muscle mass

Backwards Thinking: Extra Belly And Upper Arm Fat Increase Risk For Dementia And Parkinson’s

And we’re back to take a look at another newly published article from Medical News Today, looking at a new study claiming that excess fat distribution in two specific areas of the body might increase the risk for dementia and Parkinson’s.Well, that sounds like an oversimplification as usual, trying their best to hide the real reasons for the rapid increase in “modern diseases,” that of our modern diet and exposure to toxins. Let’s see […]

Backwards Thinking: Extra Belly And Upper Arm Fat Increase Risk For Dementia And Parkinson’s Read the Full Article »

Strict and Stupid Diets Wreaks Your Hormones

Today we return to T-Nation and a really important subject, a subject their Chris Shugart manages to turn into a full-blown retarded advertisement. Still, with more than 20+ active years as a high-level coach within the fitness and sports industry, this is something I worked a lot with, so let’s see what Chris has to say about the hormonal damage from strict ‘starvation’ diets. “Famine is fairly rare in today’s world, but that wasn’t

Strict and Stupid Diets Wreaks Your Hormones Read the Full Article »

Debunking Myths About Intermittent Fasting?

A few weeks ago, the disinformation website ‘Healthline’ published an article about “7 widespread myths about intermittent fasting,” allegedly debunked by ‘dietitians.’As you know, ‘dietitians’ are totally clueless about human physiology and nutrition. It’s simply a “title” you earn by repeating total bollocks that the food industry and Big Pharma made up to keep people weak and sick and to profit from them. So, let’s see what these ‘dietitians’ had to say. “While some

Debunking Myths About Intermittent Fasting? Read the Full Article »

Is Being Sedentary Really That Bad? It Depends on Your Diet

Today we return to the shill and disinformation agent Dr. Axe, who seems to be pushing a lot of toxic and nutritionally poor plant-based foods as of lately on his atrocious website. Being a gatekeeper of the “nutrition science” lie, this is not surprising, and neither is the latest article on a sedentary lifestyle and possible health risks. They have always been pushing for ‘exercise’ as a band-aid for poor nutrition — a way

Is Being Sedentary Really That Bad? It Depends on Your Diet Read the Full Article »

Fewer and Larger Meals is Our Natural Preference

Yesterday, the Bodybuilding and Fitness website T-Nation posted an article about a study from late 2023 on the effects of a single 100 grams of protein serving after a workout. Back in the day, people used to have some weird belief that you could only absorb about 30 grams of protein per meal, which of course is extremely ridiculous (and we’ll get to that.) Actually, a lot of people who are oblivious to the

Fewer and Larger Meals is Our Natural Preference Read the Full Article »

Plants Will Kill You! And the Fallacy of Vegetable and Fruit Powders

On January 16, 2024, TC Luoma announced that, as for a few months back, he no longer was employed by any supplement company, as in Biotest/T-Nation, and that he now is on Substack only. However, T-Nation are still publishing what seems to be a backlog of his articles, and the latest article, as of January 17, was yet another push for the extremely toxic and dangerous polyphenols.On January 5, 2024, I covered the juvenile

Plants Will Kill You! And the Fallacy of Vegetable and Fruit Powders Read the Full Article »

Do This Instead – Meat and Eggs

As Saturnalia, or “Christmas,” approaches with people finding excuses to shovel toxic life-shortening fat-building crap down their pieholes, Chris Shugart of T-Nation is back with a “One Protein Shake a Day for Muscle” bulking-up article for boys and gals who want to be swole without looking like fat pigs. Always with the f**king artificial man-made crappy protein powders and shakes. Jeez. Shugart begins his article with advocating for a “smarter” bulk approach with gaining

Do This Instead – Meat and Eggs Read the Full Article »

Skinny Fat and the ABC of Body Composition for Women

Today we once again return to T-Nation and their ‘Chief Content Officer’ Chris Shugart and another breakdown of a study from 2020 on women and body composition. The study was focused on what they call “Normal-Weight Obesity,” or simply ‘NWO,’ as in a funny pun on ‘New World Order,’ as we see these ‘skinny fat’ people everywhere nowadays. Actually, Shugart explains it well in his funny introduction; “Talk to the average out-of-date dietician and

Skinny Fat and the ABC of Body Composition for Women Read the Full Article »

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