When the Elite Families who run this inverted clown-world from the shadows instigated the silly and staged Covid-19 psychological operation, their underlings pushed forward some of their controlled opposition to put focus on alternative medicine and remedies to lure in those who saw right through the maiming and deadly vaccines and the agenda of a staged pandemic.
While some people recognized the juvenile virus hoax, that of “contagion,” that of biologically impossible transference of “diseases,” most people still believed in this silly impossibility and to increase the fear, some of the controlled opposition and government shills put focus on parasites and “parasite cleanses.”
And that is unfortunately how it works. If you recognize one danger being propagandized by the people who want you enslaved, weak, docile, and dependent on their unhealthy solutions, like recognizing the vaccine hoax, they will find other ways to expose you to something just as toxic and unhealthy through their controlled opposition. One example is Ivermectin or pretty much any stupid herb or plant-based remedy — as they are all toxic, damaging, and simply interfere with the healing process, reducing symptoms and thus allowing for more toxic accumulation and damage to take place. I’ve covered this in multiple articles, so if this is new to you, please check them out before continuing.
Now, due to the strategy of inducing fear and especially to keep people from consuming their natural healthy diet, the parasite scare has been pushed every now and then as of the last couple of decades. But what are they really? What do they do? And how have they flipped the script this time?
And before we continue, this article will be simplified not to be too long. All my clients get this information and a lot more details if needed. Same with anyone consulting me on these issues, as I can go much deeper in my answers when focusing on a specific issue. So, this article will be a broader summary of parasites in general.
Parasites Are A Natural Part Of Any Living Being
Nature is never wrong. As with bacteria, all living beings have parasites in them, as we all live in symbiosis and we all need each other to sustain life. In healthy beings, following their natural diet, parasites can never become a problem as nature upholds a perfect balance. Parasites, just as bacteria, have a symbiotic relationship with our bodies — and therefore calling them parasites is a misnomer showing the early lack of understanding within the biological scientific fields. They consume and digest tremendous quantities of degenerative tissue and toxins in short periods. Parasites actually help to eliminate heavy metals and damaged, degenerative or dead cells. They consume these toxins and damaged cells and break them down into substances that the body can easily eliminate. Thus, intestinal worms or parasites do not thrive among healthy cells where toxicity is low. However, when an intestine or organ becomes excessively toxic and large amounts of tissue become damaged and degenerates, parasites (and also bacteria) can thrive as they have an unnatural amount of cells to feed on.

While bacteria does the same thing, in the intestinal tract, parasites are always the best and quickest way for the body to manage toxicity and cellular degeneration from consuming the wrong kind of food. That also means that if your diet is composed of mostly non-species-specific and appropriate foods, such as plant-based edibles, you will have an increased number of parasites to mitigate the damage. It’s not by coincidence that “parasite cleanses” has increased in popularity among deceived and gullible plant-based fools and vegans.
Same is true for some bacteria that feed (and ferment) on the unnatural and damaging fiber, something that herbivores utilize to extract saturated fats from said fiber, as all animals and living beings run on the life-giving saturated fats as their main energy source. While carnivores get their saturated fats from animal fat tissue, herbivores get their saturated fats from fermentation and also from consuming small animals. Not one single animal in nature runs on a “carbohydrate” or “glucose” metabolism. This is basic level biology.
The Reasons For Overpopulation of Parasites
Simply put, the worse your diet is, the more toxic accumulation and damage will occur within the intestines, which means more parasites to clean up the mess. And if you ignore this, and continue to consume the same bad foods, you might end up with compromised intestine walls, as in leaky gut.
This also means that the few extreme cases you might have heard of where parasites have ended up in other tissues are due to a leaky gut and an extreme amount of parasites living within the intestines due to an extremely poor and toxic diet that is high in plant-based and processed foods. And this also means that if you follow a species-appropriate, species-specific animal-based diet that nourishes the body and causes minimal toxicity and damage, and where the cells of the intestine are healthy, parasites will never become overpopulated or a “problem.”

