The Truth About The Extremely Dangerous Supplemental Vitamin D

Again we return to T-Nation, who got their kickers (panties) in a twist yesterday after they had read the principal results of the VITamin D and OmegA-3 government funded TriaL (VITAL) and updated meta-analyses of other relevant vitamin D trials, which actually was published in The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), 2019.

The VITAL trial conducted by the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS) found that Vitamin D3 supplementation (2000 IU/day) did not result in a lower risk of nonvertebral, hip, or total fractures compared to placebo among generally healthy midlife and older adults who were not selected for vitamin D deficiency, low bone mass, or osteoporosis.

This is not surprising as Vitamin D3 supplementation is complete bollocks, as with every single chemically derived and synthetic “vitamin.” I covered this in-depth in my article “Vitamin D Supplementation is Pure Bollocks and Potentially Dangerous.”

In that article I proved without any question that 25(OH)D (vitamin D) levels as measured in the blood is simply a proxy for sun exposure, time outdoors or associated behaviors. Whatever you ingest to raise this level has nothing to do with the effect of sun exposure or the believed levels of Vitamin D3, it’s only a proxy marker, fooling the body into believing that it has had sun exposure. That is extremely dangerous. Not to mention that the synthetic compound that increases this proxy, as in synthetic Vitamin D/D3 supplementation, as in the chemical compound ‘cholecalciferol,’ is extremely toxic and identified as an endocrine disruptor, making it onto the list of substances of very high concern (SVHC.)

This should not be surprising as cholecalciferol is manufactured from the extraction of 7-dehydrocholesterol from lanolin, a natural wax secreted by sheep’s skin as found in sheep’s wool (or in algae.) The extracted cholesterol from the wool or algae undergoes a four-step process to convert it into 7-dehydrocholesterol by oxidation. The 7-dehydrocholesterol is then exposed to UVB light, which triggers an electrocyclic reaction. The pre-cholecalciferol then undergoes an antarafacial sigmatropic rearrangement and subsequent isomerization to form “cholecalciferol.” The resulting cholecalciferol is then “purified” through solvent washes and chromatography. The toxic solvents that are used include hexane, dichloromethane, and acetone, then isopropyl alcohol or mixtures of methanol, followed by a water wash and a drying agent.
If you think there’s something good and healthy left after that procedure, you might be as gullible as the readers of T-Nation who buy their crap.

Again, cholecalciferol is classified as a rodenticide used to control wood rats (Rattus tiomanicus) and other rodents.

So, considering that T-Nation, who disguises themselves as a community of “enhanced fitness,” while actually being a profit-seeking supplement company that pushes toxic drugs, we can see why they would get upset and try to defend their money-making poisons. Let’s see what they have to say.

A study funded by the government said that vitamin D supplements don’t work. Here are all the things they screwed up.

Pretty much every single study ever conducted, especially within the field of “nutrition” and “supplementation” is complete garbage. However, that does not make synthetic ‘vitamin D’ any less toxic or any more useful.

What Did the Study Say?

The study, known as VITAL, compared bone fractures in older people who took a “high” dose of vitamin D3 (2,000 IU), n-3 fatty acids (1 gram per day), or a combination of both, for five years.

Taking vitamin D didn’t appear to reduce the risk of broken hips. In the accompanying editorial, the researchers said not to bother taking Vitamin D, even though most people are deficient. The newspaper headlines read, “Stop Taking Vitamin D!” and people who still get their news from the mainstream media and the government believed it.

At least you acknowledge that the government and the media pretty much lies about everything. However, so do profit-hungry companies. And it gets even worse within the field of “nutrition” and “supplementation” as these fields are based on pseudo-science and complete backwards thinking — going back to the early funded and made-up studies by the food industry and the pharmaceutical industry led by the Rockefellers that conditioned the masses into consuming plant-based slave kibble and relying on supplementation and drugs instead of consuming our real species-appropriate, species-specific natural human carnivorous diet.

Sad. The study neglected every other vitamin D benefit, like immune enhancement and its role in athletic function, lung function, heart function, hormone optimization, nervous system function, cancer prevention, and sexual function. What’s worse, they forgot to consider other factors that determine whether vitamin D supplementation is effective or not.”

The so-called “immune enhancement” is from the toxicity of the synthetic Vitamin D causing cellular damage. I’ve explained the flawed theory of the bogus “immune system” many times. The other benefits are from sun exposure and simply linked to vitamin D through the belief that this ‘hormone’ is responsible for them, as the proxy marker increases during sun exposure.

So, again, these benefits have absolutely nothing to do with vitamin D as a supplement, and that is also why there are so many studies showing zero benefit from supplementing vitamin D.
Those who showed some benefits likely improved other aspects of their life, and perhaps, even got some more real sun exposure.

Neglected Factor 1 – Magnesium

The study didn’t address magnesium intake, and vitamin D can’t be metabolized without sufficient magnesium.

Roughly 80% of the American public is deficient in the mineral, so that could explain why vitamin D3 supplementation didn’t appear to do much in the VITAL study. Oh, and athletes? They’re even worse off regarding magnesium, as the mineral is fond of leaving the body in sweat.

