (as every single vegetable and fruit found today.)

Terpenoids (aka isoprenoids) are another beneficial phytochemical — one that many people haven’t heard of before. Out of the seemingly countless compounds in plants, terpenoids represent the largest and most diverse class of beneficial chemicals. More than 40,000 individual terpenoids exist, and new ones are discovered every year.”

Do you understand what you actually said? Yes, they are ‘phytochemicals’ as in ‘defense chemicals,’ which means that they are part of a plant’s defense against being eaten. How could defense chemicals, in anyone’s imagination, be seen as beneficial to consume? You have to be a full-blown retard to suggest such a thing.
And even worse, you say that more than 40,000 identified terpenoids exists and more are being identified. That is more than 40,000 toxic and potentially deadly compounds among all the other thousands of defense chemicals and antinutrients found in plants such as vegetables, nuts, seeds, grains, and fruit. Do you see how extremely unhealthy plants such as vegetables are? More than 40,000 different poisons! Wake up you idiot!

Plants use terpenoid metabolites to support basic functions like growth, repair and development. However, according to research published in Advances in Biochemical Engineering and Biotechnology, they use the majority of terpenoids for more specialized chemical interactions and protection.”

There, you idiot, you said it yourself! They use the ‘majority’ of them for ‘protection!’ Actually, all of them are used for protection is some capacity, as they also interact with each other and have many different approaches to deter those trying to eat them.
What is so hard to understand about toxic compounds used as a protection against being eaten? Do you really think that consuming such compounds, that are produced to actually deter you from that action by poisoning you, is a good idea? Are you really that stupid, or is this part of the extremely evil act as a shill, as a government disinformation agent – to hurt and maim your readers and followers? The strategy seen in the government-sponsored vegan movement and among evil charlatans pushing herbs and remedies.

Among humans, terpenoids have long been valued for medicinal purposes in traditional Indian and Chinese medicines, and they’ve also been used for food, pharmaceutical and chemical purposes. The cancer drug Taxol and the antimalarial drug artemisinin are both terpenoid-based drugs, but the plant compounds are perhaps most well-known for being the main constituents of the essential oils in many plants.”

I already explained this. These compounds are so toxic that they interfere with every natural healing process that is currently going on in your body, taking priority. And many of them are designed to actually attack and dissolve your cells (as with saponins,) while other defense chemicals bind to microtubules in the cell, preventing growth and ultimately leading to cell death, which is why they are used in extremely dangerous and idiotic “cancer drugs” such as Taxol, also known as paclitaxel.

Also, there are no ‘essential’ oils in plants you moron. There is no evidence in any literature that humans need or should even consume any kind of oil from plants, such as unsaturated fatty acids. Actually, these are extremely unstable as they go rancid the moment they get exposed to light, oxygen, and heat, and thus becomes even more toxic. Humans should only consume animal fats, as in saturated fats and cholesterol.
And as for terpenoids in plant oils, we have for example turpentine. Go on and ingest that you fool.

Because they’re responsible for the wide variety of plant flavors and aromas — from flowery and fruity notes to woody undertones — they’re a sought-after commodity in the flavor and fragrance industries.”

Fragrance industries, one of the most toxic industries in existence. Perfumes and fragrances are extremely toxic. Never ever use such vile products! And these properties, as in flavors and fragrances, are part of the plants defense system. Terpenoids can act as chemo-attractants, which can help to attract predators that feed on the herbivores that try to eat the plant. In other words, carnivorous animals are attracted to the scent of the plant where they will find their prey. Additionally, terpenoids have many toxic properties, as in ‘flavors,’ that can help to deter herbivores from feeding on the plant by poisoning them. Again, terpenoids are part of the plant’s defense system, they are all extremely toxic. What is so hard to understand?

After this, Mercola cites inverted pseudo-science where he either believes or lies about the possible effects on different diseases. Again, I’ve explained these “effects” in many articles. Anything labelled as “anti-inflammatory” is a very potent and dangerous poison. Inflammation is the bodily response to healing. Whenever some tissue is healing, there will be inflammation as damaged cells are being broken down and discharged by bacteria while more fluids and nutrients are localized to assist in the process (swelling.) Anything that lowers inflammation thus lowers the healing process. Anti-inflammatory is simply the same thing as anti-healing – a very bad thing!

If you’re healing and/or detoxing and are experiencing inflammation, it will slowly subside as the healing process progresses. This can take days or even weeks. But once healed or detoxified, inflammation will disappear on its own as the process has naturally reached its end. However, if you take something and inflammation decreases within an hour or so, it’s a clear sign that you interfered and slowed down your healing process. And if you repeatedly do this, using drugs, herbs, remedies or other chemicals to lower inflammation, more damage will be done and more toxins will accumulate which will have really detrimental effects on your health in the long run, such as cardiovascular diseases, tumors, and organ failure. This is not hard to understand. Always let your healing run its course. Only assist the body by keeping it nourished by consuming natural animal-based foods, taking it easy if exhausted, and perhaps do some fasting if you can and feel up to it to accelerate the healing and detoxification processes.

Mercola then lists some “foods” that contains a lot of terpenoids, as in toxic edibles that might be considered only in severe starvation situations, if even that.

Among these we see lemons, oranges, grapefruit, caraway, bergamot, peppermint, spearmint, dill, tomatoes, carrots, spinach, pumpkin, broccoli, papaya, cherries, cabbage, watermelon, lettuce, mangoes, strawberries, figs, peas, sprouts, greens, thyme, coriander seed oil, mushrooms, chamomile, and black seed oil.

Pretty much some of the most toxic crap that exists and should never be touched by a human. The least toxic among these, that might work as a boost when starving or to give you some electrolytes are wild and naturally occurring Citrullus fruits – and the closest to these are today’s man-made and genetically engineered grapefruit, oranges, and watermelon.

Then Mercola goes on about ‘Thymoquinone’ a defense chemical extracted from seeds, such as black cumin. He once again does not understand, or disclose, what ‘anti-inflammatory’ actually means, as he claims it’s potent against inflammation and cancer. Sure, Thymoquinone is similar to saponins, a detergent, as it induces apoptosis in those consuming it, as in cell death! Sure, you might kill some “cancer cells” with it, but it will kill a lot of other cells to. Any cell it comes in contact with. Frikkin’ moron!

Please, for the sake of your health, and even more so if you have children, stay as far away from plants, nuts, seeds, grains, vegetables, oils, and processed food as you can, and never ever use drugs, remedies, or plant-extracts to “promote health” or to lower inflammation. That is the most damaging thing you can do!

If you need help navigating this jungle, or if you need help with health issues or transitioning to our real natural and species-specific diet, I’m available for both coaching and/or very in-depth consulting sessions.

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