Or Keep Your Liver Healthy By Removing The Worst Offenders

Your favorite Comic-Sans Anti-health writer Matt Weik of Ironmagazine is back with another not-so groundbreaking article. I’m not sure why he chose to write about a “liver shrinking diet,” but he unwittingly uncovered some small hidden truths — and being a total imbecile, he didn’t give them a second thought.

Considering that Ironmagazine is a fitness and bodybuilding website, perhaps it was meant to mock the wanna-be bodybuilders that are afraid of tiny needles and pop an excessive amount of 17α-alkylated oral steroids such as methyltestosterone, oxandrolone, and fluoxymesterone, or those taking the pretty useless nandrolone or stanozolol. Well, they are surely in need of shrinking, detoxing and especially healing their poor and damaged livers.

Anyway, let’s see what Matt is up to this time and I’ll share my thoughts and some real science along the way.

“The liver shrinking diet is something not many people know about unless you’re going to have bariatric surgery. That said, it doesn’t mean it’s something you couldn’t try for yourself as a weight loss tool.”

Bariatric surgery is completely barbaric and extremely idiotic. And to use this “diet” as a weight loss tool? No, Matt, that’s frickin’ retarded. Heavily restricted low-energy diets are not a healthy nor smart way to lose body fat. The only smart and healthy way is to stay nourished on bioavailable animal-based food and utilize fasting for fat loss and healing. I’ve covered this many, many times.

“Typically, before undergoing bariatric surgery, patients must subject themselves to a pre-operative diet, which has been branded as the liver shrinking diet. This diet is low in sugar, fat, and carbohydrates.”

Imagine that, the diet to reduce the toxic load and the stress on the liver is low in damaging carbohydrates, as in sugars, as in heightened blood glucose, the biggest enemy of all organs and soft tissue in the body. It’s kind of funny that they tell you outright what is harming your liver and to cut it out when it suits their agenda, as in performing very expensive and maiming surgeries, but they never tell you this as a preventive measure or how to actually stay healthy. Well, healthy people are very bad business for the “healthcare system” and the pharmaceutical companies. They must keep you as unhealthy, sickly, docile, weak, dumbed-down and dependent as possible to make money while keeping the governing elite happy as their slaves are kept subdued and dependent on their beast system, and too weak to fight back and become independent. 

“The purpose of the diet is to reduce the glycogen stores and lipids in the liver. As the lipids and glycogen leave the body, some water also leaves the liver, making it shrink.”

Yes, but what you forgot to tell your readers, Matt, is that the liver is not supposed to be storing glucose as glycogen. It’s storage capabilities is an emergency measurement, a way to quickly respond to heightened blood glucose from the idiotic consumption of carbohydrates, or even worse, fructose that must go through the liver, causing a lot of oxidative damage and were it can be stored as glycogen, reducing the body’s ability to respond to more carbohydrates, as in more elevated blood glucose. Keep in mind that elevated blood glucose from consuming carbohydrates damages all soft tissues, and as the organs have to work harder to neutralize the threat, they take a lot of damage as well. I’ve covered this more than a hundred times, all backed by real science within biology, physiology, and biochemistry.

So, by avoiding carbohydrates, you finally give the liver a break as it does not have to store excess glucose as glycogen to save your life. Thus it will shrink as every gram of glycogen is also stored with 3 to 4 grams of water. Considering that the average sized liver can store a little more than 100 grams of glycogen, plus the water, that is 400 to 500 grams of additional weight and swelling.

As for liver lipid metabolism, the only lipids of concern are double bonded plant-based unsaturated fats that are incompatible with human physiology and with our liver enzymes. The conversion of most seed/vegetable oils therefore increases oxidative stress and will eventually result in liver damage. 
So, you only need to be concerned with any type of carbohydrate and seed/vegetable oils.

Animal fats are chemically compatible, because that fat is stored in the exact same way as we store our fats. When consuming saturated fats and cholesterol, the liver can work and function as intended.

Who Should Follow the Liver Shrinking Diet?

Simple. No one should ever commit to bariatric surgery or follow a retarded diet. So, not one single man or woman. Instead, focus on a healthy animal-based diet that will give the body all nutrients that it needs while eliminating the toxic load. This will not only heal the liver, but every single tissue in your body.

“There are three different stages of a liver shrinking diet, and we broke each of them down below.”

Well, I guess we’ll have to go along with your nonsense then, Matt.

1. Induction Phase

During this phase, the focus is on consuming fats and protein and avoiding sugar and carbohydrates at all costs. For the first three weeks of the phase, a liver detoxification supplement is introduced. This is important as it helps the patient lose fat in and around the liver and improves its functioning.

Additionally, certain foods are to be avoided in this phase — including canned foods, frozen dinners, and sweetened beverages. In terms of carbohydrates, patients must not eat refined carbs like white bread and pasta and fatty meals like sausage and bacon.”

Matt, you do know that sugar and carbohydrates are the same thing, right? Every kind of classification of carbohydrates breaks down to the same thing in the body, that of very toxic glucose. They all impact blood glucose levels to the same degree. Actually, what some dimwits deem as “slow carbs” or “complex carbs” are worse than the fast-acting simple sugars, as they are slowly assimilated and provide a prolonged release of glucose to the bloodstream, which means even more damage over the course of time — and the body has to deal with the stress of releasing insulin and keeping the organs running at emergency levels for hours.

