We who are enlightened celebrate the new year as spring arrives in late March, however, for the indoctrinated sleeping slave masses, 2024 has now come to an end according to the silly Jesuit “Gregorian” calendar, introduced by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582 — a patron and supporter of the Catholic Jesuit Order, The Society of Jesus, as in their puppet.
And as we are more or less forced to follow this evil calendar, we round off the year by returning to the supplement shills at T-Nation for an advertisement article where we are led to believe that we should combat female fat distribution by buying their toxic and worthless supplements. Hilarious! Anyway, let’s see what they have to say about the issue of female fat distribution in men.
“Generally, women store more fat on their hips, butts, and thighs: the gluteal-femoral region. This isn’t a bad thing. A healthy amount of fat in the right places, combined with resistance-trained muscles, looks feminine and sexy. These curves work for women; they do not work for men.”
I can agree with that. A real man should have wide shoulders, narrow hips, a flat stomach, and defined muscle bellies, no matter his age.
“It’s called gynoid fat distribution, and yes, men can have it. While a man normally stores excess fat in the abdominal region (android fat distribution), several factors can cause it to shift into a lady-like pattern. Instead of looking like an apple, he looks like a pear. Here’s what can cause it and how to prevent it.”
Yes, typically when we store more fat than what is natural, we refer to these predefined patterns of excess fat distribution.
The manly android fat distribution is characterized by fat accumulation in the abdominal region, and especially by visceral fat (fat around organs,) which makes the belly stick out more. This pattern is commonly referred to as an “apple-shaped” body.
The female gynoid fat distribution is characterized by fat accumulation in the hips, thighs, and buttocks, but also in the legs, the chest/breast and upper arms, especially the triceps area.
Because of the strong fat accumulation of the hip-area, this pattern is commonly referred to as an “pear-shaped” body.
Dude Looks Like a Lady?
“How does a man develop female-pattern obesity? Well, first, he overeats and doesn’t exercise. Excess fat increases aromatase activity, which converts testosterone into estrogen. This hormonal shift encourages fat accumulation in areas associated with female fat patterns.”
No, not really. That is a “semi-truth” at best. Exercise is not needed to stay lean or to keep hormones in check. While moderate exercise might help a little bit with muscle definition and size, it’s pretty much all about nutrition and toxic exposure.
While some experiments, especially in mice, has led to the theory that excess adipose tissue in people with symptoms of diabetes and/or “insulin resistance” can contribute to increased aromatase activity, its is much more likely that the increased aromatase activity is a result of the “terrain,” as in what caused the gain in body fat to begin with. In other words, continuously elevated blood glucose levels and a high toxic load from consuming the wrong kind of foods, and this has been proven in several studies and experiments, as these scenarios strongly interfere with hormone production, especially testosterone (which then makes testosterone plummet and some of it being converted to estrogen, and thus estrogen become dominant.)

If adipose tissue were solely responsible for aromatase activity, every single man who is slightly overweight should have female-like fat distribution, yet they do not. So, simple logic dictates that there are several reasons for aromatase activity, as in testosterone being converted into estrogen. And from my 30+ years of experience in fitness, bodybuilding, and sports, actually coaching thousands of people and thus working with thousands of different body types and scenarios, I would say that lifestyle factors such as diet and toxic exposure (especially endocrine-disrupting chemicals such as phytoestrogens from both food and environmental factors) is the major cause of different fat distribution patterns. And looking at available data within biology and physiology, this is strongly supported.

“However, even if they’re lean, some men store small amounts of excess fat in the womanly pattern instead of on their bellies and love handles.”
Yes, exactly, because of a shitty diet with plant-based garbage and toxic exposure. So, in other words, you just contradicted yourself that adipose tissue is to blame and added support to my research and experience. Way to go, and thank you.
1. Genetics or Medical Issues (Rare)
“Some men have a genetic predisposition to store fat in a gynoid pattern. However, they probably won’t notice if they avoid gaining weight. This is extremely rare anyway. Klinefelter syndrome (having an extra X chromosome), androgen insensitivity syndrome (a condition where your body can’t properly respond to androgens), and Cushing’s (extremely high cortisol) may also lead to gynoid obesity. Again, all pretty rare.”
Genetics is pure bullocks. However, some men can be born with disadvantages due to their mother not consuming enough animal-based food prior and during her pregnancy and/or being under a heavy toxic load from drugs, medications, and vaccines. Thus, her body had to compromise by breaking down her tissues as best as it could to provide nutrition and building blocks for the baby. This compromising is usually noticed in a more narrow skeletal build, a more feminine appearance, and it can also interfere with organ and hormonal functionality. And even more so if the infant isn’t properly fed after birth when it’s rapidly growing into a child and a teenager and the organs develop fully. I’ve explained all this in several articles.
Keep in mind that all invented “diseases,” “disabilities,” and “syndromes” are simply labels put on health issues that are the result of damage from either nutrient deficiencies and/or toxic exposure. And if this happened while being a growing fetus/baby, it can be somewhat permanent. Still it has nothing to do with the pseudo-science of “genetics,” which is a great scapegoat to keep the deception going, as in the real reason being the modern plant-based and processed diet, and that of drugs, medicines, vaccines, and other toxic exposure.
“However, liver disease can also contribute to the problem. Chronic alcohol use affects liver function, leading to increased estrogen and reduced testosterone. That’s something you can control.”
Yes, and most alcoholic beverages contain a lot of endocrine-disrupting chemicals such as the plant-based phytoestrogens.
However, alcoholic beverages are not the main cause of liver damage. Again, you fail to mention the real culprits, the stuff that affects most people and not only the retards that consume the obvious toxic alcohol.
The most common reasons for liver damage and liver disease is toxic exposure from medications, heavy metals, pesticides, plant defense chemicals and antinutrients, and/or in combination with repeatedly elevated blood glucose from consuming carbohydrates (which damages all soft tissues and organs,) and non-converted and/or oxidized unsaturated fats from seed- and vegetable oils. This is basic level biochemistry and a lot more people get exposed to these damaging factors than the amount of people being alcoholics — and this is why we see liver disease (and other “diseases”) in so many people today compared to only 30 to 50 years ago.

