Today we return to the pharmaceutical shill-website Medical News Today for a perfect example of the inverted pseudo-science that has infected the whole world as “Nutrition Science.” I should know, I studied and worked within that retarded sham for almost 30 years. Fortunately, I was a “low-carb” ketogenic guy, going against the mainstream, which saved my clients from the incredible harm this backwards thinking does to people all over the world on a daily basis.
If you did not know, human nutrition was figured out a long time ago among the real scientific fields of anthropology, physiology, biology and biochemistry. It’s been known for centuries that humans are obligate hyper carnivores and that the only way to fulfill our potential and live for as long as possible is by consuming only animal-based foods.

However, a strong and healthy population is very difficult to control and make dependent on a government and their systems. And, as the population increased, plant-based foods were introduced to the poor and middle-classes. And from there it spread, as the propaganda was absolute — introducing breakfast and snacks. And today people have no clue about what they are supposed to eat, they simply think that anything that is available at a grocery store or supermarket is “food.” And the invented “nutrition science,” written by the elite’s shills within the food- and pharmaceutical industry, has taught people to only think in terms of macronutrients and “calories,” with no idea of essential nutrients, chemical structures or bioavailability.
I have covered these things in-depth in the first articles listed in my nutrition quick-guide.
So, let’s see what these deceivers, these propagandists have to say this time, and I’ll show you the real truth backed by real and centuries old established research.
“Low-carbohydrate diets are increasingly popular despite ongoing debates about the diet’s nutritional value and long-term health effects.”
Yes, because people feel and perform better when they run on their natural fat metabolism. However, a low-carb diet or even a ketogenic diet is a far cry from a real carnivorous diet, the diet we are made for. So, while a low-carb diet will make you healthier and feel better than any diet with a higher intake of carbohydrates, it will still do damage for as long as it contains any kind of plant-based food. Going fully carnivore is the only way to really experience what it is to be human and what it really is to live and be exceptionally healthy.
“The 2020−2025 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee reported insufficient evidence on the health impacts of varying macronutrient (carbohydrate, protein, and fat) levels outside accepted intake ranges and chose not to include low-carbohydrate diets as a recommended eating pattern.”
The “dietary guidelines” are made by the same people who want to control you, to keep you weak, docile and dependent on their drug-induced “health-care” system. They want you to die as soon after retirement as possible. And their diets make sure that your actual lifespan is almost halved. Remember, humans are made to live for 120 to 150 years. Dying before that age-span is due to faulty nutrition and exposure to toxins, as in accumulated damage within the body.

“Still, some experts advocate for including well-designed low-carbohydrate diets in the next Dietary Guidelines for Americans, especially for individuals with certain cardiometabolic conditions, while others continue to raise concerns about potential nutritional deficiencies and impaired overall diet quality.
Now, adding to the discussion, a new study published in Frontiers in Nutrition assessed the calorie and nutrient content of three well-planned 7-day low-carb diet plans.”
You can see where this is going, right? Because low-carb diets, especially if they contain a lot more animal-based foods than other diets, are effective at fighting “disease,” they want to label them as potentially dangerous and something that should be monitored and prescribed by “health care professionals” only. In other words, they want to shuffle all types of “low-carb” and “ketogenic” diets under their own umbrella so they can control them and make money from prescribing specially designed low-carb nutrition programs — likely together with some useless and dangerous drugs, so people come back years later with new health problems from the damage the drugs caused.
What is the nutritional value of low-carb meal plans?
“Typically, low-carb diets involve consuming less than 130 grams (g) of carbohydrates daily, accounting for less than 26% of a person’s daily calorie intake.”
Carbohydrates are not an essential macronutrient, it’s actually a very potent poison. A human that follows his/her species-appropriate diet of only animal-based foods is in ketosis most of the day and is running on our natural fat metabolism. This means that any glucose needed by a few specific tissues are made from glycerol (fats/fat tissue,) lactate (anaerobic glycolysis,) pyruvate (amino acids,) propionate (fatty acids.) In other words, from fat and protein.
However, all other tissues, such as the soft tissues (blood vessels, nerves, eyes, muscles, tendons, organs, etc.) take damage from glucose. That is why blood glucose levels are extremely controlled and why gluconeogenesis only provides what is needed at any time. When running on a fat metabolism, you can never run out of glucose, nor energy from fats.

