Medscape recently posted an article illustrating the extreme retardness of the backwards thinking and reasoning within the fields of medical care and nutrition — once again showing us how incredibly stupid these people/puppets are, and why you should never visit a hospital for any kind of ailment.
Let’s see what kind of twisted propaganda they tried to stuff down the throats of their readers this time, and I’ll give you my thoughts as we go along.
“No, Diet and Exercise Are Not Better Than Drugs for Obesity…
They’re literally not better. Idealistically, sure, but literally not. And there’s really no debate. Meaning there’s never been a reproducible diet and exercise intervention that has led to anywhere near the average weight lost by those taking obesity medications.”
While this might be true in the sense of simply “weight loss” as registered on a scale in obese people with zero knowledge of a proper human diet, it is the most unhealthy and retarded approach to fat loss to ever be invented by the “science community” — as in the pharmaceutical industry.
Taking drugs such as Semaglutide (Wegovy,) Tirzepatide (Zepbound,) or Liraglutide (Saxenda) to blunt hunger and cravings, and even to speed up metabolism, does not address the real problem, that of the diet and lifestyle that made them obese in the first place. Also, by blunting hunger, and literally making people starve themselves, these poor people will develop severe nutrient deficiencies that will do extreme damage to their bodies, and especially their hormone production. They will be a thousand times worse off after losing some pounds of blubber due to these drugs than they were before while being obese.

Of course, as their bodies are starving, most bodily processes will slow down or even be put on halt, giving the illusion of getting better as symptoms of detoxification and healing goes down or even disappear. And that is extremely dangerous as the body is struggling to just keep you alive and the toxic load will accumulate faster than ever before, setting you up for some real serious health issues further down the road.

“Furthermore, when it comes to the durability of weight lost, the gulf between outcomes with diet and exercise vs obesity medications is even more dramatic.”
Because all mainstream diets are totally worthless, only focusing on reducing “calories” and/or eliminating certain foods. No-one cares about educating these obese people about real proper human food and essential nutrients, or how the body actually functions and responds to these nutrients. The nutrition that we need to function properly is only found in animal-based foods. If you do not consume enough animal foods, you will develop nutrient deficiencies, and the body’s only way to combat a deficiency is to make you hungry and to give you cravings so you eat more, and by eating more, you hopefully will get what the body needs. Unfortunately, it does not work that way in today’s artificial and fake society, as modern food is totally void of any essential nutrients, as animal-based foods have been vilified by those in power that want to keep the population sick, weak, and dumbed-down. So, it’s a catch 22 for most people. Their survival instincts that make them eat more to regain health, simply make them obese instead because the food they consume is total garbage void of any real usable nutrition.

So, by going on a “diet,” as in reducing your intake of this slave food, your nutrient deficiencies become even worse, increasing hunger and cravings to extreme levels, making it very difficult to stick to such a stupid diet. So, taking drugs to blunt that hunger is the easy way out, and also the most dangerous and deadly way, as you likely can imagine.

And even worse, continue to use these drugs to keep the weight off. That will really starve the body and contribute to a high toxic load. That’s a sure way to develop some serious health issues and reduce your lifespan by decades.

“Now maybe you want to cling to the notion that if you just try hard enough, your diet and exercise regime can beat our new meds. Well, it’s difficult to think of a more miserable, often actual vomit-inducing intervention, than the spectacle that used to air weekly on prime time called The Biggest Loser, where participants lived on a ranch and were berated and exercised all day long for the chance to lose the most and win a quarter of a million dollars.”
What is this? A deceitful and manipulative advertisement for deadly drugs? “Our new meds?” Was this written by the pharmaceutical companies themselves?
Seriously though, the shitshow “Biggest Loser” displays the absolute worst of all imaginable backwards-thinking approaches to weight loss. Every single thing in that show is completely wrong and exaggerated to the extreme. And that was by design, to program the masses with the idea that fat loss is painful and difficult, paving the way for these evil and extremely damaging weight-loss drugs.
This is also why they have tried to brainwash the masses with the idea that obesity is normal and not your fault — to encourage people to continue to eat toxic rubbish, get unhealthier, die earlier, and as a side-effect, get obese. Of course, they now warn about health problems connected to obesity, and thus make people lose weight by prescribing drugs because of these concerns rather than for cosmetic reasons as in the past. They flipped the coin, and they profit immensely while keeping people just as sick, if not worse, due to more severe nutrient deficiencies. It’s a masterful plan of pure evil. And as a note, fat gain or obesity in itself does not cause any “diseases” or health problems, it’s simply a side-effect of a high toxic load and overconsuming carbohydrates and seed/vegetable oils. It’s the toxins and the damage from these foods that causes the “diseases” they associate with obesity. I covered this in several articles.

