
Terpenoids Are Highly Toxic Plant Defense Chemicals

Here we go again, the shill and government disinformation agent Dr. Joseph Mercola, posing as a ‘free thinker,’ ‘truther’ and medical-rebel, is back with more lies and propaganda about plants and their extremely toxic chemical compounds. Although I’ve covered many defense chemicals (phytonutrients/phytochemicals) and antinutrients in previous articles, I haven’t really touched specifically on terpenoids until now. So, let’s see how Mercola twists, lies, and bullshit you this time. And a fair warning, I […]

Terpenoids Are Highly Toxic Plant Defense Chemicals Read the Full Article »

Shills be Shillin’: Herbal Medicine and the Plant-Based Psy-Op

Recently I’ve seen a few “truthers,” that previously have delivered pretty correct information regarding the pseudo-science of the germ theory, as in the falsehood of pathogens, viruses, and contagion now post and pushing for plants and ‘herbal medicine.’ One of the posts said something like this: “If eating plants causes disease, how did herbal medicine ever get off the ground and remain a primary form of medicine for thousands of years?” I have covered

Shills be Shillin’: Herbal Medicine and the Plant-Based Psy-Op Read the Full Article »

World Stage: Cannabis Stocks Surged on March 15 (and the CBD Scam)

The only reason I cover this is because some baby troofers think that cannabis is good for you, especially the extract CBD, and can help with ailments and diseases, which of course is total bullocks. It’s a plant, which means it’s extremely toxic, especially any extracts like CBD which means you get even more of it than you naturally could have.Anything toxic that is introduced to our system is an immediate threat to our

World Stage: Cannabis Stocks Surged on March 15 (and the CBD Scam) Read the Full Article »

Coughing for Weeks? Healthline Still Clueless

The website ‘healthline,’ as in a direct line to destroy your health, recently posted an article called “Why Am I Still Coughing Weeks After Getting Over a Cold?” Well, the short and simple answer is that, if you are still experiencing symptoms after several weeks, you are still healing from whatever ails you. And if the symptoms linger for weeks, you are not assisting your body, but working against it, likely by eating shitty

Coughing for Weeks? Healthline Still Clueless Read the Full Article »

Reminder! Herbs, Natural Remedies, Drugs and The Disease Scam

I still see the cognitive dissonance among “truth seekers,” who use different herbs, colloidal silver, or even the extremely toxic Ivermectin, as soon as they experience symptoms of “illness” or “disease,” so this very important topic needs to be addressed once again. While I did cover this subject in my “Loss of Taste, Smell, Appetite, and Vomiting – All Natural Symptoms of Healing — And Why You Cannot Cure a Disease,” “More on Disease

Reminder! Herbs, Natural Remedies, Drugs and The Disease Scam Read the Full Article »

What to do When Your Body go Through a Detoxification Cycle

Today we return to the Big-Pharma shill-website know as ‘Healthline,’ and a recent article they posted called, “12 Tips for a Speedy Flu Recovery.”As for this article, this subject is too important to hold anything back, so be prepared for some tough love. After the extremely obvious staged Covid-19 psy-op and ritual, more people should be questioning all the bullshit they’ve been spoon-fed throughout their lives, especially everything concerning the made-up “science” of Virology

What to do When Your Body go Through a Detoxification Cycle Read the Full Article »

Still Got it Backwards: The Truth About Vitamin Drips and IV Therapy

Today we return to T-Nation and an interesting article about receiving micronutrients and “anti-oxidative” agents intravenously (IV.) While the author, Cy Wilson, like 99.9% of all fitness- and health-writers are indoctrinated slaves and get most things backwards, this is a really interesting and important subject – and if you’re familiar with how our physiology actually works, you likely already know where this is going. And yes, I too was a slave trapped in this

Still Got it Backwards: The Truth About Vitamin Drips and IV Therapy Read the Full Article »

Baby Truthers are Butthurt over Buttar and Other Shills

Most truthers with some kind of discernment and skill in pattern recognition called out the staged and alleged death of Rashid Buttar and him being controlled opposition and a lying bastard. Still, many gullible baby truthers with zero discernment tried to defend him and the other disinformation agents in the collaboration-group known as the ‘disinformation dozen’ that he was a part of. Note: the ‘disinformation dozen’ is what the media calls them, it’s not

Baby Truthers are Butthurt over Buttar and Other Shills Read the Full Article »

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