Search Results for: chronic inflammation

Obesity And Inflammation Explained: Why It Will Only Get Worse

Once again we return to Medical News Today and another article based on a study on “treating” obesity while ignoring the root cause, which is yet another example of why things will never change and only get worse, as we’ve seen for the last 40+ years. As I’ve explained in previous articles, the current backwards “sciences,” especially those of “modern medicine” and “nutrition” has been in play for a long time, fully govern by […]

Obesity And Inflammation Explained: Why It Will Only Get Worse Read the Full Article »

Totally Wrong Again About Inflammation and Cholesterol

One of the worst websites on the interwebs is at it again. This time, Healthline with its authors, still not managing to average an IQ between them of that of a Chimpanzee, got virtually everything about inflammation and cholesterol wrong. If you’re familiar with my work or with the real science of human physiology, you already know that inflammation is simply a name for the body’s response of healing damaged tissue. Inflammation in itself

Totally Wrong Again About Inflammation and Cholesterol Read the Full Article »

SO, YOU LIKE TATTOOS? The risks of life-long toxic-mediated inflammation

SO, YOU LIKE TATTOOS? The risks of life-long toxic-mediated inflammation By Joachim Bartoll, February 2016, for Classic Muscle Newsletter #20, 2016 Tattoos have become increasingly popular over the last 20+ years; to the extent that the once somewhat daring self-statement have become diluted as people get them without even thinking.I remember discussing tattoos as a teenager in the late 80’s. Back then, the only reason we could think of to get a tattoo was

SO, YOU LIKE TATTOOS? The risks of life-long toxic-mediated inflammation Read the Full Article »

Sarcopenia Is Due To A Toxic And High-Carb Diet

Today we return to the supplement-shills at T-Nation and their leading writer Chris Shugart with an article about sarcopenia — the progressive and generalized loss of skeletal muscle mass and strength. Let’s see how Chris tries to fit this subject into the world of fitness and strength training, and what supplements he would like his gullible readers to purchase this time around. “Lifters tune out when they hear the word sarcopenia. That’s an old-fart

Sarcopenia Is Due To A Toxic And High-Carb Diet Read the Full Article »

Histamine Intolerance Is From Damaged Tissue Being Repaired

Once again we return to Iron Magazine, that just like T-Nation is a supplement company disguised as an ‘online-magazine.’ This time, their writer Matt Weik, who has a pretty bad track record when it comes to understanding human physiology and nutrition, tackles the subject of “histamine intolerance.” Let’s see what he has to say and I’ll straighten things out once he begins to fall off the road by dipping his feet into the pseudo

Histamine Intolerance Is From Damaged Tissue Being Repaired Read the Full Article »

Volumetrics — The Stupidest Fat Loss Diet Fad Since IIFYM? 

There seems to be just as many types of diets as there are stupid dietitians, nutritionists, and coaches within the dieting- and fitness industry, and that is a lot, pretty much 99% of them. So, it comes as no surprise that the website “Iron Magazine,” the website that once upon a time tried to ride on the fame of our IronMag that dominated the health- and fitness space on the internet during the 90’s,

Volumetrics — The Stupidest Fat Loss Diet Fad Since IIFYM?  Read the Full Article »

Fat Loss 101: Leptin And Hunger Is Not An Issue If You’re Fat Adapted and Fully Nourished

Today we return to T-Nation and their CCO Chris Shugart as he tries to tackle the “issue” of leptin on badly constructed “fat loss diets.”Leptin is believed to be a ‘hormone’ produced primarily by fat tissue in the body. It’s said to play a crucial role in weight regulation and energy balance as it signals the brain, particularly the hypothalamus, to regulate appetite and metabolism. So, let’s see what Mr. Shugart has to say

Fat Loss 101: Leptin And Hunger Is Not An Issue If You’re Fat Adapted and Fully Nourished Read the Full Article »

Low Testosterone in Men Linked to Premature Death?

Today we return to T-Nation and a very important topic. Although they used the study to try and sell you totally worthless “testosterone boosting” supplements, the main message is of importance, and it might not be as obvious as you think. However, it should be quite logical to anyone who understands biology and human physiology. For many years, due to the backwards pseudo-science of modern medicine, testosterone has been commonly believed to be linked

Low Testosterone in Men Linked to Premature Death? Read the Full Article »

The Depression-Fighting Animal Fats

Three days after I published my review of Healthline’s atrocious article on dealing with depression, T-Nation posted an advertisement article on fighting depression with dietary fats, as in fish oil, as in their omega-3 supplements.Are they keeping tabs on what is trending? Likely, as that would be a smart move if you’re trying to sell something. Before we continue, I recommend that you read my article “Do Not Support/Enable Depressed People, Fix the Problem

The Depression-Fighting Animal Fats Read the Full Article »

Maternal Toxicity Associated With Children’s Behavioral and Emotional Regulation

Today we return to the shill Dr. Axe and his website that promotes extremely unhealthy diet- and nutritional advice. On occasion, his crew also covers other topics, like this recent study on assessed perinatal factors known to be related to maternal and neonatal inflammation and hypothesized that several would be associated with emotional, cognitive, and behavioral dysregulation in youth. As the “researchers” used the word ‘inflammation’ in their description of the objective of the

Maternal Toxicity Associated With Children’s Behavioral and Emotional Regulation Read the Full Article »

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