Zero Reasons to Consume Toxic Carbohydrates

The Food Industry-, Big Pharma-, and government shill-site Healthline recently published another propaganda article, trying their best to reinforce the programming and the false “science” of carbohydrates and plant-based slave foods.

As you should know, humans are obligate hyper carnivores, which means that our physiology is built and meant for consuming only the flesh and fat of animals, including some of the produce by animals, such as eggs and raw milk.
This also means that anything else is a toxin and will do harm, especially if repeatedly consumed over a long period of time.

So, let’s see what lies they tried this time.

Although refined carbs can be harmful when consumed in excess, whole-food sources of carbs are incredibly healthy.”

No. That statement alone show us your complete lack of understanding. All carbohydrates, no matter the source or form of “carb,” will be broken down to sugar, to glucose when it enters the blood. And glucose above normal body-regulated levels, as maintained by gluconeogenesis, is very toxic; hence the release of insulin to quickly remove excess glucose from the blood as it damages our cells (as in blood vessels and arteries.) This can be observed in any human that have consumed carbohydrates and especially in those who have developed what is called ‘diabetes.’

1. Carbs are not uniquely fattening

According to this hypothesis, carbs are the primary cause of obesity due to their ability to raise insulin levels, promoting the storage of calories as fat. This idea is known as the carbohydrate-insulin model of obesity.
However, no compelling evidence supports the idea that high carb diets are especially fattening. In fact, many studies suggest that there is no significant association between high carb intake and obesity.”

You are referring to studies paid by companies within the food industry. And the problem when it comes to obesity is several layers deep. I explained this in my article “What Makes You Fat?
When you consume carbohydrates, you increase blood glucose levels, which is very unnatural and damaging. When flooded with damaging glucose, your body only have a few options to quickly reduce it, such as using it exclusively as energy, storing it as glycogen in muscle cells, and store it as fat in fat cells. Insulin is released to help cells take up more glucose than they are supposed to do, or you would die. As this is an emergency survival process, fat metabolism and other processes are shut down while blood-sugar levels and insulin-levels are high. Any fats that were consumed together with the carbohydrates will be stored as body fat, since the priority is to “burn off” that toxic excess of glucose. Also, some of the glucose is converted into triglycerides and stored as fat, because your cells can only store so much glucose as glycogen.

So, yes, carbohydrates contribute to body fat storage, and especially so if consumed together with fats, especially toxic and damaging seed/vegetable oils.

2. Early humans frequently ate carbs

Learning to cook was a game-changer for early humans, as cooked meat provided increased protein, fat, and calories.
New evidence indicates that carb-rich foods like root vegetables, legumes, and even grains were cooked and consumed by human ancestors as well.
Cooked carbs would not only have been more nutritious but also more appealing to a hungry hunter-gatherer.”

No, you just made that shit up, just as most of our history is made up. There is no evidence in any literature that early humas consumed anything but the flesh and fat of animals. And using fire and cooking allowed us to consume the sinewy pieces of meat and extract a little bit more nutrition from them. Still, we will always do best when consuming raw meat. However, there is plenty of evidence that as soon as humans learned agriculture and began to consume toxic plant foods, the first signs of disease emerged and the lifespan of the human race rapidly declined. Looking at our physiology, we should be able to live until 130 to 150 years-old in ideal conditions.

3. Gluten intolerance isn’t particularly common

Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye. By cutting carbs from your diet, you automatically cut out gluten, too.
However, studies indicate that few people with self-reported gluten sensitivity actually have this condition. One 2015 study showed that only 3 out of 59 participants who believed they were gluten-sensitive reacted to gluten.
Newer research suggests that the condition known as non-celiac gluten sensitivity is not sensitivity to gluten at all. Instead, it appears sensitive to fructan, a type of soluble fiber or FODMAPs found in wheat.”

