Multivitamins: All Synthetic Vitamins Are Poison

Today we return to Iron Magazine and their clueless writer Matt Weik who recently wrote an article on multivitamins based on a new study. The cohort study used data from 3 prospective cohort studies in the US, each with baseline multivitamin (MV) use assessed from 1993 to 2001, and follow-up MV use assessed from 1998 to 2004, extended duration of follow-up up to 27 years, to assess the association of MV use with mortality risk.

Let’s see what little Matt has to say, as he is a writer for a supplement-based online magazine.

The other day, I read a study that challenged the notion that taking daily multivitamins for longevity did nothing. Surely, this was a hit piece for targeting the supplement industry, right?

How juvenile. The supplement industry is just as a big scam as the pharmaceutical industry. We will get to this in a bit.

Why Would You Need Daily Multivitamins?

“For starters, the American diet is junk. Processed foods, fast food, fried foods, too much sugar, the list goes on and on.”

Yes, all modern diets that deviate from our natural human animal-based diet are complete junk and also very detrimental to our health, cutting our lifespan in half.

“Many Americans are deficient in key micronutrients because they don’t eat a well-balanced diet made up of healthy foods like lean protein sources, vegetables, and fruits. Therefore, what they are left with are nutrient gaps.”

I see that you are a brainwashed fool, parroting the inverted “nutrition science,” the pseudoscience established by the food- and pharmaceutical industry to keep people sick, weak, docile, and in need of their constant help through symptom-alleviation drugs. How sad, but hardly surprising.
To understand human nutrition, you need to research physiology, anthropology, biology, microbiology, and biochemistry.

Humans are obligate hyper carnivores. We can only get the nutrition we need from animal sources. Anything plant-based is contraindicated and also very toxic, as in poisoning us. Thus, recommending vegetables and fruit shows a complete lack of understanding of human physiology and it should also be considered as criminally dangerous and unhealthy advice.

With that said, at least you recognized the fact that most people today are overfed but malnourished, as in having one or multiple nutrient deficiencies.

“In order to fill these gaps, many people look for daily multivitamins to help provide them with the missing vitamins and minerals from their nutrition.”

First off, simply the idea of “supplementing” tells you how atrocious and bad your diet is — that you do not understand human nutrition. No “diet” should ever need to be supplemented, that’s a big red flag right there, as it simply says that it’s deficient, that it totally sucks. I threw out all supplements almost seven years ago, and I haven’t looked back since, especially not since I started to research the manufacturing process and discovered that it is all a huge and extremely toxic scam. And that takes us to the fact that not one single artificial and synthetic vitamin has any likeness to what we can find in nature or in an animal, or in our cells. This means that they do not do what they are said to do. They are simply toxic compounds with a lot of chemical residues from the manufacturing process, wreaking havoc within your body. I’ve covered this in many articles, including the manufacturing processes, such as for example “The Deadly Synthetic Niacin (Vitamin B3),” “The Truth About The Extremely Dangerous Supplemental Vitamin D,” and “Review: 15 Health Supplements Men Allegedly Need.”

Are Daily Multivitamins Bunk?

A comprehensive research study has cast doubt on the widespread belief that taking daily multivitamins can extend your lifespan. In fact, the findings suggest a potential increase in mortality risk among regular users, which actually blew my mind.

The study blew your fragile little mind because you have not done your research — you are still trapped in the box created by the elites through the food- and pharmaceutical industry and the medical community.

If properly done, you will see an increase in mortality among those who poison themselves on a daily basis, as in this case, with synthetic and bogus vitamins.

“Despite my own personal feelings and thoughts about daily multivitamins, the results indicated that multivitamin users had a slightly higher likelihood of dying during the study period compared to non-users. This led government researchers to conclude that using multivitamins to promote longevity lacks the scientific support we once thought it had.”

Yes, exactly, “personal feelings.” Feelings have no place within science, or any kind of argument for or against something.
And it’s no surprise that it is “government researchers” who actually throw us a few truths as they want to keep their backs clean if the real truth ever comes out and wakes up the big sleeping masses.

To be honest, there are several parts of the study that have me questioning the legitimacy and if the study was simply a way to attack the supplement industry because we know big pharma hates supplements getting in the way of them owning every single person on the planet.

Wow, you really are clueless, aren’t you Matt? This is like politics. Pure theater. The supplement industry and the pharmaceutical industry are simply separate wings belonging to the same bird. At the top, it’s the same elite families and their investment firms such as Vanguard and BlackRock who owns it all. It’s an illusionary battle to control both sides of the population and to keep them weak — those who are sleepwalking and trusts their clueless doctor and Big Pharma to cover up their symptoms with drugs, and those who think that they are awake, independent, and want to take or make their own drugs, as in supplements and useless remedies.
By controlling both these sides, they can feed almost everyone with poison.

