
Do Not Support/Enable Depressed People, Fix the Problem Instead

The other day I ran across another typical ‘modern healthcare’ article at Healthline, a shill website for Big Pharma, Modern Medicine, and everything that is wrong, inverted, anti-human and thus pushed by our governments and media.This article was about the steadily increasing rate of ‘depression’ among children and young adults, and what you as a parent to a “depressed child” can do. As the article is once again based on the inverted, backwards (and […]

Do Not Support/Enable Depressed People, Fix the Problem Instead Read the Full Article »

The Truth About Heart Attacks and Life Essential Cholesterol

Today we yet again return to the Bodybuilding and Fitness website T-Nation and their take on “exposing” Big Pharma and their lies about heart attacks and medicine in general. Let’s see what they got right and what, due to their limited understanding of human physiology, they got wrong. They begin their story with a “healthy guy” who without any risk factors recently underwent heart surgery due to blockages, which raised the question of what

The Truth About Heart Attacks and Life Essential Cholesterol Read the Full Article »

Cancer is a Natural Survival Mechanism

The pseudo-scientific “germ-based” shill website Medical News Today recently posted another article on cancer, claiming that “early-stage cancer cells” hide from the “immune system.”This is yet another made-up lie to add to the growing misinformation and fear propaganda about cancer – while trying to normalize it, as cancer is growing due to our bad modern lifestyle of stress, pollution, and toxic slave food. And as most people should know by now, we do not

Cancer is a Natural Survival Mechanism Read the Full Article »

Shill Dr. Vladimir Zelenko Dead Just Days After Dr. Carrie Madej Plane Crash

It seems that they are trying to validate dangerous and idiotic practices like using ‘Ivermectin’ and ‘hydroxychloroquine’ while desperately trying to keep the virus lie alive. These shills, these Controlled Opposition, are used to herd those slowly waking up and realizing that the vaccines are pure poison, used to sterilize, maim and kill us. This is very clever and part of the strategy to always control both sides of an argument, both sides of

Shill Dr. Vladimir Zelenko Dead Just Days After Dr. Carrie Madej Plane Crash Read the Full Article »

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