The Dave Bautista Controversy And Going Plant-Based Will Destroy You

Here’s another article I really didn’t feel like writing at first, as I had never heard of this ex-wrestler ‘Dave Bautista’ until his “transformation” pictures started circulating on social media and then, of course, the clueless writer Matt Weik of “Ironmagazinehad to write about it.
So, let’s humor him while stating some undeniable facts.

“The internet seems to be raging on fire lately with the recent images of Dave Bautista. More specifically, his weight loss. Many on the internet claim his “transformation” is due to his plant-based diet. While that may be part of it, there’s more going on here than just his change in dietary preferences.”

Yes, his weight- and muscle-loss is mostly due to his extreme non-human plant-based diet, a diet completely void of any bioavailable micronutrients, animal fats, and quality protein, forcing the body to consume itself. While coming off the ‘roids will make you lose some muscle mass and a lot of extra muscle glycogen and water weight, you cannot achieve such a sickly famine-stricken and malnourished appearance unless you are starving, as in following an extremely lacking diet.

Is Dave Bautista Smaller Due to a Plant-Based Diet?

“If you’ve followed Dave Bautista over his career, you’d know this dude was jacked to the max. Everything about him oozed muscularity, and at his peak of over 300 pounds, he was one of the most sought-after wrestlers in the WWE and on the big screen. His personality won him over in the industry and it’s for that reason he had his rise to fame.”

Nope, I do not watch or follow dumbed-down entertainment for the sheep-like and bleating slave population. I do recognize him from some photo that might have been in some article somewhere, but I never heard of him or knew his name before this week.

“Now, in order to get that big and maintain his size, Dave Bautista had to consume a massive number of calories. Prior to his weight loss, he was consuming whatever he wanted. Everything from steak, chicken, fish, burgers, pizza, and everything else the typical American would consume.”

You cannot consume calories, as they are heat units, as in measuring the heat from burning something, which has absolutely nothing to do with how our bodies work or extract energy. Let’s just say that he ate a lot of food, just like any bodybuilder, strongman or weight-lifter.

“At the age of 55, it would be wrong to assume he can maintain his 300-pound physique and keep all his muscle mass. Not only is it unhealthy, but it’s nearly a full-time job trying to manage a physique of his caliber.”

A 300-pound muscular physique is never healthy. While that weight and the stress from the workouts, as in building and maintaining that muscle mass will tear on the body, the real problem is the misinformation and the lies about what you need to eat to achieve it and maintain it, as in your retarded examples above where you mentioned burgers and pizzas. It’s all the toxic and very harmful food that does the majority of the damage, and why it becomes harder and harder to maintain it. The actual aging process does not have that much to do with it, not considering that humans, according to the latest science, are supposed to live for 120 to 150 years. If you would have been eating our species-specific carnivorous diet since birth, you could likely stay somewhat jacked into your 90’s without too much effort.

As for a full-time job, well, almost. To get the nutrients and energy you need from a typical retarded modern diet, you’ll have to eat at least 5 meals a day, probably 7. Again, if they actually understood human nutrition, 4 meals would be sufficient and it would be a lot easier, especially on the digestive system and the toxic load would be close to nothing.

They also need to train for an hour or so, 5 to 6 times a week. And then you have the drug-regimen, with injectables pretty much every day, especially if taking peptides, growth hormone, or GHRH analogues. 

“The decision for Dave Bautista to go plant-based, I’m sure, wasn’t easy. After all, when you’re that big and are known for such a physique, it’s difficult to look at yourself in the mirror and see yourself smaller. Don’t believe me? Ask any bodybuilder who downsized when they hung up their posing trunk, and they’ll tell you about the mental gymnastics they were playing every time they passed a mirror.”

He’s a mind-controlled actor out of the Creative Artists Agency, so going ‘plant-based’ was probably a ritualistic and agenda-driven decision from his handlers, a way to humiliate him while propagandizing the depopulation agenda. And if you do not understand this, or how Hollywood and the secret societies work, you have a lot of catching up to do.

If Dave Bautista actually knew anything about nutrition or health, he would never go plant-based, as that is the complete opposite of health and of our natural human species-specific, species-appropriate diet.

And yes, most bodybuilders and top-athletes develop body dysmorphic disorder — as in a persistent and excessive preoccupation with one or several perceived flaws in one’s physical appearance.

“I’m certain that Dave Bautista is smart enough to still get in quality protein with all the essential amino acids from a variety of plant-based sources. I don’t believe for a second that he’s not on top of his nutrition and paying close attention to his protein and micronutrient intake. That said, a plant-based diet is a great way to drop body fat, and I believe it played a role in his downsizing.”

And I’m certain that you are gullible, unaware of our reality and completely uneducated when it comes to human physiology and simple biology, as you have proven in every single article you have put out
You cannot get any bioavailable micronutrients from plant-based foods, you fool! The few that exist are not in the correct chemical form and must be converted in the body, which is a costly and difficult process, yielding only a few percent. 

Of course, several essential nutrients do not even exist in plants, such as vitamin B12, creatine, carnosine, iodine, vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin A, and many more, making a plant-based, and especially a vegan or fruitarian diet the most retarded diets ever invented.

