
Workout Nutrition Recommendations Still Outdated in 2024

Today, for a laugh, we return to the Big Pharma and Government shill-site known as Healthline, one of the worst places for pure disinformation and propaganda on anything health- and nutrition related. A few days ago they posted an article on workout nutrition by Arlene Semeco, MS, RD and Celia Shatzman, which was “medically reviewed” by Jared Meacham, Ph.D., RD, CSCS. That simply means that a bunch of trained and indoctrinated monkeys wrote a […]

Workout Nutrition Recommendations Still Outdated in 2024 Read the Full Article »

Intermittent Fasting: The Importance of Actually Eating and The Difference Between Men and Women

Muscle & Fitness recently posted an article on Intermittent Fasting and differences between men and women. And since a sane human being actually acknowledge that there are only two genders and that there are differences between the sexes, this is an interesting topic. Also, as with all these ‘Intermittent Fasting’ articles, they never mention the real important part, that of actually eating. Their article begins with quoting a 2020 survey where, allegedly, 24 percent

Intermittent Fasting: The Importance of Actually Eating and The Difference Between Men and Women Read the Full Article »

Cyclic Dextrin is Toxic Crap

The supplement-shills over at the “fitness website” T Nation continues with their disguised advertisement articles based on flawed science and backwards thinking. This time it is (once again,) their CCO Chris Shugart, who obviously knows absolutely nothing about human physiology, pushing Cyclic Dextrin also referred to as Highly Branched Cluster Dextrin (HBCD,) a type of high-molecular-weight maltodextrin. Now, HBCD is nothing new, it’s been around for a long time. It’s simply a dextrin, produced

Cyclic Dextrin is Toxic Crap Read the Full Article »

Fewer and Larger Meals is Our Natural Preference

Yesterday, the Bodybuilding and Fitness website T-Nation posted an article about a study from late 2023 on the effects of a single 100 grams of protein serving after a workout. Back in the day, people used to have some weird belief that you could only absorb about 30 grams of protein per meal, which of course is extremely ridiculous (and we’ll get to that.) Actually, a lot of people who are oblivious to the

Fewer and Larger Meals is Our Natural Preference Read the Full Article »

Do This Instead – Meat and Eggs

As Saturnalia, or “Christmas,” approaches with people finding excuses to shovel toxic life-shortening fat-building crap down their pieholes, Chris Shugart of T-Nation is back with a “One Protein Shake a Day for Muscle” bulking-up article for boys and gals who want to be swole without looking like fat pigs. Always with the f**king artificial man-made crappy protein powders and shakes. Jeez. Shugart begins his article with advocating for a “smarter” bulk approach with gaining

Do This Instead – Meat and Eggs Read the Full Article »

Skinny Fat and the ABC of Body Composition for Women

Today we once again return to T-Nation and their ‘Chief Content Officer’ Chris Shugart and another breakdown of a study from 2020 on women and body composition. The study was focused on what they call “Normal-Weight Obesity,” or simply ‘NWO,’ as in a funny pun on ‘New World Order,’ as we see these ‘skinny fat’ people everywhere nowadays. Actually, Shugart explains it well in his funny introduction; “Talk to the average out-of-date dietician and

Skinny Fat and the ABC of Body Composition for Women Read the Full Article »

How to Gain Weight (and Stay Healthy)

While gaining too much muscle is unhealthy, as it is a continuous metabolic stress on the body, and more importantly, the training volume and frequency necessary to gain said muscle mass, is extremely unhealthy and will age you quicker while subtracting years of your life expectancy – however, being a skinny fat and/or underweight and fragile pencil neck is not really healthy either. With that said, any kind of excessive training is very unhealthy,

How to Gain Weight (and Stay Healthy) Read the Full Article »

The Fasted Cardio Debate

As You probably know, I’ve worked most of my life, or at least 28+ years professionally within the Health-, Fitness-, Gym-, Body Composition-, Sports-, Media- and Professional Athlete Industry, and one of the few websites I still randomly visit is T-Nation, and mostly because my old colleague from the 90’s, Christian Thibadeau, still writes for them on a regular basis. A few days ago, their ‘Chief Content Officer,’ Chris Shugart, published the article “The

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