As for “liver detoxification supplements” the only thing that could actually assist the liver is nutrient supplements from animal sources, such as a whey protein powder (supplying key amino acids,) and/or a dried animal-based liver supplement, providing the key nutrients (vitamins and minerals) needed by the liver. Anything else, such as harmful scams as in milk thistle, dandelion root, or beetroot juice will only increase the toxic load and stress of the liver, as these are extremely toxic, especially for the liver. If you’re somewhat healthy, this can temporarily increase the detoxification of the liver as it’s under heavy attack by these deadly “supplements,” but for someone that is struggling with their liver health or anyone exposed to these toxic supplements over a longer time period, it will lead to severe liver damage and even liver failure.

So, Matt, you need to be specific or people might end up really hurting themselves.

2. Stabilization Phase

In the stabilization phase, patients are now allowed to bring some carbohydrates back into their diet. Doctors still suggest that patients shouldn’t consume sugar or processed carbs even at this stage. Whole-grain bread, cereals, and pasta can be consumed alongside fruits and vegetables.”

This is extremely retarded. Toxic fruits and vegetables, as in zero nutrition and a heightened toxic load! Still, it’s important to mention that this phase is still intended to be “low carb.”

Also, whole-grain bread is extremely toxic, and it’s still sugar. Cereals are even worse, it’s sugar ridden with chemicals. And pasta is just like bread, a slave food, simply sugar.

You should never consume these, or any other plant-based or processed abomination.

3. Maintenance Phase

In the maintenance phase, patients are asked to continue the low-carb, healthy-fat diet with some protein. However, in this phase, detoxification supplements won’t be required, as patients will be required to maintain their current liver size while losing weight.”

See, “asked to continue the low-carb diet.” Still, this is just as retarded as the second phase. At least they cut out the supplements, whatever they were.

Seriously though, just switch to our natural human diet of animal-based foods, and you can eat as much as you like while losing body fat and healing your body. It’s so simple, because it’s natural.

What Are the Key Components of a Liver Shrinking Diet?

1. Low-Calorie Intake

One of the primary aims of the diet is to help pre-operative patients lose weight. This involves consuming fewer calories than usual. The duration of the diet can vary, but people usually start following it two weeks before any procedure.”

One word: idiotic! Switch to an animal-based diet, get all the nutrients you need, and to lose weight, simply reduce your food intake by 50% two to three times a week. Then, when that feels manageable, reduce it to 25% or even try a day of fasting. This will accelerate the healing and the fat loss, all while you still will be fully nourished as you consume animal-based foods to satiation on the other four to five days a week. So simple, so manageable, and so extremely effective.

2. High Protein Food

As you reduce carbs and start losing weight, you must continue eating lean protein sources like tofu, fish, chicken, and beans regularly to preserve your lean muscle mass.”

No, never focus on “lean” protein sources. These are the ones with the least amount of nutrients. Always go for fattier cuts of meat and also some eggs.
Also, tofu and beans are not protein sources. They are toxic plant-based garbage, and tofu will make you into a soy-boy vegan-lookalike.

3. Low Carbs

When you don’t consume sugar, it depletes the glycogen reserves in the body, which was generated due to excess consumption of carbohydrates in the first place. In the absence of carbs and sugar, the body needs to burn its glycogen reservoir to generate energy for the body.”

Again, Matt, you are so clueless about human physiology that it’s embarrassing. The body will use excessive stored glycogen as energy first as it’s a toxic burden on the body, an emergency storage of glucose that otherwise would have caused damage to all soft tissues. Once glycogen storage in cells has returned to its normal levels, your body will manufacture its own glucose in the exact and safe amounts that we need in any situation. This process is called gluconeogenesis. In other words, we do not need to consume carbohydrates at all, as we already get all the glucose we need. And that is why carbohydrates are so extremely dangerous and damaging, as they increase blood glucose to unnatural high levels, stressing the complete sh*t out of the body and the organs while doing great damage to all soft tissues. And that is what is the problem, that people have been deceived into consuming carbohydrates and of course, other toxic plant-based and processed garbage.

4. Hydration and Portion Control

Patients are encouraged to drink more water and avoid sugary drinks and excessive caffeine. Moreover, adapting to smaller meal sizes after the surgery is important because the surgery will significantly reduce the stomach capacity.”

They know that caffeine is a very potent poison and an enormous stress on the body and the organs, especially the liver. I covered this recently.

5. Supplements

Doctors will recommend various supplements besides the liver detox supplements that patients will have to take after surgical procedures, such as vitamins and minerals, to fill any nutrient gaps.”

You cannot supplement “vitamins” or “minerals” as these are only found in the correct chemical form in animal tissue. And I can bet that your doctor will not prescribe a beef-liver powder or similar. It will be the extremely toxic artificial multivitamins and similar complete garbage. I’ve covered this scam many times. Never take vitamins or minerals in supplement form, and never consume fortified food, or any processed or plant-based food for that matter.

After this, Matt simply summarized all of the above into a “tips to stick to liver shrinking diet.” However, we of higher intelligence and understanding would never consider such an retarded diet or approach. Instead, we will simply follow our species-specific carnivorous diet, and we will never have a single health problem to begin with.

If you need help with any kind of health problems or transitioning from your current way of eating to our natural species-appropriate, species-specific way of eating, I’m available for both coaching and consultation.

Coaching and Consultation

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