vitamin C

Still Got it Backwards: The Truth About Vitamin Drips and IV Therapy

Today we return to T-Nation and an interesting article about receiving micronutrients and “anti-oxidative” agents intravenously (IV.) While the author, Cy Wilson, like 99.9% of all fitness- and health-writers are indoctrinated slaves and get most things backwards, this is a really interesting and important subject – and if you’re familiar with how our physiology actually works, you likely already know where this is going. And yes, I too was a slave trapped in this […]

Still Got it Backwards: The Truth About Vitamin Drips and IV Therapy Read the Full Article »

Review: 15 Health Supplements Men Allegedly Need

If you’re new to me and my website, I worked daily in the Fitness-, Bodybuilding-, Gym-, and Competitive Sports industry for almost 22-years with nutrition, supplementation, and training — and was involved in it for a total of more than 26 years. Most of that time, I too was trapped in the pseudo-science of “nutrition science” and was fooled by the synthetic toxic crap of the pharmaceutical and supplement industry. My outlook and understanding

Review: 15 Health Supplements Men Allegedly Need Read the Full Article »

Germ Theory is a LIE! The Terrain is Everything!

The Immune System Fallacy and Fighting ‘Disease’ with Isolated Nutrients

I’ve touched on this in earlier posts about the fake Vitamin D and Vitamin C. Your body need all essential nutrients to function properly. You cannot ‘super-load’ a nutrient in hope to get a ‘stronger effect’, not unless you are severely deficient. But even if you are deficient, you can only “load up” until saturation. And that if your body recognize the nutrient you try to supplement with, if taken as a supplement that

The Immune System Fallacy and Fighting ‘Disease’ with Isolated Nutrients Read the Full Article »

Scared? Taking vitamin C? Being a sheeple?

As this mass hysteria about non-existing viruses and fake pandemics sweeps the world, I see a lot of posts about vitamin C and its ‘potential’ to ‘cure’ colds and ‘help’ your immune system against a ‘flu’.While it seems to help against colds in experiments, taking extra vitamin C is a really, really bad idea. I touched on this in my articles ‘the antioxidant scam’ and ‘more on skin care and the misinformation about Vitamin

Scared? Taking vitamin C? Being a sheeple? Read the Full Article »

Do You Need Antioxidants? The Antioxidant Scam.

It’s been a few years since antioxidants exploded in popularity and flooded the “health-food” and even sports supplement market. Sure, antioxidants can inhibit oxidation and thereby lower the production of free radicals (which can harm our cells). However, the main thing influencing oxidation and the production of free radicals is your diet, your environment (pollution) and amount of exercise. As for diet, the biggest offender is carbohydrate metabolism. When we produce energy from carbohydrates,

Do You Need Antioxidants? The Antioxidant Scam. Read the Full Article »

More on Skin Care and the Misinformation About Vitamin C

Vitamin C has mainly three effects on the body. It up-regulates different collagen genes, it’s an antioxidant, and it competes with glucose at the glut-4 receptor. However, sun exposure, vitamin A (animal: retinol), and vitamin K2 (animal: MK4) also up-regulates these collagen genes and many more, rendering vitamin C unnecessary for collagen production (skin, hair, nails, joints, etc.). So, you can only get scurvy if you lack these fat-soluble vitamins. If you get these

More on Skin Care and the Misinformation About Vitamin C Read the Full Article »

Healing tendon injuries with nutrition

Healing tendon injuries with nutrition Written by Joachim Bartoll, January 2016Classic Muscle Newsletter, March 2016 (issue #18) Tendon injuries can be one of the worst hurdles for anyone who regularly participates in exercise or sports. They heal slowly and can seem to last forever, and the current therapies to treat them don’t seem to be very effective. While minor muscle injuries are more common than tendon injuries, such as strains or sprains, they often

Healing tendon injuries with nutrition Read the Full Article »

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