Today we return to the wannabe-fitness online publication Iron Magazine and their gullible and totally clueless writer Matt Weik as he continues his journey of total ignorance in the fantasy land of retarded diets. And as always, I’ll try my best to be nice although I’m wading through a muddy lake of shit. Or at least, somewhat nice. Nah, I will tell it like it is, as I always do. No silly filters.
So, let’s see what this twat published for his poor readers this time.
“There are so many different diets out there that it’s hard to keep up. The latest one being talked about is the Sattvic Diet.”
You do not need to keep up, as there is only one species-appropriate “diet” for humans, the foods that we are constructed to consume, as in animal-based foods. Anything else, anything from the plant kingdom is inherently toxic and damaging to us.

“The Sattvic diet is a way of eating prescribed in the Ayurvedic practice of the Hindu religion, which originated 5000 years ago. Those who utilize the sattvic diet consume fresh produce and nuts, which immensely benefit their health. Sattvic foods increase energy, calmness, and mental clarity.”
Fresh produce? Do you even know what plant-based foods existed 5000 years ago, what they looked like and what a bitter foul-tasting fibrous mess they were, Matt? Of course not, you’ve never looked into biology. Ignorant little twat.

“In essence, the Sattvic diet entails the consumption of nutritious and tasty vegetarian foods.”
There’s no such thing as a tasty vegetarian food, and absolutely not nutritious. Are you that retarded Matt? Although cultivation and “genetically” modifications, such as cross-breeding, have improved the taste of plant foods due to increased amounts of starches, as in sugars, almost all of them did not even exist in nature 150 years ago. Pretty much every single vegetable and fruit available today are man-made. And the few that actually existed in nature, like carrots and some tubers, were extremely different, as in much smaller in size, much more stringy with higher fiber content and utterly bitter to the taste, indicating that they are toxic to humans.
In fact only a few hundred years ago, there were very few plants and fruits available in nature that you could actually eat. Making it impossible to build a whole diet on them. Again, basic biology and simple logic thinking.

And as you should know, plants are chemically different to humans. We cannot extract nutrition from plants as we can do from any animal-based food. Most of the little actual nutrition that are present in plants are bound to fiber and antinutrients, and the tiny amount we might be able to absorb during digestion is still in the wrong chemical form, as in inorganic, and needs to be converted by the body, a process that only yields 10 to 80 % in return, while the remaining inorganic compounds are seen as foreign objects and are extremely toxic, causing great harm to our tissues. And let’s not forget the defense chemicals, antinutrients and heavy metals found in every single plant that do direct damage to our cells, organs, and hormones.

All this is simple and established within biology, physiology and biochemistry. And by understanding these simple principles, we know that anything plant-based is damaging to our health and does not provide enough nutrition for us to sustain our health. Thus, anything “positive” described by the retards consuming such garbage is either the result of acute poisoning, as in a fight-or-flight response, from shutting down healing processes due to an heavily increased toxic load, from starvation and autophagy as the body eats itself to get nutrients, or from complete lies, as in propaganda. Guess where the Sattvic Diet fits in?
“In this article, we will dive deeper into the unique benefits of the Sattvic diet and help you better understand if this is something you may want to try or not.”
As it’s plant-based, there are no benefits unless you actually want to kill yourself. And anyone with an IQ above 70 would know better than to try it.
Foods You Can Eat on the Sattvic Diet
“Fruits and Vegetables: You can consume common fruits like apples, bananas, oranges, mangoes, papaya, and melons. You can also consume broccoli, zucchini, cauliflower, and green leafy vegetables like lettuce and arugula.”
There you go Matt, you debunked the fake commercialized made-up Sattvic Diet without even knowing it, because you’re an uneducated fool.
None of these foods you just mentioned existed 5000 years ago, not even 500 years ago. Most of them didn’t even exist 150 years ago. Yet this practice is 5000 years old they claim?
Well, it is obvious that the Sattvic Diet is a scam, a modern construct, a part of the dumbing-down and enslavement plant-based agenda.

“Grains and Legumes: The Sattvic diet allows the consumption of brown rice, quinoa, millet, oats, and lentils.”
Grains are simply the seed of grass that has been cultivated and domesticated out of necessity throughout history to help against starvation as population increased rapidly. It’s one of the worst foods imaginable — zero nutrition, extremely damaging, and simply only provides toxic carbohydrates, as in sugar. As I explained in my article “Nuts (Seeds) Are Extremely Toxic And Useless,” seeds are the most toxic part of any plant.
It’s something that should never be consumed, especially not oats, quinoa, millet or lentils.
And brown rice, again a grass, and full of heavy metals and damaging fiber.
“Nuts and Seeds: Almonds, cashews, nuts and pistachios, pumpkin seeds, flax seeds, and chia seeds.”
As I just mentioned, and has proven in numerous articles, seeds, such as nuts, are the most toxic part of any plant. Simply suggesting that someone should consume a seed or a nut should be criminal. Also, many of these seeds little Matt mentioned are modern inventions from cross breeding and cultivation, again debunking the legitimacy of this retarded Sattvic Diet.

“Honey: The Sattvic diet discourages and prohibits sugar or artificial sweeteners. Hence, honey plays a significant role in the sweetness of the Sattvic diet. Alongside honey, one can consume moderate amounts of maple syrup and sugarcane juice.”
Honey is extremely hard to come by in nature and being high in fructose, it’s a real liver killer. And modern processed maple syrup is nothing like the practice of boiling down maple sap which some indigenous people began doing 300 to 500 years ago. And sugarcane was first domesticated in tropical India and Southeast Asia and the toxic liquid we call sugarcane juice is nothing like what they extracted a thousand years ago, and absolutely not in the same quantities. Back then, it was a sweet treat consumed on special occasions a few times a year. Heck, sugarcane juice was often refined into sugar, and it was so rare that it was used as a form of currency. Very few consumed it, as it was valuable and only a treat for very special occasions. If this retarded Sattvic diet is indeed built upon history, they should know this and caution strict moderation of these highly sugary and toxic concoctions.

