Today we yet again return to the evil shills at Medical News Today and their never-ending publications of propaganda and inverted false medical science and misinformation. This time they push for more damaging and totally unnecessary medications as they promote a new drug alleged to help people with the diagnosis of ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease.
Let’s see what they have to say and I’ll explain what ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease actually are, and how to easily remedy it.
“Researchers estimate about 10 million people around the world live with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). There are two main types of IBD: ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. There is currently no cure for IBD. Medications, surgery, and lifestyle changes can help alleviate symptoms.”
Your claim that “there is no cure for inflammatory bowel diseases” is an outright lie, as all you need to do is to remove the cause and make sure that the body has resources to heal — as with any “disease.” However, these ignorant claims of health conditions being “incurable” make for a huge profit in backwards-thinking treatments and drugs, as people simply continue on with their destructive lifestyle while popping pills to alleviate the symptoms.
Remember, inflammation is simply the manifestation of the healing process. And if the inflammation is chronic, it means that it is ongoing and that the body cannot complete the repair and healing within that area of the body. This can only be caused by either a continuous exposure to toxins and compounds that damage the tissue at such a rate that the body can hardly keep up, or the lack of resources to heal the tissue, as in the person has one or several nutrient deficiencies, especially lacking animal fats such as cholesterol and saturated fat which most of our body and cells are made up from. Of course, in most situations it’s a combination of these two scenarios as most people follow a retarded plant-centric and processed diet. They continuously expose themselves to the same toxins and harmful compounds while lacking the resources to properly heal from the damage caused. And that is exactly the scenario with ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. And we’ll get to the culprits in a minute.

“Despite continued advances, people living with ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease are still seeking treatments that can address difficult-to-manage symptoms, such as bowel urgency, and provide lasting results over time, Anabela Cardoso, MD, senior vice president for Lilly Immunology Medical Affairs told Medical News Today.”
Well, teaching people to eat according to their species will not sell any drugs or treatments, so no money in that. Better to let them continue to hurt themselves and shorten their lifespans by giving them drugs that only alleviates the symptoms, right? A customer cured, is a customer lost — and we can’t have a healthy strong population now, can we?
Frikkin’ bastards.
After this, they simply run an advertisement for the latest drug with tons of disinformation. No need to even cover that.
‘We need more drugs’ for IBD (NO! We do not!)
“MNT also spoke with Rudolph Bedford, MD, a board certified gastroenterologist at Providence Saint John’s Health Center in Santa Monica, CA, about this study.”
“What we’re seeing is that these drugs, they are monoclonal antibodies, IL-23 drugs, are honing in on the points of interest that cause both ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease, Bedford, who was not involved in the research, told us. And certainly they’ve all added to our armamentarium in the treatment of both of these diseases.”
This is extremely retarded and potentially deadly. Monoclonal antibodies are a very risky step as these morons have no clue about how the body actually works, as you can clearly hear from the name “monoclonal antibody.”
Indeed, there is no such thing as “antibodies” as these morons describe them, as there is no such thing “to fight” as in an invading pathogen or virus. That is all made-up bollocks.
Now, these “monoclonal antibodies” are cells created in vitro by fusing a B-cell (a type of white blood cell) with a myeloma cell (a cancerous B-cell.) By this fusion, these idiots believe that they have designed an “antibody” that can target the specific surface of a cell or pathogen. This binding triggers an acute cell death response (what they call “immune response”,) leading to the elimination of the targeted cell or “pathogen” (pathogens do not exist.)

This is extremely bad, as these morons do not understand how our natural detoxification and healing process works, as they believe the body is under attack by some imaginary pathogen, when in truth the body is only trying to remove toxins and heal the damaged tissue. Any kind of cell, bacteria, fungi, or other compound that is present at the inflamed site is supposed to be there. They are all natural parts of the detoxification and healing process. By eliminating something that these retards believe is causing the inflammation, it will likely slow down or even stop the healing process — as they just killed off a vital part of our body’s natural repair mechanism. While this will remove the symptoms from the detoxification and healing, both the toxic load and the damage will continue to accumulate which will cause much worse problems further down the road, likely forcing the body to develop tumors to shield off the toxins.

And yes indeed, monoclonal antibody IL-23 targets Interleukin-23 (IL-23), a cytokine involved in the detoxification and healing process in the body. So, by taking this drug, this in vitro cellular experiment, you will shut down the detoxification and healing process in your colon and rectum, relieving you of the symptoms. But unless you change your toxic exposure, as in your diet and lifestyle, the accumulation of toxins and damage will continue without you even noticing it, until it’s probably too late and the damage is too great. And that’s why I said that this kind of “treatment” is potentially deadly. These people are scum!