If you know anything about the manufacturing process of supplements, and trust me — I worked in that field for more than 17 years and have, since I quit in 2015, dug a lot deeper — and then you know that all chemicals that are produced from waste materials and used to make these vitamins and similar supplements are heavily controlled and only allowed to be manufactured by companies licensed by government agencies, as in pharmaceutical companies. Yes, Big Pharma produces all the chemical raw material that is used to make your beloved supplements. Supplement companies simply purchase these chemicals in bulk and mix them together and then put them into a tablet, pill or powder.
And the only controls that are made is that of contamination, purity, and that it actually is the chemical it is supposed to be. And who came up with that chemical? Yes, scientists working for the pharmaceutical industry.

“The multivitamin and dietary supplement industry is a significant market, with nearly half of UK adults and a third of US adults regularly consuming these products. However, despite their popularity, researchers have questioned the health benefits of multivitamins, with some studies even suggesting potential harm.”

Yes, frightening, isn’t it? So many people poison themselves; not only through bad dietary habits, but also through supplementation of artificial chemicals — believing that they can compensate for their shitty eating behaviors. Comical in a very sad way.

And this is why they release studies like this. They have a “clean conscience” while people simply will continue to do what they do, because monkey see, monkey do.
Also, baby-troofers, those who think that they are awake and not part of the sleeping sheeple, will take studies like these as evidence of the opposite, that synthetic vitamins are good, and they will likely take even more toxic supplements as a result. Reverse psychology.

What Did the Researchers Find?

“The findings revealed no evidence that daily multivitamins reduced mortality risk. Instead, a 4% higher mortality risk was observed among users in the initial years of follow-up.

Researchers speculate that this increased risk could be due to the potentially harmful effects of multivitamins or a tendency for people to start taking multivitamins when they develop serious illnesses.

Again, to chime in here, you can’t say daily multivitamins cause premature death compared to non-vitamin users when someone is already sick and dying. Also, I’d like to see the data and research that shows the harmful effects multivitamins can have when used as directed.”

Actually, if someone is sick and dying, it is likely from toxemia or nutrient deficiencies, or both. Humans are made to live 120 to 150 years. If we get sick and die before that, it’s from a very unhealthy lifestyle, mostly because we did not follow our natural human diet of animal-foods, and we are ridden with toxins that have caused too much damage for our bodies to heal and recover from. And if we have nutrient deficiencies, our bodies can not function properly, as in detoxing these toxins and repairing damaged tissue — and that is ultimately what leads to severe health complications such as cardiovascular- and organ failure, and death.

So, logically, if these synthetic vitamins were real and not toxic compounds, they would help a little by remedying nutrient deficiencies and thus help with detoxification and healing, extending your life-span and aid those who are very sick, even making them better, but alas, they do not. 

And the only way to actually asses the damaging nature of these synthetic vitamins and supplements would be to put two groups of people on our natural human carnivorous diet for a year or two to establish a baseline of health, and then add a strong multivitamin to one group for a few weeks and then do every available tests to assess cellular damage and increased inflammation from tissue healing in comparison to the other group.
However, such a study will never happen, as they need to hide our natural diet from us at any cost.

“Again, I would like to see a legit and unbiased study comparing the use of daily multivitamins versus not using one. Right now, you can’t convince me that there’s a con to using one to help fill in nutrient deficiencies.”

Damn! You really are trapped in that emotional box of pseudoscience that the food industry and Big Pharma has put over your head.
Again, you cannot remedy nutrient deficiencies with artificial chemicals that have no resemblance to what we find in nature or in the cells of animals. You will only poison yourself and the acute poisoning will stop current healing processes, removing symptoms from these. I’ve explained this in-depth in my articles “More on Disease and Healing – And Why Most Medicines and “Natural” Remedies are Worthless,” “Reminder! Herbs, Natural Remedies, Drugs and The Disease Scam,” and “Shills be Shillin’: Herbal Medicine and the Plant-Based Psy-Op.”

“Instead of relying on multivitamins, experts recommend focusing on a healthy diet rich in a variety of nutrients, fiber, and limited in saturated fat and cholesterol. But as we all know and the research has shown, it’s nearly impossible to get 100% of your daily micronutrients through whole food options due to the volume of food needed. It’s just not possible.”

Well, it is not possible to get all the nutrients you need if you have been conned into consuming plant-based slave foods, as in a retarded “balanced diet” or a “western diet,” or even worse, a “plant-based diet.” However, you will easily cover all essential nutrients by only a few slices of fatty meat, a few egg yolks, or some organ meat. On an animal-based diet, it is almost impossible to not get all the nutrients we need, even if you’re a “light eater.” I’ve never seen a single nutrient deficiency in someone following a carnivorous diet.

And with that, we’ll end this article. The conclusion is the same as my previous stance. Do not under any circumstances consume synthetic vitamins, multivitamins, or any kind of food that has been fortified. These synthetic chemicals are all extremely toxic and damaging. And if you actually care about your health, your wellbeing, your daily energy levels and productivity, and your lifespan, you should follow our natural human carnivorous diet. And by doing so, there is no need for any kind of supplement ever, even if they would work, which they do not.

It’s that simple. And you’ll save a ton of money too.

If you need help with your health, nutrition, and/or transitioning from your current way of eating to our natural species-appropriate, species-specific way of eating, I’m available for both coaching and consultation.
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