Today we return to the supplement-shills at T-Nation and their leading writer Chris Shugart with an article about sarcopenia — the progressive and generalized loss of skeletal muscle mass and strength. Let’s see how Chris tries to fit this subject into the world of fitness and strength training, and what supplements he would like his gullible readers to purchase this time around.
“Lifters tune out when they hear the word sarcopenia. That’s an old-fart disease where your muscles shrink and you fall often onto your saggy butt. Nothing to worry about now, right?”
Based on the current pseudo-science within the medical field, sarcopenia is defined as a gradual loss of muscle mass, strength, and function, primarily affecting the elderly population and occurring due to the natural aging process. Of course, we who do have a wide and deep understanding of human physiology understand this made-up “condition” on a whole other level. And I’ll expand on this as we go on.
“Well, not so fast. Sarcopenia isn’t so much a disease, but a condition – a “natural” progression. It’s also called age-related muscle loss, and the only way to completely stop it is to stop aging. Not a fun alternative.”
No Chris, you little gullible fool. There’s nothing “natural” about this progression, not unless it would happen as you approach 120-years old, or so. In today’s backwards society where almost everyone is living completely opposite to what nature intended, consuming complete trash, it has nothing to do with the aging process as it happens way too early for most people. Sarcopenia is simply yet another condition that arises from your shitty lifestyle and diet.
What is Sarcopenia Exactly?
“It’s the age-related loss of muscle mass, strength, and muscular function. Even muscle contractions are weaker. Over time, frailty ensues.”
Again, it’s not age-related, and I will lay it all out for you. It’s extremely simple, logical, and easy to understand. Sarcopenia is simply one of the latest money-making cows, and is yet another classic and totally made-up condition that fits right into the inverted medical field, like most invented modern “diseases” and “conditions.” And all these invented diseases and conditions are relative newcomers to the medical profession, and have been embraced by all manner of health gurus, nutritionists, dieticians, and “lifestyle experts” as yet another way to make a few bucks on selling supplements, and promoting made-up and retarded diets.
“Yes, that still sounds like a grandma condition, but early-onset sarcopenia can begin for men in their 30s, although it’s slow and subtle. It speeds up in your 40s and really kicks in around age 50 where the rate of muscle loss accelerates to 1-2% per year. Post-60 or so, that rate hits 3% per year. Research shows that between 50 and 80, the average person loses 30% of their muscle mass.”
Actually, it sounds like a vegan condition, as sarcopenia is one of many symptoms we see of such a retarded and lacking diet.

And if you have an ounce of intelligence, considering that the science has established that humans are made to live for 120 to 150 years in ideal conditions following our natural diet, how could it be age-related if it is already seen in men in their extremely young 30’s?

If you could live to at least 120-years old, how could you lose 30% of your muscle mass between 50 and 80? Our bodies are not constructed in that way. We are constructed to survive. Our bodies never do anything to harm us, it only responds to internal and external stressors and tries its best to adapt and keep us alive for as long as possible. Only a lacking and toxic diet and a harsh environment would do so much damage to our physiology that we would experience ‘sarcopenia’ at such an early stage of our lives.

The Obvious Causes are Obvious
“After the age of 30, most men don’t lift weights or eat enough protein. They move around less. They sleep less. They gain fat. Their poor lifestyles and food choices hammer their healthy hormone levels. Even if they manage to avoid all these pitfalls in their 30s, not many folks are still checking all the boxes past age 40 or 50.”
What is obvious, you say? According to U.S. statistics, as you are U.S. based, about 33.8% of adults between 18 to 24 exercise. Between 25 to 44 it drops to 29.1%, between 55 to 64 it is at 22.7%, and between 65 to 74 it is at 15.7%. So, as you can see, of those who exercise, only about half have dropped their exercise regimen when they reach 65.
This also means that 66.2% of all young adults do not exercise at all, and among those at the age of 25 to 44, 70.9% do not exercise. In other words, if exercise were of such an importance, sarcopenia would be like a frikkin’ “pandemic’ among the population.
The only thing you got correct is their poor lifestyles and food choices, however, you do not define them, nor do you acknowledge their extreme importance. Actually, food choices, as in a typical plant-focused, high-carbohydrate, high seed/vegetable oil diet is the driving force behind sarcopenia.
“But that’s probably not you. You lift weights and consider protein shakes a major food group. Should you still worry about sarcopenia? Well, answer this first: How many strong buff guys do you know over age 50? Quite a few? How many over 60? 70?”
Yeah, that used to be me. While I still lift weights in moderation, I did love my protein shakes and extremely toxic green powders and multivitamins. Then I got three tumors, liver-, kidney-, and thyroid damage, and was weeks from dying in early 2018 when I turned it all around by adopting our natural human and species-appropriate carnivorous diet while utilizing some prolonged fasting with bouts of dry fasting. As I healed in record-time, I threw away everything I thought I had learned as “truths” from the “school of medicine” and from “nutrition science” from the last 30 years and returned to the real scientific fields of physiology, biology, micro-biology, and biochemistry. And as I had worked professionally in the inverted fields of medicine (20 years) and nutrition (30 years,) I could immediately recognize all the lies and backwards thinking, which is the major reason why I write articles like this on a daily basis — to help and educate, to waken those willing to wake up. We’ve all been deceived when it comes to diet and disease, the ultimate tools of total control.
And I do know a lot of strong, healthy and even “buff” guys and gals over 70. Of course, they’re all following our natural human and carnivorous diet.
“Yes, lifting weights and eating a high-protein diet helps a lot, but remember, the biggest risk factor for sarcopenia is aging. And we’re all doing that. So, let’s dig a little deeper and pull out the big guns.”
No, aging is not a factor. And a high-protein diet is not necessary. What is necessary is a nutrient-dense diet that is low in toxins, and that is true for avoiding any “modern disease” or “modern condition” as labeled by the inverted backwards medical field.
The Lifter’s Anti-Sarcopenia Arsenal
1. Vitamin D
“Vitamin D deficiency (or insufficiency) contributes to the development of sarcopenia, and it’s easy to develop a deficiency. Studies show that middle-aged and older folks with the worst sarcopenia have the lowest blood levels of vitamin D. When treated with enough supplemental vitamin D, improved muscle strength and function are noted.”
I’ve covered Vitamin D in several articles, especially debunking all the nonsense that has been spread by T-Nation. In 2015 it was discovered that 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) in the blood serves as a proxy marker for sun exposure, and has nothing to do with any actual levels of vitamin D within the body. Since then this has been reinforced and proven over and over again by other real scientists within the fields of biology and physiology.

