Today we visit Verywell Health and an article from late November on seed oils, written in the weeks following the return of the puppet, actor and “Seventh King” Donald Trump as “president” of the United States. I have written several articles on the extreme toxicity of all seed oils, so let’s settle this again while also explaining parts of the bigger deception.
“Seed oils like canola and sunflower oil are commonly used in processed foods like baked goods. Now, some wellness influencers say they’re avoiding seed oils, claiming that the omega-6 fatty acids in these oils are toxic and inflammatory.”
Most of these “wellness” or “health” influencers are paid shills; they’re controlled opposition only telling a small part of the truth, thus having people focusing on the wrong things so they can’t see the bigger picture.
Now, the real truth about any kind of oil (fatty acids) from plants, such as seed- or vegetable oils, is that the different kinds of “fat,” such as monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are extremely toxic to humans. They’re both chemically different to the small amounts of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats that can be found in human tissue or in any animal. And that also means that the polyunsaturated omega-6 (linoleic acid) from plants is completely different to omega-6 found in animal foods, as in our own body. Still, these shills only focus on omega-6 — and by doing so, they silently reinforce the belief that the other fatty acids from plants are healthy, when they’re not.

And all this deception, pointing out only one of many as the villain, also keeps the masses away from the bigger picture; that humans are obligate hyper carnivores and that all plant-based edibles are extremely toxic and also pretty much void of nutrition for humans. It’s the plant-based and the processed stuff that are killing us, cutting our natural life expectancy in half.

This tactic, that they have had for the last 100 years or so, of pointing out one villain at a time, going back and forth, keeps the population believing in the deception and lie that they have found one of the culprits to why they are getting sick, tired, and die at an early age, when in truth, it’s the accumulation of all the plant-based crap and the processed Frankenstein foods.
And that is why they play this game. One hand is pointing at trans fats while the other hand is pointing at omega-6, all while the body is covering the real truth from the public — that it is everything from the plant kingdom and every modern food item that is the cause of health decline.
“Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., the Trump administration’s nominee to run the Department of Health and Human Services, also blamed seed oils as one of the “driving causes of the obesity epidemic” in a recent Instagram post.”
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is another shill, a puppet, an actor on the world stage that now is promoting “safer vaccines.” Well, as there is no such thing as contagion or viruses, all vaccines are totally useless and unnecessary. So, allegedly trying to make them safer makes no sense. They should not even exist! They only exist because they cause harm and accelerate the damage done to us to make us more dependent on their “solutions” and “care.” Anyone who still believes in vaccines or in contagion at this point, after the silly staged and completely fake Corona Covid-19 hoax, is either completely retarded or the most gullible little slave in the history of mankind.
And yes, while most people believe that gaining body fat is about consuming more energy than you use, that is not the real truth. Sure, if you consume carbohydrates and you can’t store any more of it as glycogen, the rest will be converted into fatty acids and stored as body fat unless you become very active and burn them as energy. However, unless this has happened, and you are running on our natural fat metabolism, as in being in ketosis, very little of any animal-based saturated fat will ever be converted to body fat, as the body will use what it needs and then discard the rest. This is why it’s very difficult to become fat or overweight on a pure carnivore diet. You can easily eat what would be “double your energy intake” from animal fats, and still not gain an ounce of body fat as the body strives for balance and optimal performance. Even at a low body fat, you can go months without food. And adding more body fat would be useless and only a hindrance. However, all plant-based fatty acids are chemically different, and most of them have become damaged even before we consume them (we’ll get to that later.)
So that means, if following a ketogenic diet and being in ketosis, but getting some fats from plant-based unsaturated fats can easily make you gain body fat, as these unsaturated fats are toxic, and we will get to that next.

So, seed oils are indeed a part of what is causing obesity as gaining body fat is mainly the cause of a very high immediate toxic load (both toxic compounds and elevated blood glucose from carbohydrates,) which causes the body to store away these toxins in fat cells, and if they can’t keep up, the body manufactures more fat cells to store away these toxins.

Now, the toxins that are most prone to be stored in fat cells (adipose tissue) and even forcing the body to create new fat cells are that of damaged unsaturated fats, as in plant-based fatty acids that the body cannot use. This is why all plant-based foods, and especially the processed plant-based garbage is so toxic and dangerous as it combines carbohydrates, which turns into toxic blood glucose forcing the body to upregulate body fat storage to avoid damage, and seed oils at the same time, that are more prone to be stored in fat cells to lower the damaging toxic load. And this is why we have seen an “obesity epidemic” in the last 50 years as these plant-based and processed foods have exploded onto the market.

