Healthline is one of the most visited “health” websites in the world, which means that they influence a lot of people with their conclusions and recommendations.
In their ‘letter from the editor,’ Lisa Valente, MS, RD, states that, “At Healthline Nutrition, we want to help you eat food that makes you feel good. Looking at science is always where we start, but we understand that real-life eating doesn’t fit some perfect nutrient pattern.”
That will likely sound good to the uninitiated. However, as I’ve explained many times, there is no such thing as “Nutrition Science,” there is only ‘Nutrition Ideology;’ pseudo-science at its worst. Registered Dieticians and Nutritionists are nothing more than indoctrinated puppets of a deeply misanthropic and bastardized organization. Also, when you have nutrition deficiencies, as in actually starving but still being overfed, you will crave whatever you have acquired a taste for, and you’ve been tricked into believing that these foods make you feel good – when in reality, your body is only desperately trying to get you to eat something that actually have bioavailable nutrients, as in meat and animal fats, as in animal-based foods.
So, in all honesty, that approach will only work 100% once you have reset your physiology and are fully nourished, and by then, nothing will make you feel better than a fatty piece of meat or a piece of organ meat.
So, when we are about to examine their article called “The Definitive Guide to Healthy Eating in Real Life,” which is a huge and bold claim, we should be prepared for a lot of indoctrinated faulty reasoning and personal preferences from the author.
They begin with explaining that ‘healthy eating’ takes many forms as most healthcare professionals, wellness influencers, nutritionists, and other so-called “experts” have mixed opinions. And, of course they do, because they all want to be perceived as special, to have their own ‘unique approach,’ to be the one with the ‘solution’ no other has thought about — so they can make a lot of money on clients, articles, and books – when in reality it is simple; just follow our natural species-appropriate species-specific diet of animal-based foods.
Then they drop their bomb with, “The truth is, healthy eating doesn’t have to be complicated. It’s entirely possible to nourish your body while enjoying the foods you love.”
No, it’s not, because 99% or more of all people have a totally f**ked-up relationship with food which began the moment their parents gave them anything but animal-based foods (which is actually child abuse,) as in infant formulas, carbohydrate rich garbage foods such as pasta, rice, potatoes, and bread, and then moved on to introduce candy, sweets, and soda as treats.
The “foods” that most people think they love is nothing more than mental programming, the result of different early sensations tied to emotions, places and the feelings of safety and belonging. It has absolutely nothing to do with being nourished or with being healthy, most likely the complete opposite.
Then they actually say something that is correct, at least if you understand what real food actually is, “After all, food is meant to be enjoyed — not feared, counted, weighed, and tracked.”
Yes, that “fitness-idiocy” of weighing and tracking food is a quick shortcut into developing an eating disorder.
And going back to “food that we enjoy,” as in what we’ve been programmed to enjoy, it is something that can be overwritten and changed. When I was young, I loved pancakes with strawberry jam, vanilla ice-cream, and as for real food, I loved chicken breast.
Of course, pancakes were what my grandmother made us when we were very young and it made us feel safe and loved. Ice-cream was a treat, a celebration for the weekend, and as I got older and tricked by the fitness-industry, chicken breast was seen as the ultimate ‘low-fat’ fitness food. And as you know, ‘low-fat’ meats are the least nutritious, but still more nutritious than any plant-based food, so it was one of the few ‘nutritious foods’ I consumed, so I craved it.
Now, after being full- and mostly raw ‘carnivore,’ as in following our species-appropriate, species-specific diet of animal-based nutrition since February of 2018, simply thinking of these “foods” make me sick to my stomach. Actually, I haven’t even consumed chicken breasts since I adopted our natural diet. It’s no longer appealing to me. It can’t compare to a fatty steak. And since I’m always fully nourished, I do not even think about food. I haven’t had a craving or felt any hunger in over 5 years, not even after 9 days of fasting which included 7 days of dry fasting. In the past, I was hungry all the time and craved foods or snacks all day long, especially after lifting at the gym. Nowadays, I can lift for 40 minutes, then walk with my dog for 3 hours, do some work, walk again for an hour or two, and not even think about food. If I have a lot to do, I might only eat once that day, and I’m still fully satisfied.
Usually, on average, I do have two or three meals a day, with the last meal no later than 6 hours before bedtime to support sleep, detoxification and autophagy. However, I never eat because I feel hungry or crave food, I don’t even feel empty. I simply eat because I enjoy the food and I know that I need the food to maintain my body weight and to be nourished and healthy. It’s not more complicated than that. And that is very liberating. In the past, I thought about food a lot and it could easily dominate my whole day and most of my daily planning. Now it’s effortless. Simply consume some meat and animal fats without even thinking about it, and it always taste amazing and it’s always extremely satisfying.
Now, after the introduction, they try to explain why ‘eating healthy’ matters, as that is something that would need to be questioned or even explained. It should be obvious, but alas, most people are actually that dumbed down that they do not understand that ‘nutrients,’ as in what our body actually need to survive and thrive, is something that vary immensely between different “foods.”
Then they continue with the question of, “Do you have to follow a certain diet to eat healthy?” To which they claim, “Absolutely not! Although certain people need — or choose — to avoid particular foods or adopt diets for health reasons, most people don’t have to follow any specific diet to feel their best.”
