The Extreme Dangers and Damage of a Fruitarian Diet (Even Short-Term)

Today we return to the supplement-driven Iron Magazine, a website that supposedly is aimed at bodybuilding and fitness, but with retarded crap such as the article we’re about to look at, it’s hard to tell what the heck they are or represent.

Once again, it’s the awful and shamefully ignorant writer Matt Weik who this time tackles the fruitarian diet, possibly the worst and most dangerous diet out there, even more so than veganism. And the fact that he named his article “the benefits of a fruitarian diet” shows a complete lack of understanding of human physiology, biology, and our species-appropriate diet. Also, including the word “benefits” to lure in gullible readers is very deceitful and potentially harmful, as the diet can actually kill you. He should have used the word “risks” or “dangers,” as I appropriately did in my headline. Yes, you’re welcome.

Well, let’s see what Matt has to say, and I’ll fill in and correct him along the way with some real science based in human physiology and biology, and my 30+ years of experience within the field of coaching and nutrition. And mind you, this article might get a bit harsh at times, but it’s highly deserved, I promise you.

“With so many diets out there today, it’s hard to keep up with them all. One of the diets that has been trending is called the fruitarian diet. Is it for you? Let’s find out.”

So many diets, yet so simple. There can only be one species-appropriate, species-specific diet, as seen with every single animal in nature, and that also includes us humans. And we humans are obligate hyper carnivores with the ability to tolerate some plant-based edibles in case of starvation. And that does not mean that we should complement our diet with plants, as they are extremely toxic and will damage our tissues and accelerate our aging process. That simply means that to thrive and be our healthiest, we should only consume animal-based foods, and preferable meat, organ meats, and animal fat. It’s that simple, and that kind of narrows down that list of human-invented idiotic diets, doesn’t it?

Now, that we got these indisputable facts out of the way, let’s see how Matt tries to spin this nonsense.

“The fruitarian diet, a variant of the vegan lifestyle, focuses mainly on eating fruits. Many people seem to highlight its possible health benefits, while skeptics question its nutritional sufficiency and possible dangers.”

As humans are carnivores, any plant-based diet is extremely malnourishing, damaging, and potentially deadly. The less animal-food you consume, the faster is the decline in health. And we can see this in every vegan. They lose muscle mass and bone density, their hair thins and turns gray, their teeth withers away, their eyes sink into their skulls, their skulls narrow due to bone loss, their skin ages twice as fast, their cardiovascular system takes incredible damage, and so on and on. Keep in mind that I’ve helped more than 80 ex-vegans as of today, to repair their bodies, to regain their health and life. I’ve witnessed all the damage first hand, and some of it might even be irreversible, such as the extreme damage (scarring) done to the cardiovascular system, the heart, all the organs, and to the nerves.

So, no Matt, there can be no benefits as fruit is simply a lot of damaging sugars, a few low-absorbable minerals, and then a ton of defense chemicals and antinutrients, which are very physiologically damaging toxins. And the ‘skeptics’ are correct, you will develop nutrient deficiencies at an even higher pace than seen in vegans.

“This particular diet is considered to be a restrictive vegan diet that has various benefits you can experience. The fruitarian diet is said to be rich in dietary fiber and antioxidants that help decrease inflammation and help in digestion.”

Keyword here is “restrictive” and I guess you do not even understand what that actually means in terms of nutrition. Repeat that word a couple of times. It might come to you.

And again, fiber is extremely bad for humans as our colon is not made for fermentation as seen in herbivores or some monkeys and gorillas. And antioxidants are simply defense chemicals, extremely toxic and damaging. Wise up!

“However, since the fruitarian diet does not have any animal protein and some other key nutrients, it is not recommended to be used for a long duration. But in the short run, it can be quite effective.”

Be quite effective for what? Accelerating your aging process tenfold? Malnourishing your body? Getting a fatty liver from all the fructose? Killing tissue by the onslaught of defense chemicals and pesticides?

Are you really this retarded, or are you simply shilling for the food- and vegan industry? Contributing to hurting millions of people?

What is a Fruitarian Diet?

The fruitarian diet, a very restrictive form of veganism, excludes all animal products, including dairy. Those on this diet primarily consume raw fruits. In addition, vegetables, dried fruits, nuts, and seeds are allowed but only in small quantities.
Other foods like grains and legumes are either severely limited or entirely excluded. The diet also avoids any kind of cooked food, even cooked fruit.