“The only reason that the world isn’t comfortable with the eminently provable truth that diet and exercise are inferior to obesity medications for weight management is weight bias. The message is that people simply aren’t trying hard enough. This despite our comfort in knowing that medications have more of an impact than lifestyle on pretty much every other chronic disease.”
This might be the worst crap I’ve read in a long, long while. The lies, the extreme propaganda and manipulation. This author is shilling so hard for the evil pharmaceutical industry that it’s not even debatable. He should be in prison for life.
First, there is not one single drug or medication that has any positive effect on any kind of “disease.” All they do is mask the symptoms, usually by shutting down the detoxification and healing processes of the body, accelerating the damage and toxic build-up, all while ignoring the real cause of the problem.

The same is true for these atrocious weight-loss drugs. They subdue the symptoms of an extremely malnourished and unhealthy body — as in the sensations of hunger and cravings in desperation for acquiring actual usable nutrients, simply making people starve themselves, which will have very severe consequences.
And the only reason why “diet and exercise” is statistically inferior to extreme starvation from taking drugs is because the concepts of diet and exercise have been hijacked and totally inverted by extreme disinformation and that of the inverted and lie-based “nutrition science.”
Simply put, people have no idea of what real proper human nutrition looks like, not even nutritionists, dieticians, personal trainers, or health/diet coaches. They’re all deceived and extremely dumbed-down. And I should know, as I worked almost 30 years within all these fields.
If people actually learned about human nutrition, there would not be any obesity, as it is impossible when consuming the correct species-appropriate foods. Also, there would not be one single modern disease, as pretty much all labelled “diseases” are the result of a bad diet and lifestyle, a combination of nutrient deficiencies and a high toxic load — and most of that toxic load comes from anything plant-based and processed, as in slave foods.
So, losing weight should not really be the main goal, it should be an desirable effect and outcome of reaching the main goal, and that goal should be to be perfectly healthy, to be human again. And this can only be achieved by following our species-appropriate, species-specific animal-based diet (preferably fully carnivore, which is the only way for humans to really thrive and reach their full potential.)
Weight loss will follow without even trying. However, if you want to accelerate the process and also increase detoxification and healing, you can combine an animal-based diet with about two days of fasting every week. Simply eat to satiation, focusing on nutrient-dense fatty cuts of meat and some organ meats five days a week, and then fast for two days, either two separate days, or two days in a row. That will keep you from developing any nutrient deficiencies due to the extreme nutrient-dense and bioavailable animal foods, while shedding more body fat while fasting than any other diet can do, or any retarded and damaging drugs.
Of course, the fasting will also accelerate detoxification and tissue repair through autophagy.
For more on these topics, check out my articles “Starting a Fat Loss Plan is Not Really That Complicated,” “Fat Loss Made Simple – Forget About Calories and Cardio,” “The World’s Easiest Fat Loss Strategy Is The Carnivore Diet With Scheduled Fasting,” and “Dry Fasting – The Best way to Fast?”
If unsure, or if you want to learn everything needed and have a plan specifically tailored for you, feel free to contact me for complete guides and programs.
If you need help with any kind of health problems or transitioning from your current way of eating to our natural species-appropriate, species-specific way of eating, I’m available for both coaching and consultation.
Coaching and Consultation
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