However, these extreme nutrient deficiencies can be somewhat remedied by incorporating a lot of egg yolks, fish and preferably some meat or organ meats. With that said, the defense chemicals, antinutrients, pesticides, fiber, and carbohydrates within plant-based foods will do extreme damage to your body, especially the cardiovascular system, soft tissues, and organs.

And as for amino-acids, most plant-based foods lack one or several essential amino acids, and even if you try to mix foods to get them all, the amino acids, as in proteins, are bound to fiber and you’ll be lucky to absorb 50% of what is actually in the plant. So, no, it’s impossible to get enough essential amino acids from plant-based foods, even if you eat until you shit yourself every hour (as most vegans do anyways.)

And if you understand these very basic principles within physiology, biology, and biochemistry, you should also understand that a “plant-based diet” is NOT a great way to drop body fat, as going plant-based is starvation and you are also doing a lot of damage to your body by simply consuming them.
No human should ever consume anything plant-based. That is simple physiology, you little twat!

“But is his plant-based diet the real reason Dave Bautista seemed to lose all his muscle? No, I don’t believe that at all. So, what was it?”

Because you’re a gullible little indoctrinated fool.

Getting Off Anabolics WILL Cause You to Shrink

“I cannot tell you with certainty that Dave Bautista was using steroids to get his larger-than-life physique, but I think we can all assume he had some help. The fact that Dave Bautista is not getting any younger and is 55 years old should tell you more than all the gossip circulating around on the internet today.”

Gullible for sure. Of course he was using anabolic-androgenic steroids.

“Dave Bautista looks healthy. Everyone keeps speculating there’s something wrong with him that he looks sickly, he’s a fraction of his former self, etc. When I see Dave Bautista online today, I see a healthy male who looks to be putting his health first and making changes to make his health a priority.”

Dave Bautista looks healthy? Are you both blind and mad?

When he was jacked, you could see the aging effect, especially on his skin with extreme bloating in the face from all the drugs, carbohydrates and high blood pressure. Now, after late 2021 when he turned to a retarded plant-based diet, while his face is less bloated, he’s turned completely gray, his skin is slowly getting worse, and his dark under-eye bags are extremely pronounced. He looks like death! No wonder he wears colored glasses in all the photos. When he was jacked, he looked 50+ years old, now he looks like he’s in his late 60-s or mid-70s!

And that is only after a few years — and he claims that he still consumes eggs every day for breakfast and fish twice a week, kind of like a pescatarian (which is also retarded.)
If he actually would go vegan, he would crash and burn within months.

“When you get off steroids, you will shrink to some extent. It’s nearly impossible to come off anabolics and maintain your current physique without seeing some muscle loss and causing a smoother appearance. Your cuts won’t be as deep, and you’ll lose that 3D look. But in the long run, that’s fine if your priorities change.”

Yes, you will lose a bit of muscle mass, mostly intracellular glycogen and water, and also depending on how far you have ventured from your natural maximum. Still, even if you stop them cold, with a little PCT-cycle to kickstart your natural testosterone production, you would still look like you lift, you would not lose much more than what your natural maximum is. Losing more muscle than that requires that you become sedentary and starve yourself.

And guess what? A plant-based diet is simply a slow-placed starvation, hence his extreme muscle loss. 

“I commend Dave Bautista for taking a step back, realizing he needed to change some things in his life, and who are we to judge his decision?”

I fully respect his decision to down-size, as it is healthier in the long run. However, his, or his handlers decision to announce that he is on a “plant-based diet” and that he planned to go vegan is extremely irresponsible, as it reinforces one of the unhealthiest and most deadly approaches to food that exist. Such diets have done irreversible damage to so many people (even killed a lot of people.) I’ve personally helped more than 85 ex-vegans to recover, and some of them might never fully recover their health due to all the accumulated damage.

So, for the simple fact that he is advocating plant-based or even vegan diets, makes him a very evil actor supporting a deadly depopulation agenda, and for that we should all judge him harshly.

Everyone is Quick to Judge Dave Bautista

“Maybe I’m getting older and care less about these types of things, but let the man live his life. Who are we to judge him and make gossip articles and blast it on the news that the man looks like he’s sick or that a plant-based diet made him lose all his lean muscle mass?”

We would, if he simply would have said that he down-sized his physique because of health reasons and left it at that. However, instead he chose to promote one of the deadliest approaches to food there is, and being an influencer and having sheep-like followers, that is extremely irresponsible. Thus, we all need to push harder and show how damaging and life-wrecking plants actually are, and that they have no place in our natural human diet.

And with that, I have to round this off, as my hour has passed and I have a really busy day today as I’m taking in another wolf dog that needs a new home. I’ll do a separate “life update” about that in a few days when we’re all settled. I’ll be looking for a new home for him, or if I feel I have the time and energy and he’s a good fit, he might stay with us. We’ll see.

Until next time, make sure to educate people about our natural species-appropriate diet. It is the difference between merely existing and actually living — not to mention living a lot longer.

If you need help with improving your health, quality of life or transitioning from your current way of eating to our natural species-appropriate, species-specific way of eating, I’m available for both coaching and consultation.

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