I explained all these mechanics in my articles, “What Makes You Fat?,” “The Simple Truth About Obesity (It’s Not Genetics),” “Obesity And Inflammation Explained: Why It Will Only Get Worse,” and “Fat Regain Is Due To Nutrient Deficiencies.”
“Social media users often refer to seed oils as the “Hateful Eight.” This group includes canola (rapeseed), corn, soybean, sunflower, cottonseed, safflower, grapeseed, and rice bran oils.”
Social media users? As in pretty much everyone living today, including all your readers?
While these oils are extremely bad, this is still another deception used by shills and controlled opposition. Again, every single source of plant-based fatty acids are just as toxic, just as bad, and that includes idiotic crap like olive oil and avocado oil. Get a frikkin’ clue already! This is basic level biochemistry.

“But for many people, it’s hard to avoid seed oils. These oils are prevalent in the U.S. food supply, especially in processed foods, which make up 60% of the typical American diet. Common items like chips, popcorn, and bread often list sunflower or soybean oil on their ingredient labels.”
Because they have been completely brainwashed and dumbed down by the food industry and their inverted “nutrition science,” having them believing that the crap they find in supermarkets is food. Well, it’s not. Humans are obligate hyper carnivores and the only species-appropriate food for us is animal-based foods, as in meat, eggs, and the occasional raw dairy. Anything else is toxic and will damage your body and health, stripping years off your life.
And calling “chips,” “popcorn,” and “bread” as ‘common food items’ is alarming. How can anyone consider that food? Seriously.
Anyway, it’s extremely easy to avoid these deadly seed oils — if you actually start behaving like a human and eat according to your species. Every single animal does this, except for the deceived and gullible humans.

“McDonald’s cooks its fries in a canola oil blend, but RFK Jr. has advocated for a return to beef tallow, which was used until 1990. “This switch was made because saturated animal fats were thought to be unhealthy, Kennedy said in an Instagram post. Consuming excessive saturated fat can raise levels of “bad” cholesterol, increasing the risk of heart disease and stroke.”
Ah, the perfect example of controlled opposition. Beef tallow is very healthy and can also withstand higher temperatures, as in cooking and frying. However, fries, as in potatoes and all the chemicals they add to stick it together and taste better, is extremely toxic and will do great harm to your body. And consuming carbohydrates and a lot of fat at the same time is a recipe for body fat gain, no matter the source of the fats. He’s really sneaky and evil that RFK Jr. actor.
And no, you frikkin’ imbeciles at Verywell Health, saturated fats are what we are made of, it’s our primary fuel source and it’s needed for most bodily functions. And the same is true, even more so, for cholesterol, as it’s needed for tissue repair, hormones, and brain function. If cholesterol goes up, it’s because your body needs it to heal. There is no such thing as “bad” cholesterol. It’s frikkin’ common sense, and I’ve explained it many, many times in previous articles, backed by real science.

There Are ZERO Health Benefits of Seed Oils
I fixed that headline for you, you’re welcome.
“Dietary fats and oils contain a mixture of healthy fats—polyunsaturated and monounsaturated—and less healthy saturated fats. Polyunsaturated fats include omega-3s and omega-6s. Fatty fish contain more omega-3s, while seed oils contain more omega-6s.”
Using the term “dietary” is very misleading, as this statement of these fats being healthy is only correct if they are of animal origin, as in being in the same chemical form as we store our unsaturated fatty acids in our tissues. Again, this is basic biochemistry. Anything that comes from a plant is not chemically bioavailable to humans which means that the absorption level is low and the conversion rate into something useful is even lower. And everything that gets left behind, as in not being converted, is extremely toxic and damaging. Also, the conversion process in itself is very toxic as it causes a lot of oxidation and toxic residues. We’ve already covered this.
So, there is ZERO reason to consume anything plant-based, as there is absolutely nothing to gain, and only a lot of toxicity and damage to be had.
“The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend reducing saturated fats in favor of unsaturated fats. The American Heart Association also recommends consuming monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, like those from seed oils, nuts, and tofu, instead of saturated or trans fats.”
Do you not understand the obvious simple facts that these “guidelines” are set by the ruling elite, the food industry, and the pharmaceutical industry, as in the people who want and benefit from you being sick, tired, docile, and extremely dependent on their services? If not, you’re a gullible idiot and likely need some more saturated fats and cholesterol in your diet to heal that starving and malfunctioning brain of yours.

