Your Eyesight Is Slowly Being Destroyed By Carbohydrates

Today we return to the bodybuilding and fitness web magazine, and supplement-pusher, T-Nation, or the “community for enhanced fitness,” as they describe themselves. In their recent supplement advertisement, they tackle the issue of eye health. Let’s see if they address the real causes of eyesight degeneration, as in what to avoid to actually reverse the condition, or if they simply want to sell you something. 
Yeah, I know, it’s the latter. However, I’ll give you all the important information you need while we dissect their “article.”

A 2018 survey revealed that 8% of Americans use fish oil regularly. Today, that number is much higher. And something interesting happens when millions of people use the same drug or supplement: we discover new side effects. In the case of fish oil, that side effect was positive: people using high-dose fish oil started noticing improved vision.

The power of marketing. Unfortunately, most fish oil supplements are rancid, overflowing with aldehydes, and thus highly toxic and damaging to our cells. Simply get your omega-3 from the real sources, as in animal-based food. All kinds of fatty meat have more than enough, especially if your diet is ‘carnivorous’ or at least ‘ketogenic’ to begin with, and then throw in a few egg yolks here and there, and even some fatty fish or fish roe on occasion, and you will be golden.
As for omega-3 and eyesight, the fatty acid DHA is part of the structure of the retina. And the omega-3 fatty acids are crucial in healing soft tissue and nerves, the exact tissues that take damage from elevated blood glucose. And we’ll get to that.

But let’s geek out a minute and figure out why fish oil helps and how we can maximize the benefits.”

When you guys say “geek out,” based on my experience with your previous articles, it’s usually on the level of a toddler’s understanding. So, we (myself and my readers) do not expect much. But let’s see what you got.

The Enemies of Eyeballs

Dry Eye Syndrome (keratoconjunctivitis sicca). Over 16 million Americans are diagnosed with it. In short, your eyes don’t produce enough tears (or the tears evaporate quickly), causing dryness, irritation, and inflammation.”

Dry eye syndrome is caused by your eyes not producing enough tears. You don’t say! What a mind-blowing conclusion. But what about the cause of dry eye syndrome? Oh yes, since you push toxic carbohydrates through several of your supplements, you can’t really talk about that right? Or perhaps you are on the level of a toddler’s understanding of physiology? 

Well, as you should know, we humans produce all the glucose we would ever need through gluconeogenesis. That is why carbohydrates are contraindicated to the human diet and also toxic to humans. Every single time you consume carbohydrates and blood glucose rises above normal and safe levels, there will be damage to soft tissues, blood vessels, and nerves. And ‘dry eye syndrome’ is the result of repeated blood glucose damage to the tiny blood vessels that nourish the nerves and tissues in the eyes, as well as inducing the activation of aldose reductase, an enzyme involved in the pathogenesis of dry eye.
This is why we see impaired eye vision and dry eye syndrome in those diagnosed with “insulin resistance” and more severe cases in those diagnosed with diabetes.

And as for tears evaporating more quickly, that is from a lack of the saturated animal fats and the omega-3 fatty acids, as a tiny part of these fatty acids are usually present in tears. Without them, tears will evaporate more quickly, contributing to dryness.
In other words, if your diet is lacking in animal-based foods, the lack of saturated- and omega-3 fatty acids will contribute to this condition.

Macular Degeneration. Usually age-related, this is a degenerative condition affecting the central part of the retina (the macula) responsible for sharp central vision. It leads to blurriness or even blindness in the center of your visual field. Around 11 million Americans have it currently.

No, correlation does not imply causation. Macular degeneration is NOT really age related, or everyone would experience this. Although we have a ‘wear and tear’ scenario, our body is built to last us at least 120 to 150 years under normal conditions. When something fails long before that, it’s due to your toxic and unhealthy lifestyle — mostly from the damage you have done by consuming the wrong type of diet for your species (humans are obligate hyper carnivores.)

