The Deadly Synthetic Niacin (Vitamin B3)

A few weeks back, the shill Dr. Axe published an article on niacin based on a new study that showed that too much niacin raises the risk of heart attack, stroke and other cardiovascular diseases.

This leads us to the big elephant in the room, the real danger, the fake artificial and synthetic vitamins that are sold in supplements and used to “fortify” inferior processed food. But before we explore that dark side of the food industry, let’s see what Dr. Axe and his writing team had to say about this study.

“Niacin, also known as vitamin B3, is widely used for its cholesterol-lowering effects and its role in heart health.”

Trying to reduce cholesterol is one of the most retarded things you can do, as cholesterol is crucial to every single healing- and repair process. I’ve explained this in-depth in many articles.
As for niacin’s role in heart health, that is controversial at best, and we’ll get to that later.

Now, before moving on, let’s take a quick look at niacin. The literature (science) claims that niacin, also known as Vitamin B3, was first identified in 1906 by Polish biochemist Casimir Funk who isolated a compound from rice bran that he called “nicotinic acid” (NA.) He believed it was responsible for preventing pellagra, a disease caused by “niacin deficiency.” Later, in the 1920s, researchers found that nicotinic acid was also present in other foods, such as meat, fish, and whole grains. Follow-up studies revealed that niacin in plant-based food is bound to other compounds, such as polysaccharides and glycopeptides (as in antinutrients,) making it much less bioavailable (as with all nutrients found in plants.) Only the nutrients found in animal-based foods such as meat and eggs are fully bioavailable. This led to the retarded conclusion that plant-based food stuffs such as cereals, wheat flour, beverages, and other processed grain foods such as bread and macaroni should be fortified with niacin.

In theory, this might sound like a good idea, considering that all plant-based foods are completely void of bioavailable nutrition for humans and also extremely toxic, and the pleb would need something to eat as meat was more reserved for the elites.

However, synthetic niacin, as used as a supplement and to fortify food, is made from coal tar, ammonia, several different acids, 3-cyanopyridine, and formaldehyde. It has absolutely no resemblance or food synergy with what is found in nature, and especially not in meat or other animal-based foods. It’s simply a synthetic compound that looks somewhat similar to what they originally isolated and photographed. Yes, the same procedure as with all “isolated vitamins.” It’s all a big scam.

Now that you understand that the “niacin” used by the food- and supplement industry has no resemblance to what might actually be in real food, let’s move on. 

Study: How Niacin Affects Heart Health

The study, conducted by researchers funded by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, had researchers collect blood samples from 1,162 stable cardiac patients (740 males, 422 females) to screen for circulating small molecules whose levels could predict CVD event risks independent of traditional risk factors.

After analyzing the blood samples, researchers found that 4PY, which is produced when there is too much niacin in the blood, was present in some of them. That led the researchers to dig further into data around heart disease events and the presence of 4PY.”

Please read that again, especially the phrase “4PY, which is produced when there is too much niacin in the blood.” If you understand anything about physiology, you should be able to see several problems in that short statement.

Your blood is not a “storage” for nutrients. There should never be high levels of any kind of “nutrient” or “compound” in the blood. Nutrients are absorbed from the digestive system into the bloodstream and then transported to tissues and organs for utilization. If there are high levels of anything in the blood, it means that the tissues and organs cannot absorb and use it. And this means that the majority of what they believe is ‘niacin’ is not being used by the body, and where does the majority of niacin come from? Yes, from fortified foods and supplements. This proves that the niacin used within the food industry cannot be used by the body. It’s the same thing as with Vitamin B12 injections used by zombified and retarded vegans. You see a big rise of that toxic crap when doing a blood test after an injection, as it just sits around in the blood doing damage instead of being absorbed and used by tissues. And that is why ALL vegans eventually fail, no matter how many supplements they take, as all supplements are fake versions of what they think exist in real food.

In a healthy human consuming our natural carnivorous diet, you would never see unnatural high levels of any nutrient in the blood. First of all because the nutrients are perfectly balanced in meat; as it is simply tissue like our own flesh and everything that is needed for it to work is present in the right amounts. And secondly, all nutrients in animal-based foods are fully bioavailable, as they exist in the exact same form as we store them, and thus they are rapidly absorbed and put to use by our body.

This means that if you have high levels of any “nutrient” in your blood, that is not the real nutrient as found in real food. That is a synthetic version of that nutrient, a synthetic version that your body has trouble absorbing and put to use. In other words, you are being poisoned!

And as for 4PY, it is a metabolite produced from the breakdown of this toxic synthetic niacin as it sits around in your blood, and 4PY has been strongly associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD.) In other words, it’s the synthetic niacin that is causing CVD.

“They also examined 2PY, which comes from too much niacin in the blood too, since it showed up in some samples as well.”

2PY is also a metabolite of synthetic niacin. More specifically it’s a metabolite of NAD+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide,) which forms from the breakdown of niacin.

“What did these follow-up studies reveal? It seemed that the people who had 4PY and 2YP in their blood samples had a greater chance of experiencing a stroke, heart attack or other negative cardiac event.”

Yes, as 4PY and 2PY are metabolites of the very toxic synthetic version of what they believe is niacin. It’s the toxic and damaging mechanics of this synthetic niacin that eventually will result in a stroke, heart attack or other negative cardiac event.
Very simple, very logical.

For even further understanding, the researchers then injected mice with 4PY and 2PY and discovered that 4PY raised inflammation in their blood vessels, another indicator of CVD risk.”

Well, inflammation is the natural response of healing. Whenever you inject something foreign you will get an inflammatory response as damage has taken place from the injection and from neutralizing the foreign substance, and now the body will do its best to repair and heal.
If the inflammation was more localized to the blood vessels, it indicates that whatever you injected caused more damage in that area.

However, inflammation in itself is not an indicator of increased risk. It’s simply healing taking place from damage done by something stupid you did. It’s that stupid thing you need to address, as in this case, that of taking synthetic niacin.

“According to one of the senior study authors, about a quarter of Americans have higher levels of niacin than is recommended.

The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute adds that total niacin consumption in the U.S., through a mix of natural food sources, fortified foods, and supplementation, averaged 48 mg/d – more than triple the Recommended Daily Allowance, from 2017–20.”

And there lies the problem, the fortified foods and supplements that in truth are simply fortified with extremely toxic synthetic crap that has no resemblance with what we would find in real food.

“The main takeaway is not that we should cut out our entire intake of niacin—that’s not a realistic or healthy approach. Niacin is a vitamin and essential to our health. But an excess amount appears to be a concern.”

And here lies the second problem, that these retarded idiots do not understand the difference between real nutrients as found in animal-based foods and that of the artificial, chemically and synthetic copies manufactured from waste and processed by tons of other toxic chemicals.
We need to remove all synthetic compounds from our diet. Fortification of food is simply mass murder, and so are all “vitamin” supplements.

To conclude, do not under any circumstances take “vitamin supplements” or consume any kind of food or dietary supplement or meal replacement powders that contains, or is “fortified,” with any of these synthetic vitamins. 

Keep in mind that we as humans are obligate hyper carnivores. Anything that is contraindicated to our natural diet will harm us. This is even more important when it comes to infants being given toxic formula or processed baby food. Infants should consume real breast milk and fatty cuts of meat, and all children should be animal-based, only consuming the fat, meat, and organs of animals. That is the only way to guarantee full development and superior health.

If you need help or have questions about food choices or health problems, or if you need help with transitioning to our natural species-appropriate carnivorous way of eating, I’m available for both coaching and consultation.
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