
Black History Month Racism Ritual: O.J. Simpson Allegedly Has Prostate Cancer

Again, we see “celebrities” announcing that they have cancer, only days after King Charles III, as a conditioning tool to deceive the pleb into believing that even the “rich and famous” get the “disease.” Also, there is buzz about “vaccines” against cancer, which is utter mockery and another way to poison more stupid people.In reality, cancer is not a disease, it is simply a defense mechanism of the body; either shielding you from a […]

Black History Month Racism Ritual: O.J. Simpson Allegedly Has Prostate Cancer Read the Full Article »

World Stage: Staged “Terror Attack” in Brussels with Two Swedes “Shot Dead”

On October 13, Friday the 13th, we had a fake school stabbing labeled as a ‘terror attack’ in France all done by the numbers in tribute to the Templars and their successors, the Jesuit Order. In that decode, I wrote that we should be prepared for a lot of new staged and fake ‘terror attacks’ in Europe by alleged ‘Islamic State militant groups,’ and unfortunately, I was right once again.These staged and totally fake

World Stage: Staged “Terror Attack” in Brussels with Two Swedes “Shot Dead” Read the Full Article »

The Importance of Astrology in the Staged Reality-Script, Part 2

In part 1 we covered the basics of astrology and how the ruling elite families, the Saturn cult and their Jesuit Order, has been using astrology since the times of the Babylonian and Egyptian civilization to plan events and to keep people in a social engineered and staged ‘reality-script,’ the world-stage illusion. I also explained why the study of astrology is necessary to understand the logic behind the script of fabricated and staged “news”

The Importance of Astrology in the Staged Reality-Script, Part 2 Read the Full Article »

Mind Control: Programming and Conditioning, Part 9

In this part we will continue our journey through the history of mind control through the 1990’s where we once again see the flip of the coin as the ‘golden era’ of the right-wing is switched to the opposite agendas of the left-wing. In 1990 the mystery serial drama Twin Peaks premiered and ran for two seasons until cancelled in 1991, leaving it on a cliffhanger ending – only to return in 2017 for

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Mind Control: Programming and Conditioning, Part 7

In this part we will continue our journey through the history of mind control with the 1970’s and early 1980’s where the New Age movement continuous to grow, the pop culture evolves and its antithesis, Punk Rock, is invented and implemented on the more eccentric rebellious types of the youth. In part 6 we ended with 1975 and the book ‘The Invisible Landscape’ by CIA propaganda writer Terence McKenna, one of the agents who

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Mind Control: Programming and Conditioning, Part 6

In this part we will continue our journey through the history of mind control with the 1970’s where mind-control and CIA’s project MK Ultra is revealed to the public on their own terms to make it mainstream, fiction, and something of the past.In part 5 we closed with the emerging Luciferian trend of Yoga that was once hijacked and perverted by Helena Blavatsky and Aleister Crowley and then popularized in the New Age movement.

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The Orange County Church False Flag Shooting

First, we have a “racially motivated” staged false flag shooting in Buffalo on Saturday (with ’33’ all over it,) and then a “politically motivated” staged false flag shooting at a church on a Sunday. They are really pushing their agenda of gun control now. With almost no shootings at all for several years before and during the staged pandemic, they once again escalate these false flag operations this year. It should be bloody obvious

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The CDC is Investigating a Covid-19 Outbreak on Board a Carnival Cruise Ship

Remember how the fake pandemic started? Yes, with reports of outbreaks on a few cruise ships, one of the most noteworthy being the Diamond Princess cruise ship who allegedly experienced an outbreak on February 3, 2020. Now, after a little more than two years of almost no similar reports, a cruise ship supposedly had a new little outbreak on May 3, 2022. Both outbreaks reported on the 3rd of the month, like 3 and

The CDC is Investigating a Covid-19 Outbreak on Board a Carnival Cruise Ship Read the Full Article »

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