Again, parasites are simply a part of our “ecosystem,” as in the human body viewed as a complex environment where different organisms, primarily microorganisms, interact with each other and their environment. Thus, parasites are crucial for our survival, and we would die without them. It’s only when you destroy your own health and terrain by consuming toxic food that they can become a “problem,” but that is not their fault, that is your fault. And this is why the medical establishment and controlled opposition pushes so much disinformation about parasites and advocates “parasitic cleanses,” which can be devastating for your health.
And also, parasites, even when overpopulated, are not the real problem. Your diet and lifestyle is the problem — the problem that allows them to become overpopulated as they are simply trying to clean up your filthy, dirty, and damaged terrain.
Can Parasites Become A Problem?
As parasites consume damaged and deteriorating cells, they can become a problem if the body cannot heal and regenerate tissue, as in the example with leaking gut. Again, this is not really the fault of parasites, as they are only doing what they are meant to do; feeding on toxins and damaged and dead cells.
If your body can’t heal and regenerate cells in these damaged areas, that is because you are malnourished from a lack of animal-based foods. If you have nutrient deficiencies, your body can’t keep up with either detoxification nor tissue repair, and parasites, including bacteria, will simply continue to consume damaged cells which can lead to reduced structural integrity of these affected tissues.

So, while parasites mostly reside in the digestive tract, where they can feed on toxins, food particles, and cellular debris, they can also, in compromised living beings, be found in the bloodstream, where they can feed on red blood cells and other cellular debris. Thus, they can also end up in the liver, where they feed on damaged cells and debris, as the liver is responsible for filtering blood and removing waste products. Furthermore, in really weak and damaged people parasites can end up in organs such as the lungs and brain.

Again, this is not the fault of parasites who simply seek out toxins and damaged/dead cells to feed on, it’s the fault of the person ruining his or her health by an atrocious diet and lifestyle.
Parasite Overpopulation, What To Do?
If you understand the role of parasites, this should be obvious as it’s common sense. Simply stop feeding them! Stop consuming crap that is damaging your tissues, as in anything plant-based and processed, especially seed- and vegetable oils, fiber, carbohydrates, food additives and chemicals, and any processed food (which is the same as nutritionally dead kibble.)
As a note, you can also get additional parasites from certain foods through harvest, processing, preparation or contamination, which usually is not a problem if they are found in animal-based food, as they are good for you — parasites that take hold in meat or similar products are simply there to feed on toxins and damaged tissue. If they survive your stomach acid, they will help you if they are needed, if not, they will starve and be excreted. Simple.

However, parasites that take hold in plant-based foods have no real benefits to us and they can only reside in your intestines if you continue to feed them the same toxic plant foods while doing damage to your intestines.
Also, if you consume plant-based foods, your stomach acidity will be severely reduced, allowing for more parasites to survive and enter your intestines.

So, with this in mind, if you worry about parasites, don’t! Instead, worry about any potential damage you do to your intestines and your whole body, including your organs, by consuming a non-species-appropriate diet, as in consuming plant-based and processed garbage.

And if you have an “overpopulation of parasites,” you need to change your diet! You need to adopt our natural human diet of animal-based foods. This will nourish the body, allowing it to repair the affected tissue while lowering toxicity and eliminating everything that can cause further damage. This will slowly reduce the number of parasites until symbiosis is once again reached and you have a healthy amount of parasites needed for detoxification and tissue regeneration.
In very weak individuals, or where parasites might interfere with nutrient absorption, a simple salt water flush or aloe vera might help to get some of them out, and then focus on nourishing your body. Never take anything that can kill the parasites, as they will die inside of you and you will absorb a lot of the toxins that they have inside of them that they were trying to feed on and neutralize. Using something as retarded as Ivermectin could cause acute poisoning and a lot of tissue damage from toxic exposure, not to mention how toxic that evil drug is to begin with (causing a lot of organ damage and even infertility.)
No other animal except the deceived and “civilized” human washes itself or its food before eating. All animals eat raw uncooked food appropriate to their species full of beneficial bacteria and parasites except the deceived and “civilized” man. No animal experiences bacterial- or parasitic food-poisoning except “civilized” humans, which is only possible by cooking your food. The fact is that the bacterial count in cooked food will grow as much as sixty times higher than in raw food. Also, the waste products from bacteria that feed on cooked food are 10-100 times more toxic than the waste products from bacteria feeding on raw rood. And that is what you get sick from, the toxins, not the bacteria.
Parasites, just like bacteria and fungi, are part of our natural ecosystem. They work in symbiosis with our bodies to sustain life. Parasites that live in the body are friendly and should be allowed to do what they are designed to do. They eat weak, damaged and decaying tissue. None of them will ever be a problem if we follow our natural diet, as any other living being or animal do in nature, preferably raw carnivore, which is the most natural diet for humans as obligate hyper carnivores.
And remember, the actions of bacteria, parasites and fungi are always the most natural and preferred methods used by the body to detoxify and eliminate dead and degenerative cells.
If you need help with any kind of health problems or transitioning from your current way of eating to our natural species-appropriate, species-specific way of eating, I’m available for both coaching and consultation.
Coaching and Consultation
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