As T-Nation once again ran an advertisement article about the extremely toxic and dangerous Vitamin D supplements, which I’ve covered several times, the soyboy, fruitboy, and now cornboy, Matt Weik over at Ironmagazine published an article pushing the sugary toxic yellow turd, you know, the utter crap called corn.
As this website is all about exposing lies, deceit and the inverted reality, let’s see what our clueless cornboy Matt has to say, and I’ll correct him with real science along the way.
“Are you someone who likes corn? It’s one of those foods that allows you to eat it on the cob, off the cob, in dishes, and just about with any topping or condiment your heart desires.”
While I did somewhat enjoy it as a teenager dripping in butter, I now know that corn is simply a ton of unhealthy sugars and toxins, so no. As with all plant-based foods, it tastes like shit on its own and it’s even worse for your body.
“But is it really good for you? Corn is one of those carbohydrates that is confusing as it is considered both a grain and a vegetable.”
Whole Corn (On the Cob) is considered a vegetable, as it is harvested when the kernels are still tender. And according to botanical definitions, a fruit is the mature ovary of a plant, and in the case of corn, each kernel is a fruit, as in a seed. And seeds are the most toxic part of any plant, as that is how the plant reproduces. While all plants are full of antinutrients and defense chemicals, the seeds are oversaturated with them. These chemicals are designed to deter, sterilize, or even kill potential consumers, including humans.

So, the simple answer Matt, is that corn, just like any plant, is not good for you. They are all extremely damaging. This is biology and biochemistry 101.
“Personally, I’m a fan of fresh corn on the cob. I’m talking about the stuff you purchase directly from a farm. Sure, you can purchase canned corn, and frozen corn can be good in the colder months when fresh corn isn’t available, but is it something you should be eating?”
Of course you are fond of the yellow turd, because you are completely clueless of human nutrition, physiology, biology and biochemistry. You’re a little ‘fitness-writer’ with absolutely no education or experience within the field (pretty much like 99,5% of all fitness-writers, influencers, and even “coaches.”)
Also, let’s not forget that not one single vegetable, fruit or grain today exists in nature. They have all been heavily cultivated and genetically modified, and especially corn, where more than 94% of corn planted in 2020 was genetically modified to produce extreme amounts of toxic chemicals to reduce the need for pesticides. For example, the dominant Bt-corn, which produces “bacillus thuringiensis,” among all other defense chemicals, to kill insects, will of course also damage our cells, especially the cells of the liver, kidneys, and other organs.

So this means that if you consume the plant, you also consume all these defense chemicals that the plant produces, which will damage and even kill your cells.
The Nutritional Value of Corn
“A medium-sized ear of corn is a nutritional powerhouse, offering a balanced mix of nutrients and only 88 calories.
With 1.4g of fat, 19g of carbohydrates, and 3.3g of protein, it’s a healthy addition to any diet. Plus, it’s packed with vitamins and minerals, including vitamins C, E, and A, thiamin, and fiber.”
No, it’s not “packed” with vitamins and minerals you moron. The nutritional profile means absolutely nothing as it is a plant! I’ve explained this many times. First and foremost, none of the vitamins and minerals are in the correct bioavailable chemical form, which means that whatever the body can recognize has to be converted into the bioavailable form that can be stored in our cells, the form that all nutrients already have in animal-based foods. This conversion might yield an absorption rate of 25 to 35% for a few minerals, while most of them only yield a 5 to 12 % absorption rate. And for vitamins it is said that the absorption rate varies between 20 to 70%. However, as most people cook or at least heat their vegetables and greens, which destroys all vitamins to a certain degree (the higher the heat, the longer the cook, the more destroyed,) so with a few minutes of cooking, there might be 5 to 10 % of the vitamin content still intact, and again, they are not bioavailable, so only 20 to 70 % of the remaining 5 to 10 % can be used. That is absolutely nothing!

Again, this is biochemistry 101, but it is not discussed within the inverted pseudo-science of nutrition, as that field is driven purely by a depopulation agenda.
5 Fabricated Health Benefits of Corn
I fixed the headline for you by inserting the word ‘fabricated,’ so it’s truthful. You’re welcome.
“1. Improves eye health
Corn contains potent compounds that can protect your vision. Lutein and zeaxanthin, two main carotenoids found in corn, play a crucial role in maintaining eye health. These nutrients shield your retina from harmful blue light and may reduce the risk of common eye problems (especially as you age).”
Again, you fail at simple biology, physiology and biochemistry. Every single compound found in a plant that can be assimilated and stored in an organic living being has a different chemical structure than the one found in the animal. Herbivores who can consume plants can actually convert zeaxanthin and store it in their cells in another chemical form, a form that is bioavailable. And this is how we humans, and other carnivores, can get zeaxanthin and other nutrients.