You people do understand that it doesn’t really matter what chemical causes what problem, right? It’s still toxins that hurt you. And you do understand that these ‘health problems’ are the result of the intensity of exposure and the length of the exposure to these toxins, right?
And that exposing yourself to any toxin that can, and will, cause harm, is downright idiotic, right?

So, why are we even debating this? All plants contain hundreds of defense chemicals, antinutrients and other toxins to protect them from being eaten and killed. Consuming them is retarded and mentioning this is about gluten and fructan is hardly a “defense” for consuming carbohydrates, which in itself is a toxin as it turns into glucose.

4. Fiber — a carbohydrate — is important for optimal health

Nutrition is rarely black and white. Still, most experts agree that eating fiber is good for your health.”

Again, you’re outright lying. There is not one single evidence in any literature that humans need fiber. Actually, there are plenty of evidence that we do a lot better without it. Fiber is extremely damaging to our intestines and colon.
I covered fiber in my article “Fiber is NOT needed in the human diet.”

Fiber increases the time it takes to digest and absorb nutrients, contributing to reduced body weight and improved health.”

In a human with a somewhat healthy digestive system, it clogs you up, hence the increased time. That is not a good thing as other food stuffs begin to ferment and rot, causing unnatural gases.
In those with a damaged digestive system fiber and plant-matter will actually have the opposite effect as the body will want to expel the toxic and damaging junk as quickly as possible, resulting in more visits to the toilet or even diarrhea.
As we know, vegans shit themselves all the time. That is not healthy you dimwits.

5. Gut bacteria rely on carbs for energy

The balance between beneficial and harmful gut bacteria may influence your risk for many lifestyle-related conditions, both physical and psychological.
To grow, your beneficial gut bacteria need carbs to ferment for energy. As it turns out, soluble fiber is an important nutrient.”

You ignorant fools. There are thousands of strains of bacteria that can live and assist in the breakdown and extraction of nutrients. Your gut bacteria will always change and adapt to the food you are consuming. And yes, the bacteria that feed on sugars and fiber is very bad for humans, as they are not natural to our physiology. We are not designed for it. And these bacteria will multiply quickly, which is a very bad thing.
I covered the microbiome in my “Microbiome and Gut Bacteria Made Simple” article.

6. Legumes are a superfood — on a nutrient-to-cost basis

Legumes are edible plant seeds that include beans, peas, chickpeas, lentils, and peanuts. They’re naturally high in carbs and thus often excluded from low carb eating patterns. They’re also eliminated on a strict paleo diet.
They’re one of the few foods rich in both protein and fiber. Legumes are also high in vitamins and minerals. Plus, calorie for calorie, they’re one of the most nutrient-dense foods available.”

More lies. Plant seeds are the most toxic part of any plant, as that is how they reproduce. I covered this many times. Also, the said nutrients, as in vitamins and minerals in plants, are not bioavailable to humans. They need to be converted through several enzymatic processes, and depending on your health status and ability to do so, the net gain is only 8 to 12 % at best. Also, as for macronutrients, the more fiber the “food” contains, the less protein, carbohydrates, and “fat” can be extracted and absorbed. In other words, the “nutrition” you can get from plants are miniscule, all while damaging your body with hundreds of defense chemicals and antinutrients in the process. Again, that is retarded.

7. Cutting carbs does not improve exercise performance

It’s a myth that a low carb diet can outperform a conventional high carb diet for athletes.

Again, more complete lies and zero understanding of human physiology.

In a well-designed — albeit older — study of cyclists performing a 62-mile (100-km) trial with intermittent sprints, participants followed either a low carb or a high carb diet for the week leading up to the test.
Though both groups had similar race times, the high carb group outperformed the low carb group’s sprint output on all four occasions

If you have conditioned you body to constantly remove glucose and use it as energy, you have damaged your natural fat metabolism. That means, that if you suddenly remove all carbohydrates, it will take months before your body has healed and adapted to its natural fat metabolism and relying on gluconeogenesis again. During that time, your performance will be hurting. So, this study only shows complete ignorance of human physiology. It’s laughable.