Let’s say that they actually got this right, that magnesium is essential for the activation of 25-hydroxylase and 1α-hydroxylase responsible for metabolizing vitamin D, and to convert vitamin D into its active form, calcitriol (1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D), in the liver and kidneys.
It does still not matter as the supplemental form of Vitamin D (cholecalciferol) has nothing to do with the alleged identified hormone in the body, nor the effects of sun exposure.

Neglected Factor 2 – Calcium

“Individuals with a high calcium-to-magnesium intake are at a higher risk of magnesium deficiency, and the activities of the three major enzymes that determine vitamin D concentrations are all magnesium-dependent. The result is a vitamin D deficiency or an insufficiency.

So maybe you’re thinking, no problem, I’ll just double my intake of vitamin D supplements. Not so fast. The more vitamin D you take, the further you tap into magnesium stores, leaving you an increasingly insufficient amount to activate the enzymes responsible for determining vitamin D levels.”

Again, the same applies as above. It has nothing to do with the synthetic Vitamin D supplements, as they are inherently toxic and only increases the proxy marker.

Neglected Factor 3 – Fat Intake

“Vitamin D3 is fat-soluble. Without concurrently ingesting some fat, taking a vitamin D3 capsule won’t do much.”

A study from 2013 showed that 10 grams of fat supported “ideal absorption” of Vitamin D, as in allowing it to raise the proxy, deceiving the body into believing that it got sun exposure. 10 grams is not much considering today’s modern diet.
Of course, a diet high in saturated animal fats is ideal for health and to actually get benefits from real sun exposure. However, this argument in the sake of idiotic supplementation is weak at best.

Neglected Factor 4 – Difficulty Elevating Vitamin D Levels

“The total amount of vitamin D (D2 and D3) found in a food during chemical analyses often doesn’t reflect its bioavailability. A lot of the vitamin is bound up in the actual food and remains so after you eat it. Many things contribute to this: the fibers in the food, the size of the food particles themselves, and the quantity of the vitamin itself. Interactions between vitamin D and other fat-soluble nutrients might also be a factor, as well as a bunch of host-related issues (age, disease state, fed condition, genetics, obesity, etc.).”

Interesting that you now, when it’s convenient, mention factors such as fiber blocking nutrients and the reduced bioavailability (antinutrients) when consuming plant-based foods, when you the other day advertised your extremely toxic and idiotic fiber supplement.

If there is a real natural Vitamin D that you actually can get from food, the only source for humans will be from animal-based sources, such as the meat and organ meats of an animal. Also, that is the only source of fully bioavailable nutrition, and when consumed without any idiotic and retarded plant-based foods, you will have zero interference from fiber, antinutrients, defense chemicals, and pesticides.

In other words, if you are concerned about “vitamins” or “nutrients” from food, make sure that you follow our species-appropriate diet. It’s the only way to guarantee bioavailable nutrients.

“Traditional vitamin D supplements are prone to all the same manufacturing and absorption problems attributed to vitamin-D-containing foods – moisture, oxygen exposure, excess heat, and non-optimal storage conditions.”

Traditional uh? So, this is a pitch to claim that your toxic crap is superior? So silly. All synthetic forms of “vitamins” such as Vitamin D are still extremely toxic and useless, no matter the manufacturing process. We have already established this in depth.

What They Should Have Used Instead

“The only form of vitamin D worth taking is microencapsulated vitamin D3. It’s manufactured by encapsulating vitamin D molecules in liposomes, or solid lipid nanoparticles.”

And there it is, their advertisement for their own shitty and highly toxic supplement. Trying to push this synthetic crap on people should be illegal.

For fun, let’s see what is actually in their “D Fix” vitamin D supplement.

Oh, look at that, “Vitamin D3 (as cholecalciferol)” as in every single synthetic and toxic vitamin D3 supplement on the market. If you read my earlier articles on Vitamin D, or the chemical synthetic compound “cholecalciferol,” you know that it is actually a rat poison used for rodent control, and that it is not approved as a food or drug substance for human use, nor is it approved for pharmaceutical applications. Interesting, uh?

In short, their “delivery system” of medium chain triglycerides (MCTs) and the self-emulsifying excipient ‘caprylocaproyl polyxyl-8 glycerides’ does not matter at all, as the active ingredient is the same toxic shit found in all idiotic “vitamin D3” supplements.
Actually, this delivery system of slow-release and better absorption will only make it even more toxic. 

Now, people of below average intelligence will argue that the dosages used in “vitamin D” supplementation is significantly lower than the toxic and deadly dose (LD50) for rats and the estimated lethal dose for a human. However, that is of course totally irrelevant as it is still a toxic chemical, a poison, that will damage cells and tissue no matter the dosage. A lower dose simply means less damage, while a higher dose means more damage. And let’s not forget that it tricks the body to believe that it has received sun exposure, something that will likely have multiple health implications in the long run, as mentioned in my previous articles. 

Again, forget this extremely foolish idea of a pill solution in a bottle. You cannot replace real human nutrition, nor sun exposure with a frikkin’ synthetic and highly toxic compound.
Start eating like a real human being and make sure to spend some time outdoors and you will be as healthy as can be. It’s not more complicated than that.

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