If we, or any other carnivorous species, tries to consume the plant or a plant-based supplement of zeaxanthin, it will not be absorbed as it is a defense chemical, it will only do damage to our cells. This again, is biochemistry 101.
“2. Diabetes risk reduction
Purple corn stands out for its potential to help manage blood sugar. The vibrant color comes from anthocyanins, a type of polyphenol that may improve how your body handles insulin and glucose.”
Again, polyphenols are defense chemicals, and thus they will damage your cells and interfere with cell function. And that is what is happening with its alleged “blood glucose” properties, as the acute poisoning when ingesting anthocyanins forces your cells to absorb more glucose than what is natural, like mimicking insulin, which might seem beneficial, but that is what actually leads to cell damage and what they call “insulin resistance” and later on “diabetes.”

Anthocyanins increase insulin sensitivity while shutting down our natural glucose production of the liver (gluconeogenesis,) which proves that it causes liver damage. And due to the poisoning effect, as blood glucose is always prioritized before anything else is neutralized, GLUT-4 is upregulated, allowing cells to quicker dispose of blood glucose so your body can get to eliminating the poison, as in the anthocyanins.
By oversaturating cells with glucose, they take damage even faster, which will have severe health complications in the long run.

Once again, Matt and people like him fail to see the larger picture, and they utterly fail at understanding the physiology behind these effects.
“3. Digestive health support
Corn provides a good amount of insoluble fiber, which plays a key role in digestive health. Your body doesn’t break down this type of fiber, allowing it to pass through your system intact. This process helps increase stool bulk and promotes regular bowel movements.”
No, there is no evidence in any literature that humans need fiber, just the opposite. I’ve dealt with this so many times, so we’ll just leave it here. Follow the links if you’re new.
“4. Reducing diverticular disease risk
Diverticular disease affects the colon, causing small pouches to form in its walls. This condition can lead to discomfort, including cramps, gas, and bloating. In some cases, it may cause bleeding or infection. Contrary to old beliefs, high-fiber foods like popcorn don’t trigger this condition. In fact, they might help prevent it.”
Contrary to old beliefs? You surely are a brainwashed fool. How about using some logic and common sense? Our digestive system is short and perfectly made for consuming solely animal-based foods, a carnivorous diet, such as meat and animal fats — the only food sources that also are completely free of toxins. In other words, an animal-based diet can not damage our digestive system. So what can?
Frikkin’ plants, chemicals, and drugs, that’s what!
The antinutrients in plants block absorption of many key nutrients while damaging any cells they come in contact with, just like the defense chemicals. And where does all the concentrated plant matter go that you consume as a gullible idiot? Yes, through your digestive system, and ultimately your colon. And in your colon, a lot of that indigestible fiber will sit and rot and ferment, causing a lot of damage. So, long story short, diverticular disease, as with any digestive problem, is the result of consuming plant-based foods. Adding in corn on top of that will not help, you frikkin fool, just the opposite.

“5. Potential protection against colon cancer
Corn’s fiber content does more than just help in digestion. It also maintains beneficial bacteria in your gut. These helpful microbes produce short-chain fatty acids, which may help prevent colon cancer.”
Again, the leading cause of colon cancer is fiber, you complete imbecile. I’ve covered this in-depth in several articles. And as a reminder, I’ll add some screenshots from real literature on the subject if you’re too lazy to read the articles.

And that was it for Matt Weik’s atrocious article. He did not get one single thing right. Is that a new record? Not sure, but it does show how important it is to challenge and combat this inverted “nutrition science” pushed forward by the food industry, the medical field and the pharmaceutical companies, with real science that has been established within physiology, biology, and biochemistry for hundreds of years. And if you understand that humans are carnivores, that we are built for survival, and that our bodies always adapt to keep us alive for as long as possible, you can figure out most things by simply using common sense.
If you need help with transitioning from your current way of eating to our natural species-appropriate, species-specific way of eating, I’m available for both coaching and consultation.
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