However, if you consume carbohydrates, and the type does not matter as all carbohydrates are broken down to glucose, you get an external onslaught of glucose in the blood, which goes totally against our physiology and the function of gluconeogenesis. As we are constructed for survival, we have insulin and other hormones to help store excess glucose, either as glycogen or body fat, however, that takes time and during that time a lot of damage is being done to our soft tissues. That damage accumulates and is the largest factor to why people have such a reduced lifespan.

So, no human should ever consume carbohydrates. And since all sources of carbohydrates are plant-based edibles, they are also extremely low in nutrients and filled with antinutrients and defense chemicals, something they totally ignore in “nutrition science,” but is very well-documented in physiology, biology, and biochemistry.
You should get at least 60% of your energy needs from animal fats, preferable around 70 to 75%, depending on your body composition and lifestyle.

“Very low-carbohydrate diets are even more restrictive, with only 20–50 g of carbohydrates per day, representing less than 10% of daily calories.”
And what does that have to do with anything? Carbohydrates are not meant for human consumption more than in case of extreme starvation as an emergency fuel. Or, as a small energy-addition among those who are extremely active, as they use up most of that glucose before it can do too much damage. That is why nature only provides a tiny few grams of carbs from a handful of berries or 10 to 15 grams from a large natural wild fruit. If you’re out hunting, tracking, setting traps and then working on your home, a couple of fruits is nothing, and will not do that much damage. However, people in today’s modern society that sit on their asses in their offices, cars, and sofas consume up to ten or twenty times that without moving a muscle. That is a complete and utter disaster, and that is why most people have health problems. Now add sees/vegetable oils, all the plant-based toxins and man-made chemicals to that mix, and boom!

“The researchers developed three specific diet plans, each providing 20, 40, or 100 g of net carbohydrates and varied amounts of other nutrients and calories daily.”
What a complete bunch of morons. How about taking one of your pathetic 20 or 40 g plans and then putting together a ketogenic diet with some plant-matter of their choosing, then an animal-based diet, and finally a pure carnivore diet. Compare them if you dare.
The ketogenic diet will crush your futile attempt of “low-carb diets,” and the animal-based diet will crush the ketogenic diet, and guess what, a pure carnivore diet will blow all of them out of the water.
We should only follow a diet that is suited for our physiology. As humans, we are the only species that manage to fuck that up. Still, that was by design by the elites, their corporations and endless propaganda and brainwashing. However, a little common sense goes a long way. Even though I myself was indoctrinated with nutrition science for almost 30 years, I always used meat and animal fats as my base in all my ketogenic-based nutrition programs, the only thing they had me fooled with what that I thought there might be some beneficial nutrients in plants, but that was of course another lie, and I eventually wised up.
“They conducted nutrient analysis using the USDA’s Food Data Central, which offers comprehensive food and nutrient profiles.”
And the problem here is that any kind of plant-based item that has been analyzed in a test tube and might display a decent nutritional profile is nothing more than numbers on a paper. And this is another thing they do not discuss in “nutrition science,” that of chemical structures and bioavailability.

Not one single nutrient found in a plant is bioavailable for humans or any other carnivorous animal. Some of these nutrients can be converted by enzymes, but the return is abysmal at best. In other words, any “nutritional label” found on a vegetable, fruit, nut, seed, or whatever, needs to be heavily adjusted. While some minerals might yield an absorption rate of 25 to 35%, most other micronutrients only yield 5 to 12 % absorption rate. And for vitamins it is said that the absorption rate varies between 20 to 70%. However, as most people cook or at least heat their vegetables and greens, most of these vitamins are destroyed anyway, so you might just as well say 10% for vitamins, at best.

