
The Character Joe Biden’s Dementia, The Political Script, And The World Stage

This article might be a bit repetitive for most of my readers as you are undoubtedly familiar with the world stage and that everything is simply staged and scripted. Everything you see in media and around you at a higher level, as in politics and governance, is nothing more than an reality show for the large masses with the goal to both control everything that is going on while being able to do so […]

The Character Joe Biden’s Dementia, The Political Script, And The World Stage Read the Full Article »

The Fallout After The Scripted Debate: Joe Biden By The Numbers

Since the scripted and staged “debate” between Donald Trump and whomever played the role of Joe Biden wearing a bodysuit, and really showcasing a old deranged man with cognitive difficulties, the media has been filled with stories about Biden retiring and a possible replacement for the staged and predetermined 2024 US (s)election. As most of you know, this is all scripted theater with actors following a script. It’s juvenile entertainment for grown-ups that are

The Fallout After The Scripted Debate: Joe Biden By The Numbers Read the Full Article »

WEF Founder Klaus Schwab Steps Back From Executive Role

The news of Klaus Schwab moving away from the day-to-day management of the World Economic Forum after more than 50 years at the helm trended social media late last night, as the announcement reached the media during late Tuesday, May 21, 2024. As always, baby troofers misunderstood the situation and thought that Klaus had resigned or been removed, as in some silly and retarded Q-nonsense (the Q-tards has been saying that Klaus has been

WEF Founder Klaus Schwab Steps Back From Executive Role Read the Full Article »

King Charles Unveils First Official Portrait Since Coronation — Updated

King Charles III on Tuesday unveiled the first official painted portrait of himself since his coronation just over a year ago — a oil painting symbolizing the Beast, him being in hell, and with the Monarch Butterfly above his right shoulder. Of course, the painting is 8ft 6in by 6ft 6in, as in ‘666,’ the Number of the Beast.Also, Charles III was born on November 14, and the portrait was revealed on May 14,

King Charles Unveils First Official Portrait Since Coronation — Updated Read the Full Article »

Jacob Rothschild of NM Rothschild & Sons dead at 87

I’ve covered the Rothschilds in several articles. To summarize, Rothschild means ‘red shield,’ the symbol of the Roman Empire and the Order of Malta, the protectors of the Vatican, of the Holy Roman Empire. The Rothschilds are close to the Borghese family, who have a dragon in their shield of arms, and are also part of the Order of Malta (aka., Knights of Malta,) of the Draco Empire (The Saturn cult, as in the

Jacob Rothschild of NM Rothschild & Sons dead at 87 Read the Full Article »

Order of Malta – CNN Featured News on February 1st (and September 3, 2024)

On February 1st, 2024, CNN featured the Sovereign Military Order of Malta – also known as the Knights of Malta in their article covering the ‘rarest’ passport in the world. Of course, CNN tried their best to romanticize the masonic order by claiming it is a multi-million-dollar-budget humanitarian aid organization, with operations including refugee camps and disaster relief programs in some 120 countries around the world. What CNN failed to mention is, of course,

Order of Malta – CNN Featured News on February 1st (and September 3, 2024) Read the Full Article »

Truther Chickenfeed: The Fabricated Jeffrey Epstein Documents

The ultimate chickenfeed just got sprinkled all over gullible baby truthers in the form of yet another dragged out chapter of the Jeffrey Epstein psy-op. The CIA-doctored “Epstein Documents” allegedly got “unsealed…” and behold, it revealed an enormous nothingburger with world-stage names such as Bill Clinton and Prince Andrew; names that has already been connected to the psy-ops for years. If you haven’t been keeping up for the last 10 years or so, Jeffrey

Truther Chickenfeed: The Fabricated Jeffrey Epstein Documents Read the Full Article »

World History, Humans and the Matrix Through the Lens of Legends – Part 45

The previous part is here: https://bartoll.se/2023/12/history-matrix-part44/All parts of this series can be found here: https://bartoll.se/world-playbook-quickstart/ In 590 AD, the Byzantine–Sassanid War continued as Emperor Maurice pushed back the Persian forces into Armenia. During March, Theodosius, the eldest son of Maurice, was proclaimed as co-emperor, thus he also became his father’s heir to the Byzantine throne. Around this time, Maurice also established two exarchates, as in ‘divisions’ of the Byzantine Empire ruled by an ‘exarch’

World History, Humans and the Matrix Through the Lens of Legends – Part 45 Read the Full Article »

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