These guidelines are set to make sure that you get health problems as early as possible in life so you get hooked on their medicines, drugs, and treatments and that you only last until retirement age, when in truth, humans are constructed and able to live for at least 120 to 150 years if following their natural animal-based diet.

“Research has shown us over the years that consumption of these polyunsaturated types of fats has actually been correlated with a lower risk of mortality from cardiovascular disease and cancer, and so they’ve had positive health benefits.”
No, most of these so-called studies are paid for by the food industry or their shills, and most other studies are misinterpreted and/or focuses on the completely wrong thing as in reducing a “symptom,” as in the noticeable effect of detoxification and healing, which means that you actually stopped what is desirable. I’ve corrected and debunked hundreds of these “studies” and meta-analyses. Also, all this is simple biology, physiology, and biochemistry. Anything plant-based is not chemically compatible with humans and will therefore cause damage. You cannot change that fact, as that is nature; that is how everything works. So, in the case of this “research” you mentioned, you can only misinterpret the results or lie about the results in a way that favors you or the people who pay you.

“Contrary to claims on social media, studies have shown that dietary intake of linoleic acid, the primary omega-6 in seed oil, does not increase inflammatory markers in the blood.”
You just debunked yourself, you imbeciles. If you consume anything plant-based or processed, you will do damage and thus have some inflammation going on in your body as that is the detoxification and healing of tissues — unless you are so toxic and malnourished that your body does not have resources to detoxify or heal. Also, every time you consume something toxic, inflammation will actually go down temporarily as the new threat is being dealt with. However, if you eat something that the body can use, and you have damage in your body, inflammation might actually go up — and that is a good thing, as you are now healing.

“Oxidation is another reason some people decide to avoid seed oils. Heat and light can cause the unsaturated fatty acids to oxidize and produce free radicals. Unsaturated fatty acids, especially linoleic acid, oxidize quicker than saturated fats.”
Not “can cause.” This is again simple biochemistry. The second these seed oils get exposed to heat and/or oxygen, they begin to degrade, as in going rancid, and this starts during the manufacturing process! In other words, all seed- and vegetable oils are somewhat rancid the moment they hit the shelves and it only gets worse from there for every hour and day that passes. This is one of the reasons why very little of the unsaturated fats in these oils actually gets converted and used in the body — especially the polyunsaturated fats (PUFAs) that are extremely sensitive to this lipid peroxidation oxidative degradation process. So, not only are all plant-based fatty acids chemically different and need to be converted, but most of them are rancid as well, as in damaged, degraded and more or less useless (and also very, very toxic!)

So, most of these plant-based fatty acids simply sit around in your body until broken down and either used as energy (very slow process with damaged fatty acids,) stored in fat tissue, or expelled in bile or urine (depending on how damaged the fatty acids are.) And keep in mind, during the time they are present in the body and not used as energy, stored as fat or excreted, they are doing damage, and even these processes in removing them result in damaging toxic residues. And if you happen to consume carbohydrates with these plant-based fats, most of them will be stored as body fat as blood glucose takes priority as an energy source and the fatty acids are toxic and need to be shielded off from sensitive tissues.
Again, there is no reason ever to consume these vile toxic and potentially deadly seed oils.
“Oxidized fats can generate potentially harmful byproducts, but this risk can be mitigated by using cooking methods like sautéing over moderate heat, avoiding prolonged high-heat frying, and storing oils properly.”
The only thing you accomplish by this is preventing extreme degeneration of these already toxic fatty acids, as in becoming trans fats. The important thing is to never consume them at all, and absolutely not use them in cooking. That would be frikkin’ retarded.
And that was about it for this article. It should be obvious that you should never consume any kind of seed- or vegetable oil, no matter if it is canola/rapeseed-, corn-, soybean-, or olive- or avocado oil, as they are all just as toxic and damaging. Of course, you should not consume anything plant-based or processed ever, no matter what it is.
The only way to be perfectly healthy is to eat according to our species, just as any animal. It’s common sense.
If you need help with any kind of health problems or transitioning from your current way of eating to our natural species-appropriate, species-specific way of eating, I’m available for both coaching and consultation.
Coaching and Consultation
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