Actually, “diets” are man-made constructs, and due to historical necessity, as in avoiding starvation, and due to modern conditioning and a complete lack of common sense and reasoning, most of these “diets” contain toxic and damaging plant-foods – as gullible puppets of the system have been fooled into believing that they are ‘healthy’ and ‘needed.’
So, in the real-world, people should actually avoid certain “foods,” as in anything that is contraindicated to their natural species-appropriate, species-specific diet of animal-based foods. Anything that is grown out of the dirt, as in any kind of plant or “vegetable” is not human nutrition and should not be consumed.
Then they move on to ‘Nutrient density,’ something that is actually very rarely discussed, especially in the fitness industry where I worked for almost 30 years. However, it is also a concept that easily becomes erroneous and can present a complete false picture, which we will get to.
They begin with, “When you conceptualize healthy eating, your first thought might be about calories. Even though calories are important, your primary concern should be nutrients. That’s because nutrients, including protein, carbs, fat, vitamins, and minerals, are what your body needs to thrive. “Nutrient density” refers to the amount of nutrients in a food in relation to the calories it provides.”
Not calories, as that is a concept of heat production within physics, please us the term ‘energy’ instead. Other than that, the statement is correct, and herein is also the trap.
Then they actually make a good example with, “For example, egg whites are much lower in calories and fat than whole eggs. However, an egg white provides 1% or less of the Daily Value (DV) for iron, phosphorus, zinc, choline, and vitamins A and B12, while a whole egg packs 5–21% of the DV for these nutrients. That’s because of the nutritious, high fat yolk that eggs contain.”
And as for the trap, it should be obvious. I explained that in my old article “Food labels are mostly nonsense, what matters is what you actually absorb.”
Yes, most plant-foods, as in vegetables, can be very ‘low energy foods,’ but still, on paper, look like they contain a lot of minerals and even “vitamins.” However, all plants are toxic and mostly indigestible to humans as we do not have the massive fermentation chambers and digestive system of herbivores. In reality, the “vitamins” in plants are not bioavailable and they need to be converted, if they actually can be converted at all. And as for the rest, we might only be able to extract 4 to 12 % of the identified nutrients in a plant, all while being poisoned at the same time, destroying our health for pretty much no nutrition at all. So, in a laboratory analysis, a plant-based food can be perceived as ‘nutrient dense,’ when in reality it’s virtually useless to a human, and very toxic to boot.
So, for humans, ‘nutrient density’ is only applicable to animal-based foods, and among them, organ meats and fish roe are among the most nutrient dense when looking at nutrients vs. energy. However, as we need a lot of animal fats, the concept of ‘nutrient density’ is pretty much useless. The best sources of nutrition for a human are organ meats and meat from ruminants, followed by eggs, meat from game, fatty fish, and other animals.
Then they touch on ‘Diet Diversity’ by claiming that, “Another component of healthy eating is dietary diversity, meaning eating a variety of foods. Following a diet that’s rich in different kinds of food supports your gut bacteria, promotes a healthy body weight, and protects against chronic disease.”
No, that is pseudo-science and another huge misunderstanding. I explained our microbiome, as in gut bacteria, in several of my old articles. Your gut bacteria will always adapt to what you regularly consume. Its only function is to aid in digestion, absorption and conversion of nutrients. The conversion is not needed with animal-based foods, as they are 100% bioavailable to humans. Also, having a lot of diverse gut bacteria is simply asking for trouble, as it will be an enormous stress on the intestines. Please read my linked articles for more.
Then they get to ‘Macronutrient ratios,” which is something I covered too many times to count. Here they claim that “Macronutrients — the main nutrients you get from food — are carbs, fat, and protein. (Fiber is considered a type of carb.) Generally, your meals and snacks should be balanced between the three.”
No, there is no evidence in any literature that humans need fiber, actually the complete opposite, as I’ve explained numerous of times. And carbohydrates are extremely toxic as we as humans are made to run on a fat-based metabolism. I’ve also explained this numerous of times.
As you can see, they pretty much get everything wrong, because they do not understand simple human physiology, but are trapped in the pseudo-science of money-making industry interpretation of ‘nutrition.’ I’ve been there myself, although I did a lot of things right and way healthier than the editors of “healthline.”
They finish off their article by mentioning obvious precautions such as avoiding ‘ultra-processed foods,’ and crap such as soda, processed meats, candy, ice cream, fried foods, fast food, and any kind of processed snacks.
Of course, being programmed puppets devoid of simple reasoning skills, they then tell you to prioritize plant-based foods, which is the same thing as telling people to seriously hurt themselves and shorten their life-spans. It’s criminal, but accepted as part of the big lie.
As the remaining of their article is about such idiotic ideas, there is no need to break it down further. The undeniable fact is that humans are obligate hyper carnivores and the only way to be healthy and to really thrive is to consume foods that are compatible with our physiology – and that is animal-based foods, the exact same thing that we are made of ourselves.
We do not have the ability to ferment plants as most herbivores does, and still, those herbivores consume a lot of small animals to survive, such as insects, bugs, worms, rodents, bird eggs, small ground birds, and so on. There is simply no such thing as a strict “plant-based” animal in nature. Even ‘herbivores’ consume other animals as they would not be able to survive on their lacking diet of plants alone.
Again, if you need support or help with adopting our natural way of eating, I’m available for both coaching or simple consulting sessions. Thank you for reading and have an awesome week!