Well, the core principle of this non-human starvation diet is to eat foods that are botanically classified as fruits — and that idea clearly comes from severe mental illness, which usually is the first sign of malnutrition as seen among all plant-based and vegan followers.
This also explains why all vegans cling to a single retarded belief and can’t see the whole picture, why they get extremely aggressive and single minded, why they behave irrationally and simply seem like they’re complete nut jobs. (All ex-vegans I’ve helped have admitted that they were mentally ill while following the starvation diet, and once they began consuming animal-based foods again, everything changed and they could function normally again.)

What Can You Eat on a Fruitarian Diet?

“To follow a fruitarian diet, at least half of your daily calories should come from raw fruits like bananas, papayas, grapes, apples, and berries. The remaining 25% to 50% of calories are typically derived from nuts, seeds, vegetables, and whole grains.”

Actually, most fruitarians do not recognize whole grains as an allowed food. Still, this kind of diet, as described, will only provide you with a ton of carbohydrates, as in sugars, which are extremely damaging for your body. As you should know, humans are made to run on a fat metabolism, getting our energy from fats and ketones while we produce the glucose we need via gluconeogenesis — a metabolic pathway that will always provide all the glucose we need, no matter of activity or duration. If you consume carbohydrates, no matter the type or source, it is broken down to glucose in the small intestine and absorbed into the bloodstream — and any glucose above normal physiological levels, as maintained by gluconeogenesis, will cause great damage to soft tissues, nerves, blood vessels, and organs. That is why our blood glucose is so tightly managed and why we produce insulin if it goes up to quickly store it away in muscle cells and fat cells to reduce the damage. However, every time you consume carbohydrates there will be some damage done while blood glucose is elevated, and that damage accumulates. So, consuming a diet like this that is at least 80% carbohydrates and most times above 90% carbs is extremely unhealthy and simply retarded!

Benefits of the Fruitarian Diet? No, Not a Single One!!!

I fixed that headline for you, Matt. And for a laugh, let’s see what lies you can come up with.

1. Highly nutritious

Fruits are rich in essential vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytonutrients that are crucial for overall health and well-being. By eating a diverse range of fruits, fruitarians can potentially fulfill their nutritional needs.”

No, you dimwit. Please name one “phytonutrient” that is deemed as ‘essential’ to human health. I’ll wait. Oh, not a single one? Of course not, they are frikkin’ toxins! We covered this earlier. You idiot!

And essential vitamins or minerals? No, not a single one, as they are not in the correct bioavailable format and they are tied to antinutrients and the indigestible fiber.

Here’s a little tip for you Matt. Stop listening to the pseudo-science of “nutrition” — a made-up inverted belief system created by the food-, medical- and pharmaceutical industries. Instead, look into all the established literature and research within the fields of physiology, biology, and microbiology. It’s all there.

2. Helps in weight loss

Fruitarians typically find it easier to maintain a healthy body weight compared to those on a standard Western diet. This is due to the lower calorie density of fruits and their high fiber content, which promotes a feeling of fullness for longer periods.

As a result, a fruitarian diet can be effective for long-term weight management and weight loss. Moreover, fruits provide a great source of energy, helping you stay active and burn calories throughout the day.”

And you are supposed to be a writer within the bodybuilding and fitness industry, an industry obsessed with body composition and muscle mass?!

The complete lack of protein while you consume a shit-ton of sugars will not only damage a lot of your tissues, it will eat away your muscle mass, leaving you skinny-fat.

This is why juice fasts are extremely retarded. If you want to lose body fat, eat nutrient-dense foods, as in animal foods until satisfied, and then simply fast two days a week. When you fast, preferably dry fasting, your body is protected by autophagy and a surge of growth hormone and even, initially testosterone. But if you eat something, these protective measures are not available, and it will simply be starvation. And starvation without getting any protein is extremely dangerous and unhealthy. You should know this, Matt. Shame on you!

3. Keeps you hydrated

Since fruits typically contain about 70-99% water, switching to a raw fruit diet can significantly boost your hydration levels. By consuming enough high-water-content fruits, you might find that you don’t need to drink as much water throughout the day.

Eating foods with high water content is very different from consuming items like bread, crackers, and meat. Providing your body with foods that have a water content close to its own (70%) can greatly improve your overall well-being.”