So, telling people to incorporate honey, maple syrup and sugarcane juice into their diets on top of grains is like giving them a ticket to the front row of “here comes diabetes.”
“Herbs and Spices: Cumin, turmeric, coriander, ginger, cardamom, black pepper, and basil are the usual suspects in this category.”
These are extremely poisonous compounds. I’ve covered them in-depth, and you should severely limit them or better yet, eliminate them from your diet. All you might need is some sea salt. If you need a lot of herbs and spices to make your food palatable, that really says something about the food…
Read more in my articles “Herbs Will Reduce/Stop The Healing Process — And More About Inflammation,” “All Herbal Supplements (And Remedies) Are Extremely Toxic,” and “Turmeric (Curcumin) and Black Pepper (Piperine) Linked to Liver Damage,”
“Oil and Ghee: Oil and ghee are used in moderation, apart from sesame and coconut oil.”
Ghee might be the only healthy thing in this atrocious construct of a vegan diet. Ghee is simply clarified butter made from cow or water buffalo milk. By removing the water content, you get a butter with about 99.5% fat, and being animal fats, it’s very healthy and easily digested and used by the body. Also, it will contain a lot of fat-soluble vitamins, something completely lacking in plant foods. So, by simply adding ghee, they might be able to sustain themselves a lot longer than strict retarded vegans before becoming rotting zombie corpses.
Seed/vegetable oils on the other hand are extremely toxic to humans. Not only do they go rancid the moment they get exposed to light, oxygen, or heat, but the unsaturated fats are in the wrong chemical form as they come from plants — and you know the drill, they have to be converted, which is a problem as most of it is already rancid when consumed. Hence, very little can actually be used by the body and most of it will cause extreme damage to your blood vessels and organs.

I covered this in my articles “Vegetable Oils – most toxic food additive?,” and “Linoleic Acid, Good or Bad? It Depends On The Source — And Why All Seed/Vegetable Oils Are Extremely Toxic.”
What Are the Health Benefits of the Sattvic Diet?
Absolutely none! And there’s no real reason for listing all of Matt’s extremely retarded bullet points, as I have debunked them all, over, and over again in my previous articles using biochemistry, physiology, biology, 30+ years of experience in this field, and common sense.
Matt mentioned the immune system, something that does not even exist. Read more in my article “Autoimmune Diseases And The Immune System Does Not Exist.”
Matt also mentioned reduced inflammation, which is extremely bad and shows how toxic the diet is. As you likely know, inflammation is the observable result of a healing process and these processes take time and are very dependent on available nutrients and other processes making necessary compounds for transportation, healing and neutralization of toxins. If inflammation goes down shortly after doing something, it’s a guaranteed indication that you are lacking in nutrition and resources while the toxic load has increased and your body is spread thin, trying to neutralize this new onslaught of toxins and thus reducing other processes, such as healing (inflammation) to keep up. This is why not a single “remedy” or “drug” or “medication” works that give somewhat instant results. It’s simply acute poisoning. I’ve covered this in depth in many articles.

Actually, if you do something good, as in increasing bioavailable nutrients through animal-based foods, your symptoms and the inflammation/healing response will temporarily get worse. First by the impaired nutrient absorption and inadequate enzyme production, which will stress the body, and then as the body catches up and can utilize the increase in nutrients, the body can finally do what it is supposed to do, as in heal and repair, which is a process that causes symptoms to begin with. And then, after a while as the healing progresses, it will slowly get better again. I explained all this in my article, “I Transitioned to Carnivore and Got Worse – Understanding Healing and Detox.” It’s common sense.

Then Matt fell for the detoxification hoax and claimed that a retarded plant-based diet detoxifies the body. It cannot do any such thing. Detoxification is an 24/7 ongoing natural process that accelerates whenever you’re in a fasted state, as for example during late-night sleep. And to detoxify, you need a somewhat proper nutritional status, or the detoxification will be severely hampered. So, anyone experiencing “detoxification symptoms” when switching to a low-IQ vegan diet previously came from a diet that actually gave them some nutrition, as in some animal foods, so they had some stored nutrients available. And when switching to the plant-based crap, their toxic load increased significantly due to all the defense chemicals, antinutrients, heavy metals, and pesticides found in plants, and that is what they began to detoxify — the shit they started eating, not the accumulated toxins from previous mishaps. Again, extremely simple to figure out.
And those who do not start detoxifying and simply notice improvements in their symptoms when switching diet, as in reduced inflammation, they are already malnourished, and can’t even detoxify the new onslaught of toxins, as explained in the previous bullet point.
So, again we have a made-up diet within the realm of the evil vegan depopulation agenda, served to gullible and dumbed down people, like Matt Weik, as something mystical and shrouded in Hindu history. All marketing bullshit of course, as proven in this article. Yet, a lot of people will fall for it and shorten their lives considerably, not to mention the impact on their life quality, energy levels, and mental capacity. It will all plummet, making them into easily controlled slaves, into NPCs.
If you need help with any kind of health problems or transitioning from your current way of eating to our natural species-appropriate, species-specific way of eating, I’m available for both coaching and consultation.
Coaching and Consultation
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