Again, we return to the pharmaceutical drug pushers at Medical News Today, one of the worst websites for news articles within the field of medical pseudo-science and disinformation (not unlike other disinformation websites such as WebMD, National Institute of Mental Health, or Mayo Clinic.)
This time they support paid shills within the backwards “research” on mental illness by writing about their illogical and short-sighted approach in “treating” depression and other mental illnesses.
Let’s see what they suggest this time.
“Depression is a widespread mental illness, impacting about 280 million people worldwide. Researchers are interested in expanding treatment options and finding the most effective medications. Using psychedelics to treat depression is one area of ongoing research.”
Indeed, and none of these man-made “mental diseases” existed a mere 100-years ago. They are all the result of the industrial and highly orchestrated shift planned by the food industry and the medical community towards plant-based diets and highly processed foods, as in a diet almost void of bioavailable and essential nutrients. To keep it simple, all types of mental illness, including depression, is the result of either a starving and/or toxic brain — and in some cases mental trauma, but that is another topic (and it can be improved or even cured by proper species-specific nutrition as well.)
The most important nutrients for a healthy and highly functional brain are animal fats, especially cholesterol, and omega-3, several key amino acids, and some vitamins and minerals. Most of these are only found fully bioavailable in animal-based foods, such as meat and eggs.

And as these foods that are crucial for our health and well-being slowly has been villainized by the same powers that want to keep us weak, docile, sickly, and dumbed down, the powers that want us to be obedient tax-paying slaves, it is not surprising that “modern diseases” has skyrocketed, especially those connected to brain- and mental health.

The solution is quite obvious and logical. Simply consume more animal-based foods, as in our natural human species-appropriate diet, and you will heal and recover. However, something tells me that Medical News Today will go the band-aid route instead, the road of keeping us sick but cooping, so they can continue to control us while making a lot of money.

“A review and meta-analysis published in the BMJ compared the effectiveness of psychedelics to escitalopram.
The results of the review indicate that high doses of psilocybin were minimally more effective than escitalopram in relieving depressive symptoms and slightly more effective than the placebo results in escitalopram trials.”
Using brain-altering and highly toxic chemicals to temporarily suppress symptoms of a starving brain that is simply trying to heal is as retarded as taking off your driver seat belt for 30 minutes while speeding down the autobahn because it was itching your shoulder.
As a note, escitalopram, an “antidepressant,” is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor which will alter brain chemistry, thus, it is very dangerous as it is impossible to predict any long-term consequences and damage. What is known is that prolonged use, or high doses, may lead to permanent changes in brain chemistry, potentially altering the balance of neurotransmitters and affecting neuronal function, including damage to brain cells. It can also negatively impact brain development and should therefore never be used by children or teenagers.
To add to this, no drugs or medicines should ever be used by children or teenagers as any “ailment” is simply the manifestation of a lacking diet and/or high toxic load — something that is easily fixed.

How do psychedelics stack up to other treatments for depression?
It does not, it’s a temporary band-aid, you frikkin’ morons. Fix the real problem, as in the diet. Remove the toxic plant-based foods, remove the toxic carbohydrates, and eliminate all processed foods that come with a label. Simple.
“Psychedelics are psychoactive substances that have the potential to treat several mental illnesses like depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Common examples of psychedelics include psilocybin, LSD, and MDMA.”
No, do not use the word “treat” as in “treatment.” It does nothing of the sort. Psychedelics alter your brain chemistry, temporarily making you feel better by very unnatural and damaging means. That is not a “treatment,” that is a temporary band-aid, and it simply reinforces you to continue with the bad behavior and idiotic lifestyle that caused your mental illness or depression in the first place. An extremely retarded approach — but alas, profitable as doctors void of any kind of consciousness and knowledge can continue to diagnose you with nonsense and prescribe expensive, unnecessary and harmful drugs. That is as evil as it gets. But most people are too dumbed down and brainwashed to even recognize it. Everyone wants a quick fix, a quick solution with minimal effort. The sheep want something that is easier than changing their atrocious lifestyle. Pathetic!
“This study used meta-analysis techniques to compare the effectiveness of psychedelics and escitalopram (Lexapro) for depressive symptoms. It’s notable that only high dose psilocybin showed greater effectiveness than escitalopram. High-dose psilocybin shows promise as a fast-acting, short-term treatment for depression. This is in comparison to antidepressants, which take weeks, if not months, to kick in and only continue to work with continued use, he told Medical News Today.”
At least you admitted that these drugs only continue “to work” with continued use, which is the same thing as admitting that they do absolutely nothing to fix the problem, to heal you, that they are indeed only a temporary band-aid. And that is also the extreme danger with these drugs as they will cause damage and alterations to the brain every time you use them, and that damage accumulates. Only a complete idiot would ever turn to these drugs. Again, fix your diet and lifestyle and you will soon be on top of your game, and if you adopt our natural human diet, you will be healthier and more mentally strong than the rest of the 99% of the dumbed down population. That is a true super power! You’ll be a giant among mice.
“Though not addressed in this study, the clinical consensus is that benefits of high dose psilocybin can last for months and potentially years after the acute episode of treatments. At times even only one treatment session is needed for otherwise chronic intractable depression. This is part of why psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy under safe, controlled professional settings is gathering such momentum and enthusiasm in the field of psychology and psychiatry, he added.”
If you have any understanding of physiology and biochemistry, the fact that the effects of a psychedelic can linger for months should be extremely concerning. While the long-term effects of psilocybin on brain chemistry are not yet fully understood and require further investigation, which should be very worrying in itself, it is known that it changes the brain’s connectivity patterns and it affects the hippocampal neurogenesis, a process that is critical for learning and memory. In other words, it might temporarily make you more at ease and “happy,” while also transforming you into a full-blown retard, an even more dumbed down slave for the medical establishment to profit from. Baa-baa, little sheep, take your pill.

“The researchers also only focused on acute effects, so future research will need to evaluate long-term effects of all related medications.”
Yes. exactly. And you all failed to mention any of these. Luckily, I did not, as I actually care about helping people and limit any damage they may expose themselves to. Unfortunately, the medical community and the pharmaceutical industry operate in the completely opposite way. They want you to be sick and dependent your whole life and to die as soon after retirement as possible, to minimize your cost on society.
And with that, we will end today’s article as there is not much more to add. Again, any kind of non-trauma-induced mental illness is simply the result of a lacking and potentially toxic diet and lifestyle. If you’re not on top of your game, that is what you need to fix. Popping extremely toxic and dangerous pills for a quick fix is not a solution, that is the lazy coward’s way out. Do not be that stupid.
For everything you need to know about our natural and proper human diet, please visit my nutrition archives. And if you need more help or personal guidance, do not hesitate to contact me for coaching or consulting sessions.
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