So, low blood levels of “vitamin D” tells us that the person mostly spends his or her time indoors, likely being very sedentary. Combine that with a bad diet, and you will see muscle- and strength loss, as in the definition of “sarcopenia.”
And supplementing with Vitamin D is extremely dangerous, as it is a very potent poison and has nothing to do with what happens in the body during sun exposure. It does not matter if your body upregulates several hormonal pathways to protect itself from the damaging effects of that supplement and you see some effects that can be perceived as positive when you in reality do great harm to your body, especially over time.
For more on Vitamin D, please read my articles “Vitamin D Supplementation is Pure Bollocks and Potentially Dangerous” and “The Truth About The Extremely Dangerous Supplemental Vitamin D.”
“2. Fish Oil
Low-grade chronic inflammation significantly contributes to the development and progression of sarcopenia. There’s even a new word for it: inflammaging. In short, this persistent inflammatory state leads to muscle protein breakdown and interferes with muscle repair.”
While fish oil, as in omega-3 from animal-based foods will aid in tissue repair, this is only a band-aid. And any kind of fish oils or omega-3 supplement should be avoided, as they are toxic. Again, “chronic inflammation” is simply an ongoing healing process of damaged tissue that your body cannot complete, either because the toxic load is constant and cancels out any repairs being done, and/or that your body is too malnourished and does not have enough building blocks to finish the repair (and likely new damage is constantly being done, slowly worsening the scenario.)
And this takes us to the real and obvious cause of sarcopenia, that of being sedentary and consuming way too much plant-based and processed foods, especially carbohydrates. As you know, all types of carbohydrates break down to sugar in the body, to the bioavailable form of glucose. In a healthy human who follows our natural diet, which is ketogenic in nature, as in no carbohydrates at all, our natural production of glucose is upkept by gluconeogenesis in precise amounts, always delivering exactly what our glucose-consuming tissues need. This is crucial, as glucose is very toxic to all other tissues, such as blood vessels, organs, nerves, and other soft tissues (fat, muscle, tendons, ligaments, fasciae, etc.) In other words, every time you consume carbohydrates and blood glucose rises above normal levels as kept by gluconeogenesis, all these tissues are damaged, and that damage accumulates.
The only way to somewhat mitigate this damage is by using that excess glucose as muscle fuel. And that is why those who exercise, and especially lift weights, do not see the same rapid accumulation of damage as in more sedentary people. However, this does not mean that there will not be damage, it simply means that the exposure to high blood glucose will be shorter if you are physically active after a meal with carbohydrates.
And since excess glucose is either stored as body fat or glycogen in muscle cells, those muscle cells that get saturated with glucose over-and-over again will take a lot of extra damage. While this will lead to muscle cells closing their insulin receptor in order to survive, as in “insulin resistance” and later “diabetes,” it can eventually kill the cell, resulting in muscle loss.

So, there it is. The main reason for sarcopenia and why we can see it as such an early age. It’s a combination of being sedentary and following a high-toxic diet, overconsuming carbohydrates and likely seed/vegetable oils as well. And since most processed foods are plant-based, they’re also filled with plant defense chemicals and antinutrients; compounds that are notorious for damaging our cells, including muscle cells.

“3. Testosterone or T-Boosting Supplements
No surprise here, but testosterone plays a crucial role in maintaining muscle mass and strength. Testosterone promotes muscle protein synthesis and preserves muscle by stimulating cell growth and reducing muscle breakdown. Also no surprise, the signs of low or lower-than-before testosterone begin about the same time as some people notice the subtle signs of sarcopenia (in their 30s).”
Testosterone will only drop if your diet and lifestyle is extremely toxic, as described above. And there are no “testosterone-boosting” supplements, that is a scam! Any kind of supplement that is based on plants is toxic to humans and any temporary effect is that of acute poisoning, which means a lot of tissue damage, especially to organs.
If you adopt our natural human diet of animal-based foods, making sure you get plenty of saturated fats and cholesterol, your testosterone levels will return to their natural levels. We’ve seen this in every single person who has adopted their natural way of eating, and even among those in their 60’s, 70’s, and 80’s!
This is extremely logical and should be common sense. A diet that provides all essential nutrients while minimizing the toxic load will assist our body to work as intended, as it no longer has to fight toxins and daily damage.
And that was it for this time. While Chris and his T-Nation want you to buy their toxic Vitamin D, fish oil, and T-boosting supplements, all you need to do is to adopt your natural diet. It is that simple. While being fully carnivore, only consuming the fat and flesh of animals will make you a true superman, optimizing your health and longevity, simply going Animal Based, as in consuming at least 80% animal foods will still keep you rather healthy.
For a quick explanation of how to transition from a very damaging and toxic “balanced diet” to a ketogenic diet and then on to our natural human carnivorous diet, check my article “Fiber Is Extremely Damaging And Not Needed in Any Diet — And Keto Transition Explained.”
And if you still need help or guidance, you know where to find me.
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