sun exposure

Your Eyesight Is Slowly Being Destroyed By Carbohydrates

Today we return to the bodybuilding and fitness web magazine, and supplement-pusher, T-Nation, or the “community for enhanced fitness,” as they describe themselves. In their recent supplement advertisement, they tackle the issue of eye health. Let’s see if they address the real causes of eyesight degeneration, as in what to avoid to actually reverse the condition, or if they simply want to sell you something. Yeah, I know, it’s the latter. However, I’ll give you […]

Your Eyesight Is Slowly Being Destroyed By Carbohydrates Read the Full Article »

Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals and Human Health

The YouTube channel ‘High Intensity Health,’ with Mike Mutzel, who on occasion do some really good stuff (although he’s still trapped in a lot of pseudo-science,) posted a video today about ‘Testosterone Tanking Chemicals.’ The video is based on what he says is a recently published paper in The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology, although it is from August 2020. The paper is a summary of the increase in studies since 2015 and 2016 of

Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals and Human Health Read the Full Article »

Your Best Bet for Gray Hair Reversal

Today we return to the shill-website Healthline who recently published an article on graying hair, it’s causes, and what can and can’t be done about it.As usual, they get a small portion right while explaining it wrong, and as always, they fall back on complete pseudo-science, the lies we’ve been told since childhood. Let’s see what they have to say. “Your hair turns gray or white from a loss of melanin, a pigment-producing component

Your Best Bet for Gray Hair Reversal Read the Full Article »

Red-Light Therapy, is it Beneficial?

The pharmaceutical and medical shill-website ‘Medical News Today’ recently posted an article about red-light therapy and its effects on blood sugar levels. While it’s worrisome that the evil medical industry pushes something like ‘red-light therapy,’ it’s mainly because it’s another way to treat symptoms and making tons of money while doing nothing about the real cause of the problem. Let’s see what they have to say before I give you my view on it.

Red-Light Therapy, is it Beneficial? Read the Full Article »

The Importance of Sun Exposure and the Extreme Dangers of Sunscreen and Sunglasses

Due to the terrible dark, rainy, and cold summer here in northern Europe (actually worse than last year, and the year before,) and by request from clients and followers, it’s about time to once again tackle the disinformation about sun exposure. I’ve covered the importance of sun exposure in several other articles, especially those concerning the supplement scam of vitamin D; which simply is an indicator/marker in our blood of sun exposure and has

The Importance of Sun Exposure and the Extreme Dangers of Sunscreen and Sunglasses Read the Full Article »

CNN Calls For Censorship on “Chemtrail Conspiracies” and “Climate Deniers”

Welcome to a real hornets’ nest, a wide and diffuse subject that has been riddled by controlled opposition, their half-truths and lies for over a decade. Before we try to make sense of it, let’s look at this fabricated story by CNN and their agenda-driven collaborators in Spain. The article that covered CNN’s landing page during May 27 describes a dire situation for Meteorologists in Spain as they are somehow being blamed and harassed

CNN Calls For Censorship on “Chemtrail Conspiracies” and “Climate Deniers” Read the Full Article »

Vitamin D Supplementation is Pure Bollocks and Potentially Dangerous

I know, I’ve touched on the scam and dangers of vitamin D supplementation in many articles during the last 4 to 5 years, and I have warned my clients about it for just as long. Still, while all the evidence show that I was right from the start, most bro-science and pseudo-science governed people, and especially those with an economic interest, still push the lie. Unfortunately, one of those people is little TC Luoma

Vitamin D Supplementation is Pure Bollocks and Potentially Dangerous Read the Full Article »

The Extreme Cold Weather in Northern Europe and the Fake Climate Change Agenda

Today was the fourth day in a row that I was forced to wear jeans, a jacket and gloves during my morning walks with my dogs – and I was still freezing. Normally in July, the morning temperature should be about 16 to 18 degrees Celsius. For the past few days, it’s been about 8 to 10C, and before that around 12 to 14C. The temperature during the day should be around 23 to

The Extreme Cold Weather in Northern Europe and the Fake Climate Change Agenda Read the Full Article »

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