Macular degeneration is the result of stressing the eyes in front of screens, of not getting enough sun exposure into the eyes, from drugs and other toxins, and most importantly from elevated levels of blood glucose. Yes, there we go again with the toxicity of glucose on soft tissues, blood vessels, and nerves. Actually, studies have found that diets that are high in carbohydrates, as in diets that have a “high glycemic index,” may double the likelihood of developing macular degeneration.

Glaucoma. Affecting over 3 million Americans, glaucoma is a group of eye conditions that damage the optic nerve (via intraocular pressure), leading to partial or complete blindness.

Again, what damages nerves? Yes, chronic exposure to elevated blood glucose levels, as in consuming more carbohydrates daily than your body can handle. This does not only damage the optic nerve, but also affects blood vessels and soft tissues around the eyes. As a result, the chronic breakdown and healing of the blood vessels causes scar tissue and “abnormal” blood vessel growth, which can block the eye’s natural drainage, also contributing to glaucoma.

All these conditions can be brought on by multiple things: diet and lifestyle factors, medications, trauma, genetics, screen time, other diseases, etc., but age is one of the biggest factors. Live long enough, and these conditions creep up on you.”

No, not age, we already covered that. It’s mainly diet and lifestyle factors. But you once again fail to mention that the common denominator is elevated blood glucose, the result of consuming carbohydrates. Funny how you can write about the conditions without explaining why they even occur in the first place. Well, I fixed that for you. I even added some screen-captures from real research within the field of biology and human physiology. You’re welcome.

So How Does Fish Oil Improve Vision Health?

Fish oil is, of course, rich in omega-3 fatty acids: DHA and EPA. Unlike most supplements, omega-3s literally become part of your body, and that’s important for vision health.

Yes, I covered this. And omega-3 fatty acids are naturally found in all animal-based foods. While supplements might sound like a good idea, they are extremely unstable outside their protective natural environment as part of tissue. I’ve covered this in multiple articles. Simply consume meat, eggs, and some fatty fish on occasion.

Dry Eye Syndrome: Omega-3s improve the production and quality of tears. Their anti-inflammatory properties reduce eye inflammation.

Every time someone writes “anti-inflammatory” I cringe. It shows total ignorance of human physiology. Inflammation is simply the manifestation of the healing process. As the omega-3 fatty acids are part of our cells, and thus needed for repair and healing, they are not “anti-inflammatory,” they do not hinder or stop the healing process, you dimwit. They are simply needed in the healing process, and once healing actually can occur, inflammation will be reduced and once the healing is finished, inflammation, which again is the healing process, will be gone. Simple.
So, to conclude, if you are deficient in omega-3 fatty acids, but still have enough other nutrients to heal, adding omega-3 will help with that healing process, as in this case, with dry eye syndrome.

Macular Degeneration: DHA is a major structural component of the retina. Consume enough of it and DHA lowers the risk of macular degeneration.”

Yes, DHA is part of many cells. It’s the same scenario as above. It’s needed for healing and repair. However, while consuming a lot of it might help with keeping up the healing and repair caused by the retarded behavior of consuming a lot of carbohydrates, it’s a much better and healthier solution to simply cut out the carbohydrates, something that is contraindicated to the human diet and also extremely damaging to our physiology.

Glaucoma: Fish oil helps lower intraocular pressure, reducing the risk of glaucoma.”

Again, this is because the omega-3 fatty acids are a needed part of the healing and repair process. Something that would not be needed if you followed your species-appropriate, species-specific carnivorous diet — because if you actually consumed the food you’re supposed to consume, none of the damage from carbohydrates and other plant-based toxins would never have happened in the first place.

And after this, T-Nation pushed their fish oil supplement that is supposedly “extra-rich” in DHA. Again, I would advise caution as these fatty-acids are extremely unstable, even if you add chemicals and other crap to “stabilize” them. Simply consume animal-based foods. And better yet, adopt our natural human carnivorous diet and none of these problems will ever manifest to begin with, as all diseases are created from within due to a poor diet and exposure to toxins (as well as some mental traumas, but that’s another topic and covered in German New Medicine.)

If you need help or have questions concerning any health related problems, or if you need help with transitioning to our natural species-appropriate carnivorous way of eating, I’m available for both coaching and consultation.

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