And to add to this, you have antinutrients that bind to most nutrients. While this is included in the bioavailability stated above, these antinutrients can actually bind to other nutrients within the intestine, robbing you of them. So, if you have a steak with some veggies, some of the nutrients (mostly minerals and electrolytes) from that steak will be nullified by the antinutrients in the vegetables. Also, these antinutrients, just as the defense chemicals, will damage your cells and tissues, as they are made as a survival mechanism for the plant. I’ve covered this in-depth in many articles.

To summarize, there is not one single advantage to be had by consuming any kind of plant-food ever. Not only do they provide close to zero nutrition, they also rob you of nutrients while damaging your body. They are not meant for human consumption!
Even well-planned low-carb diets may not meet all nutrient needs
“For women, the three 7-day low-carbohydrate meal plans generally met or exceeded daily calorie needs, but only the 100-gram carbohydrate plan fully covered calorie requirements for middle-aged women while surpassing them for older women.
On the other hand, for men across both age groups, all of the meal plans failed to meet recommended daily calorie intakes.”
I guess this shows how extremely backward their “guidelines” are. The only reason for not meeting the energy demands would be if they limited fat intake, which is completely insane if you remove the toxic carbohydrates, which never should have been in the diet in the first place.
These people are so extremely retarded that I’m almost at loss for words. Almost.
We need a complete cleansing of the nutrition- and medical fields. Wipe the slate clean. Start over. Go back to human physiology and biology where it is established that humans are obligate hyper carnivores. Look at biochemistry for any information about nutrients and other compounds. It’s all there, and it’s all common sense.
“Both men and women of each age group on these plans would receive more than enough of several vitamins, including A, C, D, E, K, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, B6, folate, and B12, without exceeding safe upper limits.”
So, the only problem here was that you failed to understand that humans are constructed to run on a fat metabolism, that we are made to be in “ketosis” most of the time, and thus, we need a lot of animal fat to fuel us. Instead, you followed the “fat restrictions” set forth by the shills of the food industry and Big Pharma. As I said, we need a cleansing — both of the fake and backwards “science” and that of stupid and indoctrinated people like these.
“In line with current concerns about low-carbohydrate diets, the low-carbohydrate meal plans exceeded recommended sodium and saturated fat levels, while potassium levels were low. However, they maintained a favorable sodium-to-potassium ratio below one, which may benefit heart health.”
Again, according to the shills who wrote “nutrition science” and set the guidelines to keep people as weak, sickly and dependent as possible.
We humans are made of animal fats, as in saturated fat and cholesterol. These are essential nutrients. The more we get, the better. You can never get too much of an essential nutrient, of something that our cells are made of. Our body takes what it needs and can use, and discharges the rest. This is simple common sense — and again, supported by real science.

As I’m running out of time, I’ll have to cut it short here. Their agenda is very clear. They have demonized low-carb and ketogenic diets for a long time because they want people to consume toxic cheap and life-reducing carbohydrates, which also is the front-runner of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes.
However, as people see great results with low-carb diets, they have changed their tactics to lie about the possibility of nutrient deficiencies if continued for longer periods of time, and thus slowly making these diets into “clinical medical diets” that admittedly has some healing properties, but must be prescribed by their “experts” and monitored by “doctors.” By doing this, they can scare the big masses from doing it themselves and instead make them a customer and profit big time for each and every one. Of course, they will add in drugs and make sure that the diet is not too effective, as in keeping a lot of damaging and toxic plant-based foods. Thus, people will lose some weight, get a bit better, feel a bit better, but as new damage accumulates, new problems arise and they will come back for more “care” and more drugs. Evil, but brilliant.
If you need help with your diet, improving your quality of life or transitioning from your current way of eating to our natural species-appropriate, species-specific way of eating, I’m available for both coaching and consultation.
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