Cholesterol, LDL and HDL 101: They Got It All Backwards

I’ve covered this before, and since pharmaceutical disinformation websites such as Healthline continue to publish misinformation and complete rubbish about cholesterol and the lipoproteins LDL and LDH in particular, it needs to be repeated. 

In a recent article published at Healthline, they list foods that seem to reduce LDL in the blood, what they call the “bad” cholesterol. Sounds good, right? No, not so fast. It’s actually the complete opposite.

To understand what is going on, you only need to take a little step back and research the components involved, then simply apply some logical thinking. Unfortunately, that is the exact opposite of what doctors and scientists are taught today, as they parrot all the nonsense they’ve been spoon-fed without a single thought or question of their own.

The Lifegiving Cholesterol

Let’s begin with cholesterol, one of the most crucial substances found in our bodies. You might already know that cholesterol is necessary for the production of certain hormones, such as testosterone, estrogen, aldosterone and cortisol. Cholesterol is also a precursor to vitamin D and thus needed for the synthesis of Vitamin D in the body. It is needed for bile production, which is essential for digesting fats and fat-soluble vitamins. It also removes waste products from the body by binding to bile acids and facilitating their excretion. Cholesterol is also involved in various cellular signaling pathways, including cell growth and differentiation, which takes us to the most important part of cholesterol.

Cholesterol is an essential component of cell membranes, in short, every single cell in our body is made out of cholesterol. And if you understand this simple concept, you should also understand how vital and important cholesterol is for cellular repair. As soon as there is any kind of damage done to a cell, as for example from heightened blood glucose due to consuming idiotic carbohydrates, or damage done from plant-based toxins, drugs, chemicals, exercise, and so on, there will be a heightened demand for cholesterol in the blood. And thus, cholesterol is also essential for the remyelination of neurons, which is the process by which the myelin sheath around nerve fibers is repaired. This is critical for the maintenance of proper neural function and communication. And that is why taking cholesterol lowering drugs, such as statins, is the stupidest thing anyone can do, as it will shut down your body’s ability to heal while starving your brain, as seen with dementia and Alzheimer’s. Anyone prescribing such drugs should be in jail. 

Now that we understand how crucial cholesterol is, what about LDL and HDL?
Simply put, LDL (Low-Density Lipoprotein) and HDL (High-Density Lipoprotein) are two main types of lipoproteins that carry cholesterol in the blood. Yes, they are simply carrier-proteins that attach to cholesterol so that the cholesterol will end up where it is supposed to go. LDL carries cholesterol from the liver to the bloodstream and to the cells so the cholesterol can be utilized by the body as it serves many extremely important functions, such as cellular repair.
HDL then carries unused and damaged cholesterol from the bloodstream back to the liver for excretion. So, to summarize, LDL carries cholesterol to the arteries, while HDL carries cholesterol away from the arteries. Simple to understand, right?

The Extreme Misunderstanding of LDL and HDL

So, why do backwards thinking morons call HDL for “good cholesterol” and LDL for “bad cholesterol?”
This comes down to the same fallacy we see with the juvenile and debunked germ theory where bacteria gather in toxic tissue to help clean up the mess. They did not cause the “diseased tissue,” they are the result of the “diseased tissue” as they are there to help clean it up.

The same is true with cholesterol. In other words, some idiot in a lab coat observed damage and inflammation (the healing response) in arteries and noticed that there was a lot of cholesterol present. Hence, the retarded little man-child drew the conclusion that cholesterol was to blame, theorizing that cholesterol build-up causes plaque and hardening of the arteries.
And this backwards and retarded theory led to the belief that the carrier-protein LDL must be bad, as it carries cholesterol to the arteries while HDL must be good, as it removes cholesterol and carries it to the liver for excretion. And do you know what is most comical about this? There is zero research and evidence in any literature of HDL or LDL being “good” or “bad.” It’s simply a theory that stuck because it fitted the narrative of the pharmaceutical industry and their drug development.
And this should be obvious, as cholesterol is a vital part of our bodies. It cannot be harmful in any way, that is basic physiology. Anything that the body makes itself cannot be harmful. Only compounds coming from the outside, entering our bodies, can be toxic and harmful.
So yes, that is how stupid these people are. I bet most of my readers have already figured out what is really going on. Let’s see if you did…

Now, we already know that every cell is made of cholesterol and that cholesterol is therefore needed in every single repair- and healing response that goes on in the body. We also know that blood glucose is maintained at extremely tight levels within our body, as all our soft tissues, especially our arteries and blood vessels are very sensitive to glucose. High glucose levels, as in after consuming carbohydrates, does a lot of damage to these tissues and especially our arteries. And what do most people consume on a daily basis? Yes, toxic carbohydrates. Now, add vegetable/seed oils to this mix, another well known cause of artery damage and plaque buildup — not to mention all the harmful defense chemicals and man-made chemicals found in processed plant-based foods that directly damages our cells. With this in mind, it’s quite obvious why most people today have elevated levels of cholesterol as they severely damage their bodies on a daily basis through consuming non-human edibles.

Now, using some simple logic, how can LDL be bad if it transports the much needed cholesterol to aid in repairing the tissue that you have damaged through your moronic dietary choices? Of course it’s not bad! Only a complete idiot would believe that. It’s actually vital for our survival!

And if you think one step further, you should realize that high HDL in comparison to your LDL is a very bad thing, as it means that your body has trouble repairing the damage and a lot of the cholesterol is transported back, unused. Also, high HDL can indicate that a lot of the cholesterol being transported back for excretion is damaged and can’t be used for repair, which means that your body is in a very toxic state — so toxic that a lot of your life giving cholesterol is being damaged.

What High Cholesterol Actually Means

So, to summarize. If someone has high cholesterol levels it is because there is a lot of cellular damage from his or her lifestyle, especially his or her choice of diet. Cholesterol is only there to repair the damage you do to yourself. However, if you do not fix your behavior, nothing will change — and at worst, your body will not be able to keep up with the damage being done, hence cardiovascular diseases and organ damage.

And with that said, if your cholesterol is high, as in your body is trying to heal, LDL will likely be high too. However, if your diet is above par, as in providing a lot of cholesterol, LDL might be low, as your body does not need to produce as much. In that case, if LDL is low but cholesterol is high, then you are simply still healing from previous damage and a lot of the cholesterol you consume through your diet is being used for that purpose, so all is fine. Simply make sure to consume an animal-based (ketogenic) diet and you will eventually heal.

What might be concerning is if your HDL is high, as that indicates that a lot of the cholesterol is not being used or is being damaged. This should only happen in people who consume a very unhealthy diet high in carbohydrates and especially vegetable/seed oils. If that is the case, you need to go animal-based this day, as in carnivore, before you experience severe cardiovascular damage.

Also note that cholesterol can be low even if you have a lot of cellular damage, as your body needs saturated fats, as in animal fats to produce cholesterol. If someone is extremely retarded and follows a vegan-, vegetarian- or fruitarian diet, which is void of saturated fats and most essential nutrients, there will be extreme amounts of damage done to the body all while the lack of saturated fat will limit the body’s ability to produce cholesterol to heal that damage. That is why such deceived people wither away so quickly and why so many of them get maimed for life.

If you need help making sense of your bloodwork, if you need help or have questions about healing, or if you need help with transitioning to our natural species-appropriate carnivorous way of eating, I’m available for both coaching and consultation.
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