The Toxic Load of Tattoos, Cancer Risks, And Lymphoma

Once again we return to Medical News Today and a recent compilation of studies on the dangers of tattoos, especially the increased risk of cancer, and blood cancer in particular. In February of 2016, I wrote an article for my Classic Muscle Newsletter about the dangers of tattoos — something that should be obvious as you actually punch toxins (heavy metals) into the dermis of the skin, the layer of connective tissue, which also includes small blood vessels and nerve endings.

Let’s see what MNT has to say this time.

“Tattoos can be strikingly beautiful forms of art, and they are increasingly popular. According to a Pew Research Center survey conducted in 2023, 32% of Americans have at least one tattoo, and 22% have several.”

It’s called ‘sheep mentality.’ You’ve been indoctrinated with complete bollocks your whole life, and through social programming you find tattoos to be cool and some kind of statement, and instead of asking the obvious question whether it’s actually healthy to put toxins into your skin, you draw the conclusion that it must be safe because your friend and other people have done it and they seem fine. Well, people eat crap, they smoke, they stress, and  they “seem fine” because you have no real reference for what is actually “fine,” as in a thriving healthy human.
Today, due to poor nutrition, stress, pollution, drugs, and other poor lifestyle choices, at least 95% of all people are very unhealthy, an inferior version of what they could be. So, that’s your reference, people of extremely poor health.
I’m sorry, but most people are not “fine,” most people are not even living, they are barely surviving.

“However, some questions remain around the potential health implications of getting a tattoo, and recently, researchers have been homing in on the ways in which the ways in tattooing could affect a person’s physical health in the long run.”

Again, health implications should be an obvious question, and also, the answer should be just as obvious. Putting foreign and highly toxic materials into the skin that will eventually leak out into other tissues can never be a healthy practice.

One study, published in ASM Journals at the start of July 2024, tested samples of 75 tattoo and permanent makeup inks commonly used in the United States, and found that 26 of these were contaminated with infection-causing bacteria.

These included Staphylococcus epidermidis, infection with which can cause severe health complications, and Cutibacterium acnes, which causes acne.

No, there is no such thing as “infection-causing bacteria,” that is backwards thinking, as in the pseudo-science of the fraudulent germ theory. What is actually happening is a healing response from the damage done by the hammering tattoo needle.

As described in microbiology, staphylococcus epidermidis (as you can hear from the name) plays an important role in wound healing, especially in connective tissue, as in the dermis of the skin, where it stimulates the production of collagen and new cells.

As for cutibacterium acnes, it’s a bacteria that helps with clearing out the skin, one of our ways to detoxify, especially heavy metals. In other words, if you are detoxing some specific heavy metals through the skin, there will be more cutibacterium acnes bacteria present to take care of the mess. And it’s not the bacteria that causes the ‘acne.’ Acne is from the toxins and from the bacteria breaking down the toxins, which can form pus. The bacteria is the garbage crew trying to clean up the mess. The culprit is the toxins. Remove the toxins and lower the toxic load in the body, and the acne will disappear.

“More worryingly, a study from Lund University, in Sweden, which appeared in the journal eClinical Medicine the previous month, found that any-size tattoo was linked to a 21% higher link of lymphoma, a type of blood cancer.
To identify this link, the Lund researchers looked at data from the Swedish National Cancer Register, focusing on people who were 20–60 years old, when they received a lymphoma diagnosis, between 2007 and 2017.”

This is not surprising as the heavy metals from the tattooed ink can leak into other tissues and the small blood vessels that are present in the dermis. It all depends on your health status and your ability to detoxify. If these toxins spread and your detoxification ability is compromised, your lymphatic system can get overtaxed and damaged. 

Simple black ink contains aluminum, cobalt, copper, iron, nickel, zinc, and traces of mercury. Red pigments contain extra mercury, cadmium, and chromium. Green and blue pigments contain extra cobalt and chromium, while yellow pigments contain extra cadmium and chromium. These colors might also contain extra lead, antimony, beryllium, nickel, arsenic, and titanium white. And of course, there is always a risk of further contamination and traces of other heavy metals.
While black ink is bad, colored ink is many times worse and extremely toxic.

After this, Medical News Today continued the article with a poor podcast where the main question simply was, that considering that tattoo ink is toxic and cancerogenic, how much will it take and how long before severe damage is done, as in developing cancer?

Well, it should be obvious that the larger the tattoos, the more toxic ink has been used, and the more damage has been done to your dermis. And we know that tumors can form from our body encapsulating these toxins so they can not harm more sensitive and vital tissue.

For the last 15 years or so, I have recommended to my clients that if they have more than one large tattoo, larger than a fist, that they need to think about detoxing and really nourishing their bodies, as it’s an extra stressor and an additional source of permanent toxic load. The more tattooed you are, and if any of the tattoos are colored, the more important this is. And the best way is to simply schedule a few extended fasts every year; either 3 to 5 days of water fasting or 2 to 3 days of dry fasting.

And if you were thinking of getting a tattoo, or getting another one, please think again. It should be common sense not to inject or put unknown toxins into your body. However, most people seem to have lost that ability of critical thinking and logic in today’s inverted society. Do not be one of them.

If you need advice or help with health issues or with transitioning to our natural species-appropriate carnivorous way of eating, I’m available for both coaching and consultation.
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