Or you could simply make sure you get enough electrolytes and pure metabolic water (free of deuterium) from consuming meat, and have some additional water or even sea salt if needed (if very active and you sweat a lot.) That is all that is needed to keep hydrated. And again, most minerals in fruits are poorly absorbed, and that includes electrolytes as well. They are not as hydrating as people believe. And even if you get some hydration, you get it at the cost of your health and longevity due to the toxic carbohydrates. I think I would rather keep my meat and follow our species-appropriate diet, thank you.

And this is why I always recommend to cook your food as little as possible, and preferably consume your meat raw, which is also best for digestion.

4. Digestion and gut health

Following a fruitarian diet can enhance digestion and gut health due to the high fiber content, which promotes the growth of beneficial gut bacteria. This can lower the risk of digestive issues like constipation, bloating, and irritable bowel syndrome.

Additionally, fruits contain enzymes that aid in food digestion, improving nutrient absorption and reducing gut inflammation.”

Guess what? Yep, you’re totally wrong again.
I’ve covered fiber a hundred times. It’s extremely unhealthy and damaging to our intestines, one of the main reasons for developing leaky gut and colon cancer. And we covered the fermentation earlier.

And I’ve covered gut bacteria several times. It adapts to what you eat. There is no “beneficial” gut bacteria. Only by consuming our species-appropriate diet, will we guarantee a gut microbiome that will not cause any problems. And these bacteria that feed on fiber and sugars will ferment these compounds, causing gas and bloating as it is extremely unnatural for our physiology.

5. Improves oral health

Oranges, red peppers, and strawberries are packed with vitamin C, essential for maintaining healthy teeth, and gums, and supporting a robust immune system.”

No, humans hardly need any vitamin C at all. We get all we need from a slice of meat. That is why we no longer produce it, as we have uric acid instead, the most powerful “antioxidant” in nature, which is produced during our natural fat metabolism.

And your oral health will be destroyed on a plant-based diet, especially a high carbohydrate diet like the fruitarian diet.

This is basic knowledge. Even a child knows that sugars are bad for their teeth.

6. Maintains healthy blood pressure

Bananas, guavas, cantaloupe, and mangos are high in potassium, which is crucial for maintaining optimal blood pressure and regulating fluid balance in the body.”

Stupid little boy. We covered this in your misguided point about hydration. Potassium is an electrolyte, and poorly absorbed when mixed with antinutrients and fiber as found in a fruit.

Following an animal-based diet will provide all the potassium you need, without damaging and aging your body.

Also, you fail to look at the whole picture. Perhaps because you’re extremely unintelligent, or again, a shill for the evil industries that want to keep us sick and weak.
Again Matt, what macronutrient dominates the fruitarian diet? Yes, carbohydrates, and especially fruit sugars, as in fructose. And what happens as a toxic response in the body when you consume a lot of carbohydrates and especially fructose? Yes, blood pressure goes up!

7. Supports fetal development

Oranges and tropical fruits like mangos provide folate, which supports the production of red blood cells and contributes to healthy fetal development.”

You are one frikkin’ evil bastard, Matt! Fetal development is dependent on the nutritional status of the mother. This means that to develop a healthy baby without hurting the mother, the mother needs to consume highly nutritious foods and make sure that she does not have one single nutrient deficiency. This is only possible with animal-based foods, preferably a lot of organ meats and animal fat.
Are you really suggesting that a pregnant woman should go fruitarian for a while? Seriously? That would severely hurt the mother, and likely the child’s development too. That is pure evil!

And as for folate, it’s not bioavailable in fruits, vegetables, or any plant-based crap edible. You can only get folate from animal-based foods, you idiot.

8. Good for skin

Fruits such as black plums, prunes, and berries are packed with antioxidants that help protect the skin and boost the immune system to help fight off illnesses.”

No, antioxidants in plants are defense chemicals, they will do the opposite (as we already covered.) And again, you fail to see the whole picture. What will age your skin faster than anything else? Yes, high blood glucose, as in consuming carbohydrates. This is why all vegans and fruitarians look at least twice their age. Damn, you’re a stupid f**ker.

And with that, the article ended, and thank God for that. This article was the worst crap I’ve read in a very long time. And I guess that you, the reader, had a good laugh at all his child-like naive nonsense. Matt got everything wrong. Either because he is extremely stupid or a paid shill. Either way, stay clear of that website, and more importantly, stay clear of anything plant-based or processed.

If you need help with your health, nutrition, and/or transitioning from your current way of eating to our natural species-appropriate, species-specific way of eating, I’m available for both coaching and consultation.

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