If you’re fat-adapted on a low carb diet, you can still perform very well, but no high quality studies show that cutting carbs allows you to outperform those on higher-carb diets.”

Oh, now you dare to mention “fat adaptation.” So, why even bring up the retarded study above and call it “well-designed?”

And as for studies, no company or institution would want to fund studies that proves, without a doubt, that following our natural species-appropriate diet of animal-based foods outperforms everything else. That truth would kill the food and supplement industry. Still, we have extremely many elite athletes doing the ‘carnivore diet’ and ‘ketogenic diets’ in secret, as they otherwise would lose their sponsors that promote toxic junk. When you’ve worked with the elite in this industry for 30 years, you tend to know what is really going on.
And that is simple logic. When you run on a fat metabolism you have unlimited amounts of energy and gluconeogenesis make sure that you have all the glucose you need for more intense work, such as sprint output.

8. Carbs don’t cause brain damage

Unlike refined grains, whole grains are high in magnesium and fiber — both of which are linked to less inflammation.
On the other hand, a high intake of refined carbs and added sugars should be avoided. As part of an unhealthy lifestyle, these ingredients reduce overall health, adversely affecting your body as a whole.”

You just contradicted yourself. All carbs turn into sugar, as in glucose. And in time, it will damage all tissues, including the brain.
While magnesium is critical for our health, you cannot pick and choose sources as you like, as most of that magnesium will be locked within the fiber and the antinutrients in whole grains, and thus impossible to absorb for a human. On paper, it might seem to contain a lot of magnesium, and that is because the seed needs it to grow into a new plant, and that’s why it’s locked inside antinutrients that the plant use for that purpose. As a human, you might be able to get few tiny percent of that, all while damaging yourself with all the toxins in the process. Again, retarded.

And reducing inflammation is not a good thing you ‘healthline’ morons. Inflammation is part of the natural healing process. If you lower inflammation by exogenous means, you limit the healing.

9. The world’s longest-lived populations eat plenty of carbs

The Blue Zones — the regions where people live measurably longer — provide scientists with unique insights into certain eating patterns.
The island of Okinawa in Japan has the most centenarians (people who live over the age of 100) in the world.”

Wow, the ignorance. The lack of reasoning. It’s mind-blowing at this point.
All modern “zones” in the entire world today, if you make a weighted measurement of the public, eat plenty of carbs due to industrialization and propaganda.
However, the “blue zones” and the “Okinawa” happen to consume a lot more beef, sheep/lamb, poultry, fish, animal fats, cheese and raw dairy than all other “zones” in the world, and therein lies your answer you ignorant dimwits. While they hurt themselves with plenty of plant-based crap, they still get more nutrition from animal-based foods, and therefore they are slightly more resilient to the damage they do to themselves.

Claiming that they live long because of carbs are the equivalent of claiming that some of the people who lived the longest in modern times smoked a lot of cigarettes and that it was due to their smoking that they got top live for that long. No, smoking was only one of many stressors, and they limited the other stressors while doing some things correct, and thus their bodies were able to detoxify from the smoking. That is why a lot of people who are exposed to many stressors and consume bad food end up with black lungs and cancer from smoking, while others can smoke their whole life and their lungs are pristine.

The bottom line

It’s important to think about foods as a whole and not just consider their nutrients. This is especially true when it comes to carbs.”

Say what? Yes, you should think of a food as a whole, as in food synergy, which is only possible with animal-based foods. But what does ‘carbohydrates’ has to do with that? Carbs are a non-essential macronutrient, it’s not a food. Damn, you can’t even get your “bottom line” correct.

With that said, they did not get one single point right. And the real bottom line is that humans are obligate hyper carnivores and we should only consume what we are made to consume, as in the flesh and fat of animals and their produce.

If you need help with adopting our species-appropriate, species-specific diet, I’m available for both coaching and consulting.

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