Herbs Will Reduce/Stop The Healing Process — And More About Inflammation

Healthline continues their crusade against optimal health and humanity with their latest article about toxic and damaging herbs that a lot of people have been deceived into using in “alternative” or “natural” medicine and in their own concoctions to alleviate symptoms, the manifestation of healing and detoxing processes.

I’ve already covered these subjects in-depth in my articles, “More on Disease and Healing – And Why Most Medicines and Natural Remedies are Worthless,” “All Herbal Supplements (And Remedies) Are Extremely Toxic,” “Reminder! Herbs, Natural Remedies, Drugs and The Disease Scam,” and “Shills be Shillin’: Herbal Medicine and the Plant-Based Psy-Op.”

Still, as the scam continues and I still see a lot of alleged “truthers” pushing these extremely damaging remedies, I guess I have to write about it again. So, let’s see what the evil pharmaceutical- and government shills at Healthline have to say this time. And I’ll counter them with common sense and real science from the acknowledged fields of physiology, biology, and biochemistry.

“Inflammation is the body’s natural response to injury or infection. It often causes localized swelling, pain, or heat and may cause a loss of function in the involved tissues. Inflammation can also affect the systems and organs within the body.”

I’m impressed, you almost got that right. Yes, inflammation is a natural response. Please read that again with emphasis on ‘natural.’ 

Inflammation is simply a man-made name/term for experiencing several symptoms that might manifest when your body is healing and/or detoxifying damaged tissue. The symptoms are from the healing response and the involvement of various cell types, including white blood cells, endothelial cells, and fibroblasts, as well as the release of chemical mediators such as cytokines, chemokines, and eicosanoids. If toxins are present, bacteria and/or fungi will assist in breaking it down, and bacteria will also break down damaged tissue, as in removing damaged cells. That is what retarded doctors call an “infection.”

Inflammation and symptoms of detoxification can also manifest due to a retarded diet focused on toxic plant-based foods, as the toxic load will be so high that you initiate a daily healing and detoxification response. Mentally ill vegans will blame this on detoxing previous toxins from their bodies, when in truth they are overloading their bodies with toxins on a daily basis.

Therefore, it should be obvious that inflammation, as in the healing and/or detoxification of your body, is not something you wish to reduce or eliminate, as that would mean that you still have damaged tissue and a continuous build-up of toxins, and whatever caused that damage and toxic build-up might continue to do so, and that damage will grow and accumulate, which will become a really serious health problem.

As for infections, they only need to be managed if the body is weak and under such a heavy toxic load that the bacteria becomes overly toxic themselves because they do not get the assistance they need from the body in removing the waste. This is rare in nature, but it can happen when animals or humans get severely poisoned. Nowadays however, where at least 90% of all people are malnourished and toxic, it happens more often than not; and in such cases it might be necessary to reduce or eliminate the infection. Still, it’s not normal, and it should never be necessary for someone healthy that follows our natural human carnivore diet.

“Acute inflammation is typically a protective and localized response to infection or injury. It’s designed to heal the body and restore normal tissue function. If inflammation persists for a prolonged period of time, it becomes chronic inflammation.”

Acute inflammation is usually from an injury — something that happens to the body in an instant and tissue gets damaged. Non-injury related inflammation is usually from healing of damaged tissue due to toxins and/or elevated blood glucose. And we already covered infections.

As for chronic inflammation, that is simply a “hanging healing response,” which simply means that your body is in such a damaged state that it’s forced to try and heal important tissue to make sure you survive, but it does not have all the resources to do so, as in being malnourished (nutrient deficiencies) from a diet lacking in animal-based foods. Also, it can be from a scenario where your body is just able to keep up with the healing, but you continue to expose it with the same damaging toxins everyday from your poor diet and/or from environmental factors.
This is extremely logical and well-documented within physiology and biology.

And a big problem with chronic inflammation, or more correctly, a “chronically repeating healing cycle,” is that it can lead to tissue destruction, scarring, and fibrosis, as well as systemic effects such as metabolic dysregulation as the cells are under constant attack and re-generation.

“Some research suggests that a diet containing herbs and spices may help prevent or reduce inflammation.”

Yes, and this is actually true for every single plant, it’s only a matter of dosage, as they all contain toxic defense chemicals and antinutrients. Herbs just happen to have much more of the defense chemicals that cause acute poisoning, something that forces the body to put all resources into dealing with the new immediate threat, which means that any other ongoing healing processes will be reduced or temporarily stopped, relieving you of their symptoms.

And by now, you should understand that this, as in reducing inflammation, is not a desired effect at all. It’s extremely retarded.

Can foods have an anti-inflammatory effect?

“Certain foods, including herbs and spices, can have anti-inflammatory properties and may have a positive effect on inflammation in the body, especially when consumed as part of a nutrient-rich diet.”

You frikkin’ stupid and evil bastards. Reducing inflammation is not a “positive effect,” as we already clearly have established. You do not want to stop your body’s healing or detoxification processes!

And again, all plant-based foods have this effect, as they are all full of toxic defense chemicals and antinutrients. Only toxic foods and compounds will reduce or stop inflammation, as in the healing process. The only foods that do not interfere with our body’s healing or detoxification are animal-based foods, as they are fully bioavailable, totally free of these toxins, and also our natural food source.

After this, the imbeciles at Healthline lists some of the incredibly toxic, damaging, and healing disruptive herbs, such as turmeric/curcumin, ginger, cinnamon, garlic, cayenne pepper, black pepper and piperine, and saffron. All of these are very toxic and should never be consumed by humans. Of course, anything that comes from the plant kingdom should never ever be consumed by humans, but getting there is a long road due to extreme brainwashing, indoctrination, conditioning, propaganda, and simply lack of common sense.

Also, it’s funny that only three months ago, one of the websites within Healthline’s network, as in Medical News Today, actually published an article on the latest research showing liver damage from turmeric/curcumin and black pepper/piperine. I guess they just love to confuse the sh*t out of their gullible and dumbed-down reader base.

I have covered a few of these toxic compounds in my articles, “The Ugly Truth About Resveratrol, Curcumin, and Other Phytonutrients,” “Turmeric (Curcumin) and Black Pepper (Piperine) Linked to Liver Damage,” and “Resveratrol is a Toxic Defense Chemical and Has Zero Anti-Aging Effects.”

The bottom line is that you should never consume anything that “relieves” you of symptoms within minutes or hours, as that is an obvious sign of acute poisoning. Symptoms from healing and/or detoxing should slowly go away by themselves as your body is finishing its job. All you need to do is to assist it by consuming a nutrient-dense diet based on animal-based foods and with as little toxins as possible (removing everything plant-based and processed.)

If the symptoms are more severe, simply fast, as any animal in nature would do, and any human who is in touch with nature. Only seek help if you are running a high fever, as when having a more serious infection due to a bad diet and lifestyle. Again, that was your own fault to begin with, but better get some help and then turn your diet and life around.

If you need help with any kind of health problems or transitioning from your current way of eating to our natural species-appropriate, species-specific way of eating, I’m available for both coaching and consultation.

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