Healing And Detoxing: Different Foods Suppress Migraine By Different Mechanics

Today we return to the pharmaceutical and government shills at Healthline for a perfect example of how little researchers understand human physiology and biology — especially when it comes to symptoms and the healing processes and what actually happens when you consume something that relieves you of that symptom.

Yes, I’ve covered this in articles such as “More on Disease and Healing – And Why Most Medicines and “Natural” Remedies are Worthless,” “Reminder! Herbs, Natural Remedies, Drugs and The Disease Scam,” “All Herbal Supplements (And Remedies) Are Extremely Toxic,” and “Shills be Shillin’: Herbal Medicine and the Plant-Based Psy-Op.”

That last article I mentioned is of extra high importance as the elite who run the food industry, the medical health care, and the pharmaceutical industry want you dumbed-down, weak, disease ridden, docile, compliant, controllable, dependent on their drugs and treatment, and your life-span reduced by at least 50%.
And, as a lot of people actually become health conscious, they need agents to spread misinformation to counter the positive effects people might get from refusing drugs and medicines while going low-carb, ketogenic, or even animal-based. They do this by having controlled opposition and shills praising “natural remedies,” “supplements,” or “alternative medicine,” all based on extremely toxic plants or “alternative” versions of chemically and artificial drugs that are just as toxic and harmful as the crap doctors prescribe. And since people do not understand that a symptom is a manifestation of either detoxification or healing, they think that these toxic and retarded approaches work because they lessen or even stop the symptoms. So, again, this repetition is needed and I’ll explain exactly what is happening and I’ll back it up with real research from physiology, biology, and biochemistry.

Now, let’s see what these monkeys have dug up this time.

“Nearly everyone has a headache from time to time. But for people with migraine, the pain can be much more severe and occur with other symptoms.

An estimated 1.1 billion people experience migraine attacks, making it the second leading cause of disability globally.”

In German New Medicine, headaches and migraines can manifest during the healing phase after triggering an old trauma that involves powerless conflicts, frontal-fear conflicts, oral conflicts, stink conflicts, or bite conflicts.

However, the most common cause is prolonged toxicity, which is supported in physiology and biology. And, since we know that migraines are a symptom from healing, they can arise as a healing response to the damage caused by being exposed to high levels of toxicity for a long time.  

“Recent research suggests that food and diet may play a part in managing migraine. Making changes to your diet may help prevent migraine attacks or reduce their frequency.”

Ok then, let’s see what you got.

What foods and drinks are good for migraine?

“Certain foods contain high amounts of minerals, vitamins, and fatty acids that may help prevent migraine attacks. Some drinks may also ease symptoms or prevent migraine triggers.”

Foods that are high in bioavailable essential nutrients will help your body to detoxify and heal at a more controlled pace, which will lessen symptoms as your body has all the resources it needs and can better manage the process; as in the swelling, which is the most common cause of discomfort and pain. However, if you have nutrient deficiencies and your body tries to detoxify or repair damaged tissue, the symptoms will be much more pronounced and prolonged, as your body lacks the resources to control and finish the process.

“Magnesium-rich foods

Research from 2021 discovered a link between migraine frequency and U.S. adults ages 20 to 50 years who weren’t getting enough magnesium in their diet. Other research from 2021 involving mostly white females suggests that magnesium may offer migraine relief.

Foods rich in magnesium include:
dark leafy greens

Magnesium plays a crucial role in tissue repair by being essential for energy production (ATP,) which ensures that cells have the necessary energy to initiate and sustain repair processes. Magnesium influences various signaling pathways, including those involved in wound healing and tissue regeneration. Magnesium is necessary for the proper synthesis and cross-linking of collagen, a critical component of connective tissue. And in its correct bioavailable form, as found in animal-based foods, it has antioxidant properties.

And that takes us to the important part. As with every single nutrient, you can only get it fully bioavailable from animal-sources, as in meat, eggs, and dairy.

All plants contain extremely toxic antinutrients and defense chemicals, as well as damaging fiber — stuff that binds and blocks absorption. Also, the “nutrients” in plants are in the wrong chemical form. They are not bioavailable to humans and need to go through bioconversion, an enzymatic process in the body that requires a lot of resources only to yield very little in return.

For magnesium, the absorption varies between 20 and 60 %, depending on the plant. And with that said, if you consume that plant, you’ll get hundreds of different toxins that will need to be neutralized as they do great damage to your body. Only a complete idiot would consume plant-based food to get some tiny amount of nutrients while poisoning themselves. Actually, only an idiot would consume any kind of plant-based food period.
I covered magnesium in-depth in my article “The Need For Mineral Supplementation Equals A Lacking Diet.

“Omega-3 fatty acids

Research indicates that increasing omega-3 fatty acids may help people with migraine. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids include:

fish such as mackerel and salmon

Again, legumes and seeds are some of the most toxic plant-based crap you could ever put into your stupid little piehole. You are not a frikkin’ rodent. Not to mention that they DO NOT contain any omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA) at all! That is a big fat lie! They contain alpha-linolenic acid (ALA,) a precursor to omega-3 fatty acids. And guess what, yes, as ALA is extremely toxic, the human body has real trouble converting any of it to EPA (6%) and DHA (3.8%,) making these plant-based sources totally worthless! 