Now, let’s end Medical News Today’s atrocities and I will explain what causes “inflammatory bowel diseases” and what to do about it.
Why you develop ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease
It should be quite obvious. Toxic build-up and accumulated damage from foreign compounds in the colon and rectum can only come from one single source — whatever we put into our bodies via our mouth and that has to pass through the digestive system and come out the other end.
In simple terms, what causes inflammatory bowel disease are the damage from the wrong kind of food and the toxins present in drugs, medicines, supplements, and the like.
Of these, food is the largest culprit by far, as everyone has to eat, and most people eat several times a day, year-round, all through their life. That is a lot of accumulated damage if you consume any kind of non-appropriate food. And as humans are obligate hyper carnivores, only meant to consume animal-based foods, anything that is not species-appropriate will cause damage.
Highest on that list is fiber, something that is extremely unnatural and cannot even be broken down or used by the body. It’s like barbed wire passing through the digestive system causing damage and then it sits around in the large intestine, trying to ferment causing even more havoc. Fiber is only consumed by animals that have a vastly different digestive system and the ability to ferment some of that fiber into fatty acids, something humans are incapable of. Instead, fiber will cause tremendous damage to our large intestine, our colon and rectum, something that is actually extensively documented in biology and physiology. Yet, morons within the medical field and nutrition science cannot put one and two together. Their brainwashing inhibits them from looking further or for thinking outside of their programmed box.

Next on the list is all the toxins found in plants, such as antinutrients that bind to nutrients making them useless to whomever consuming the plant. These antinutrients also cause a lot of tissue damage and can accumulate in tissues causing extreme toxicity and harm. Every single plant-based food is ridden with antinutrients. The same is true for defense chemicals, the plant’s protection. These will also cause great harm to our bodies and can accumulate in tissues.

Then we have seed/vegetable oils, as in the very toxic unsaturated fats. Fats that turn rancid and toxic the moment they are exposed to light and/or oxygen. Unsaturated fats damage the cell membranes and disrupt the balance of the gut microbiome. The only fats we as humans need are animal fats, as in saturated fats, cholesterol, and omega-3. These are the only fats present in our cells. There are no unsaturated fats, as chemically found in plants, within our bodies.

And finally we have a myriad of other toxins, such as heavy metals, chemicals and pesticides, also found in most plant-based and processed foods, and also in drugs, medicines, and supplements.

So, as ulcerative colitis is a chronic healing loop in the colon, the main cause is damage from anything that passes through the last part of the digestive system. This includes fiber (plants,) cellulose (plants,) phytochemicals (plants,) antinutrients (plants,) sterols (plants,) pesticide residues (plants,) heavy metals (processed foods, supplements, plants,) chemical residues (drugs, medicines, supplements,) and food additives such as preservatives (processed foods.)
And Crohn’s disease is simply a chronic healing loop anywhere within the digestive system, which means that it’s purely toxic-based damage, which includes all of the above and more, but especially drugs, medicines and toxic supplements that break down in the stomach and are absorbed in the small intestine.
Note that while food is in the small intestine, it’s a big bulk with fats, protein and perhaps carbohydrates, and many of the toxic compounds do not make contact with the intestine walls, not until all the bulk is stripped of anything absorbable and only the unabsorbable residues are passed on to the colon.
This means that Crohn’s are probably the result of taking a lot of chemical compounds on an empty stomach, such as drugs, medicines, pain killers, caffeine, toxic vitamin or mineral pills, drinking beverages with a lot of chemicals, and so on.
Usually, those who have problems with the colon, but also in other parts of the digestive system are diagnosed with Crohn’s — while those who only have showed damage in the colon are diagnosed with ulcerative colitis.
A few simple steps to heal ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s
This should also be obvious. Simply remove everything that can damage and cause a toxic build-up in the colon. Remove all toxic and damaging plant-based foods, all processed foods, and all plant-based oils, such as vegetable- and seed oils.

Do this transition slowly, by lowering anything plant-based and anything with carbohydrates in small steps every week and at the same time you add in more animal-based foods and fats.
A minimum is six weeks, but I prefer 8 to 12 weeks for a smooth transition that will keep your digestion and energy levels in check.
Once you are following a ketogenic animal-based diet, or even a fully carnivorous diet, you can try to fast for a few days to let the digestive system rest and heal at an accelerated pace. Make sure to follow up your fast with at least as many days of plentiful eating before you fast again. Repeating this a few times should be enough for most people to fully heal — and not only any inflammatory bowel disease, but any disease invented and labeled by the medical field.
This is how I healed myself in 2018 from “cancer” and failing organs, a journey that also healed my life-long asthma, my allergies, my lungs, improved my heart health, healed old injuries, and cured my recurring IBD.
If you need more detailed help, or a plan/guide, please check my coaching information and contact me accordingly. I have extended experience with IBDs and most other “diseases.”
If you need help with any kind of health problems or transitioning from your current way of eating to our natural species-appropriate, species-specific way of eating, I’m available for both coaching and consultation.
Coaching and Consultation
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