
The Enslavement Agenda: The C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group

While UN’s Agenda 21, based on lies and pseudo-science, was signed on April 12, 1992, by 6400 local governments in 113 countries, and later transformed into Agenda 2030, which slowly impacted the “climate strategy” and “sustainability” nonsense of whole countries, there are several other climate-hoax projects running parallel. One of those are the ‘C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group,’ which was created in October 2005 by Mayor Ken Livingstone of London and Jewish mind-controlled political […]

The Enslavement Agenda: The C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group Read the Full Article »

April Fools: Dr. Axe Features Swedish Ritual of “Fika”

Yesterday, on April 1, the genuine first day of the year, and thus nowadays known as “April Fools,” the shill Dr. Axe featured an article on his website about the retarded Swedish tradition of “Fika,” and it’s potential “benefits.”They even put a label with “Fact Checked” on it. Hilarious! The article was written by their content manager and “nutrition editor” Joe Boland, and he sets the stage with a bustling and stressful world where

April Fools: Dr. Axe Features Swedish Ritual of “Fika” Read the Full Article »

Fake “Hacker Attacks” on The Rise Again – Microsoft and Facebook

As the story goes, “Russian state-backed hackers,” (it’s anybody’s guess how they “know” they’re “state-backed”,) gained access to some of Microsoft’s core software systems in a “hack” first disclosed in January.As of this Friday, March 8, 2024, Microsoft announced that the alleged hack was more serious than first thought, and that during the last week it has led to information being stolen from Microsoft’s corporate email systems and to access to “some of the

Fake “Hacker Attacks” on The Rise Again – Microsoft and Facebook Read the Full Article »

The Importance of Astrology in the Staged Reality-Script, Part 9

In the first part we took a quick look at the Tree of Life, used in Kabbalism, that is divided into 10 spheres, or ‘sephiroth,’ where the planets stand for different planes of existence. Part 1 covered Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, (Pluto,) and Jupiter. Part 2 covered Mars, the Sun, Venus and Mercury. And part 3 covered the Moon and the Earth.In part 4 we began our journey into the 12 zodiac signs with Aries,

The Importance of Astrology in the Staged Reality-Script, Part 9 Read the Full Article »

World Stage Politics 101 – Left, Right, and the Green Agenda, Part 3

This article series was written for those who are waking up and for baby truthers that are still trapped in the matrix, in the illusion of left vs. right, of world-stage theatrics such as believing in mass and school shootings, The Deep State, Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, or the staged war in Ukraine. I might come back and update this series, as it was written during an hour in the morning and using some

World Stage Politics 101 – Left, Right, and the Green Agenda, Part 3 Read the Full Article »

WHO Says Non-Existent Covid-19 is No Longer a “Global” Health Emergency – And the Infodemic Agenda (AI Chatbots and AI Images/Deep Fake)

Well, it never was an emergency to begin with, as Covid-19 was never isolated or proven to exist outside of silly computer-generated models and images – just as every virus ever claimed by the fraudulent pseudo-science of virology.Remember, no virus has ever been isolated or proven to exist. As of today, more than 215 health/science institutions in 40 countries have failed to provide one single evidence of a virus isolation by anyone, anywhere. While

WHO Says Non-Existent Covid-19 is No Longer a “Global” Health Emergency – And the Infodemic Agenda (AI Chatbots and AI Images/Deep Fake) Read the Full Article »

Divide and Conquer: Elon Musk’s COVID Booster Tweet

Yesterday, a series of tweets by actor and puppet Elon Musk, or one of its handlers, more or less went viral on social media and also got exposure in the mainstream media, especially the “right-wing” and alternative media – you know, the opposite end of the same axis serving the same script. The tweet in question shared Musk’s alleged personal experience with the second COVID Booster shot, claiming he ran into ‘major side effects.’

Divide and Conquer: Elon Musk’s COVID Booster Tweet Read the Full Article »

The Real Reason Elon Musk Buy Twitter – a Totalitarian WeChat for the World

Well, look at that. Even mainstream media reveal some of Elon Musk’s satanic plans to aid in the enslavement of the world’s population. Perhaps we can now, as I’ve been saying since Musk appeared on the world stage, all agree that he is an actor and a puppet doing the bidding for the hidden hand that rules – and that he is no rebel against censorship, nor a champion for free speech – just

The Real Reason Elon Musk Buy Twitter – a Totalitarian WeChat for the World Read the Full Article »

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