And as you know, omega-3 fatty acids are crucial for the mitochondria of the cells and thus for cellular repair.

“Fiber-rich foods

A 2022 study found that an increase in dietary fiber correlated with a decrease in frequency of severe headaches or migraine attacks.”

Now, I’m just going to stop you right there. As we all should know by now, there is no evidence in any literature that humans need fiber, only the opposite. Our digestive system is designed in accordance with that of an obligate hyper carnivore. We do not have the fermentation chambers or the long colon of a herbivore, so fiber will only do damage and cause a very toxic and unhealthy microbiome, as we have seen with most cases of colon- and rectal cancer.

With that said, all foods that are high in fiber have one thing in common, they are extremely low in nutrition while they have a lot of antinutrients and defense chemicals, and are therefore extremely toxic. If you focus on getting more fiber, you will develop several nutrient deficiencies while also increasing your toxic load.

Now, while this will make symptoms far worse once your body tries to detox and/or heal, it will also hinder you body from doing this, as it will be struggling with the constant onslaught of toxins and the intestinal damage from fiber, not to mention that most foods high in fiber contain a lot of carbohydrates, which means unnatural high levels of blood glucose that has to be managed or you would die. So, if you consume a lot of wrong foods, as in toxic and damaging foods, as in all plant-based foods, you might actually decrease the frequency of symptoms from any kind of damage, including migraines, simply because your body is overwhelmed. Of course, this is extremely dangerous as the toxic load will continue to build up, eventually resulting in cardiovascular disease, cancer, and organ failure.

This is the complete opposite to following our natural animal-based human diet that will heal us. And this is why you might experience more symptoms on our natural diet, because your body finally has all the resources it needs to recover, to repair, and to detoxify. However, when fully nourished, the symptoms will be much less severe and sometimes you might not even notice them. I covered this in my article “I Transitioned to Carnivore and Got Worse – Understanding Healing and Detox.”


Staying hydrated may help prevent migraine and reduce symptoms, as dehydration can be a migraine trigger.

A 2020 study involving 256 adult women ages 45 years and under found that drinking more water each day decreased both the severity and frequency of migraine headaches.”

Sure, but electrolytes are key. Simply drinking a lot of water might actually dehydrate you.

“Whole foods

Avoiding processed foods in favor of whole, unprocessed foods is generally good advice for everyone. Whole, unprocessed foods include fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes, and nuts and seeds.”

You little bunch of retards. Whole, unprocessed foods for humans only include everything from an animal or anything produced by an animal: as in meat, organ meats, animal fat, eggs, and raw dairy.

We already covered the extremely toxic and damaging plant-based garbage and what will happen if you are gullible and ignorant and actually consume that slave kibble.

What foods can trigger migraine?

“Food and the chemicals in it may trigger migraine attacks. Right now, there’s no definite list of foods or beverages that do or don’t cause a migraine attack. Migraine triggers and food sensitivities may differ for people.”

This depends on your current toxic load, your health- and nutritional status. Remember, your body will never do anything to hurt or sabotage itself. It only reacts to the environment you have created or you find yourself in.

If someone is severely malnourished, as seen in most vegetarians, vegans, and fruitarians, their body will not try to do anything major that could jeopardy their life, as in a big detox. And this is why some gullible vegans believe that they got better — because they haven’t been “seriously ill” in a year or two, while they experience small symptoms almost daily from their body struggling to repair all the damage; symptoms they blame on “detoxing.”

If someone is somewhere in the middle, as most of the sleeping masses, their body will try every now and then to detoxify, which the backwards medical establishment calls the “common cold,” “the flu” (or now CON-vid-19,) or if the damage is around the head, the swelling from the healing process can cause migraine.

And yes, certain toxins can trigger a detoxification process that continues and thus affects tissues where that particular toxin has accumulated.

Now, this is easily remedied by not ingesting “foods” that contain toxins, as in plant-based and processed foods.

After this, Healthline speculates about different foods and chemicals that could potentially trigger migraine. But that is irrelevant, as no human should ever consume anything plant-based. And even if we would have to eat something plant-based to survive a food shortage or famine for a limited time, we would not get such a toxic build-up as long as we remain animal-based as often as we could. Hence no modern diseases during our history until the food industry and the medical establishment invented “nutrition science” and the plant-based psy-op.

They also discuss different diets that might help, and that is just a mess. They mention the ketogenic diet and in the same sentence they mention low-fat diets. Complete idiots.

A ketogenic diet will help the body as it will run on its natural fat metabolism, not having to deal with toxic rises in blood glucose from carbohydrates. However, many who follow a ketogenic diet still consume some seed/vegetable oils which are the worst offenders of all, and some vegetables, which of course add to the toxic load.
I covered ketogenic diets in my articles “Dr. Eric Berg: Healthy Keto vs. Dirty Keto,” “Why They Attack And Lie About Low-Carb and Ketogenic Diets,” and “Stupid misconceptions about “Ketosis” and ‘Ketogenic Diets’”

The only way to detoxify and heal and remain healthy for the rest of your life is to adopt our natural human species-specific and species-appropriate carnivorous diet. It is the only way to eliminate the toxic load while getting all nutrients in a fully bioavailable format.

If you need help with your diet, improving your quality of life or transitioning from your current way of eating to our natural species-appropriate, species-specific way of eating, I’m available for both coaching and consultation.

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