2. Hormonal Imbalances (More Common)
“It’s all about the interplay of two sex hormones:
- Testosterone: Low T can lead to fat storage patterns resembling those typically seen in women. Testosterone normally suppresses the development of fat cells (adipogenesis) and encourages fat breakdown (lipolysis), particularly in the lower body.
- Estrogen: Estrogen is responsible for the typical female fat distribution pattern. Men with elevated estrogen levels, relative to testosterone, develop a more feminine fat distribution. Combining too-high estrogen with excess body fat is bad news: fat cells produce estrogen via the aromatase enzyme.”
Low testosterone usually means more estrogen in relation to testosterone, and that is what can cause a female fat distribution pattern, not low testosterone in itself. It’s always the mechanism of estrogen that is in play when men store more fat in “female areas.”
And again, it’s not really body fat that causes increased aromatase activity, we already covered this.
So, the real problem is out-of-balance estrogen compared to testosterone, as in lower testosterone and higher estrogen — all while having a high toxic load and consuming carbohydrates and/or seed/vegetable oils that promote fat gain; body fat that thus favors accumulation in more “female areas.”
And the cause of this hormonal imbalance of higher estrogen is almost always due to a bad lifestyle, as in a bad diet. This however is two-folded as we need certain nutrients to be able to produce testosterone and then we have diet components that do the opposite, that suppress testosterone and increase aromatase activity.
So, the culprit is a diet that is very low in saturated animal fats and cholesterol, the building blocks that are needed to produce testosterone — and a diet that also damages the body and hormone production further, increasing aromatase activity, as in a diet high in carbohydrates, seed/vegetable oils, pesticides, heavy metals, and plant-based toxins (especially from grains and soy,) sometimes in combination with environmental toxic exposure, and especially from endocrine-disrupting chemicals as found in plastics, hygiene/personal care products, and beauty products including fragrances. In other words, stuff men should never even consider if their testosterone levels are high and they act like real manly men, and not like little vegan soy-boys.

How to Prevent Gynoid Fat Distribution
“If you’re already built like a pear, lose fat. While you’re doing it, get your testosterone and estrogen levels checked. Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) can certainly help, but this can get tricky if you have other underlying conditions, so talk to a progressive doctor.”
No, you need to change your lifestyle and then fat loss will happen as a result of these changes. Never focus solely on fat loss as a single goal. If overweight, fat loss should be a natural effect of your changes toward a healthier life. Always focus on health, wellbeing and longevity first, and everything else will follow. That is yet again simple logic and common sense.
And this can only be accomplished by adopting our species-specific and natural way of eating. Humans are obligate hyper carnivores, and we can only function optimally if we follow that way of eating, the diet we are constructed for. Again, that is common sense.

Only our natural diet of animal foods can guarantee all the nutrients and building blocks needed to restore and optimize our hormone production while healing the body. Also, it’s the only food that does not contain anything that is toxic. Meanwhile, all plant-based edibles and processed foods based on anything plant-based contain useless and toxic carbohydrates, damaging fiber, highly toxic defense chemicals, antinutrients, pesticides, and heavy metals.

This is a no-brainer. And TRT is only needed if you have damaged your body to such a degree that you cannot achieve natural testosterone levels above the normal range even after a few years on our natural diet. It can also be a “crutch” during your transition into our natural diet if your hormones are abysmal to begin with. In that case, you can do TRT while getting your diet in order and while you start to heal, then after a year or two, you can try to go without it, an most likely, your natural production will kick in and you will have the testosterone production of a 20-year old, even if you’re 60 or older. That is the power of our natural animal-based diet.
And if you need help or guidance, I’m always available for coaching or consultations.
After this, T-Nation promoted their own toxic and totally useless “T-booster” supplements, when all you need to do is to get your nutrition in check and really make sure you get plenty of cholesterol and saturated fats.
Also, there is no need to worry about testosterone aromatization or elevated estrogen activity if you follow our natural way of eating, as there is zero toxicity and zero phytoestrogens present. Just make sure to never use any commercial hygiene- or beauty products, but as a man, you should not even consider it. A homemade soap made of tallow is all you need.
If you need help with any kind of health problems or transitioning from your current way of eating to our natural species-appropriate, species-specific way of eating, I’m available for both coaching and consultation.
Coaching and Consultation
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