Today we’ll make a stop at and one of their latest articles on the potential effects of milk and reduced risk of colorectal cancer in women. Let’s see what they got right and what they got wrong, and how this information can be used, if even applicable.
“Getting a glass of milk’s worth of calcium a day could lower colorectal cancer risk in women, a new study published in Nature Communications found.”
Perhaps, and only if the milk is still somewhat intact and the calcium is still bioavailable. Fortunately, the minerals are much more resilient to retarded practices such as pasteurization and homogenization. However, any processed milk will be more or less a dead liquid that will be somewhat toxic, so while you might get some minerals and protein, you’ll also get a lot of stuff that will do potential harm to your body and its tissues. Always go for raw dairy or low-temperature pasteurized dairy, and stay clear of any homogenized and fortified crap.

“Colorectal cancer, a malignancy that grows in the colon or rectum, is the fourth leading cause of cancer death for women, and the disease is becoming more common among people under 65.”
No, cancers do not cause death. It is what is causing the body to protect itself by forming tumors that are killing you. It is only when tumors have formed beside organs or anything crucial to keep us alive that it can be dangerous, but that is not the fault of the tumors, that is your own fault for poisoning yourself in the first place and not taking action until it was too late.
So, as you should know, tumors form as protection to keep you alive for as long as possible, so that you may have additional time to remove the offender, the cause of toxicity and damage.

In this case of colorectal cancer, it’s usually from toxins such as heavy metals that remains after the food has passed through the small intestine and lingers in the colon. Of course, fiber can accelerate the process as it damages the intestine walls, making the tissues less capable of detoxification and regeneration.
So, the offender is usually plant-based- and processed foods, especially fiber, defense chemicals and heavy metals, and of course, any external exposure to heavy metals, such as drugs, supplements, medicines, beauty products, skin products, and even tampons and similar medical devices that increases the body’s total toxic load.

“The new study revealed a link between a daily intake of 300 milligrams of calcium from food—the amount in an 8-ounce glass of milk—and a 17% reduction in women’s colorectal risk.”
I will explain the mechanics behind this as we go on. However, adding milk to the diet will only work as a temporary band-aid. You always need to remove the real problem, the offender, the stuff that causes toxic build-up and damage in your body.
“Calcium was found to have a similar protective effect in both dairy and non-dairy sources, Keren Papier, PhD, a senior nutritional epidemiologist at the University of Oxford, who led the study, told Health. However, we don’t know whether calcium supplements would have the same effect as calcium from food appears to, she added.”
Wrong, and no. You can only get bioavailable and bioactive calcium from animal-based foods, such as meat, eggs, and milk. Any other source, such as plant-based or supplemental, only contains inorganic calcium that has to be converted by the body, which is a very limited and toxic process. While a little bit of that inorganic calcium will be converted and can help the body, a lot of that inorganic calcium will remain in the body unconverted, and it will damage tissues and ultimately cause plaque build-up in your arteries. That is not an acceptable solution.

Humans are obligate hypercarnivores and we can only get bioactive nutrients from animal-based foods, nutrients that do not need to be converted, do not cause toxicity, and can be used immediately after consumption.

More Calcium Reduces Cancer Risk
“The idea that calcium and dairy may lower colorectal cancer risk isn’t new. Multiple studies worldwide, including a meta-analysis published in 2019 and another in 2020, have linked dairy consumption to a lower risk of colorectal cancer in both males and females.”
Yeah, but none of these studies have explained why.
“We think that calcium may protect against colorectal cancer by attaching to bile acids and free fatty acids in the colon, which helps reduce their cancer-causing potential, Papier said.”
Papier, are you retarded? Seriously?
Free fatty acids and bile acids are natural compounds. Free fatty acids are released from triglycerides through a process called lipolysis, which occurs when energy demands are high. They are totally harmless and essential. This is basic level biochemistry.

However, when the body is under stress, as in taking damage and healing, and thus needs more energy, the concentration of free fatty acids can increase to meet these new demands. That however does not mean that free fatty acids are the cause of that stress and damage, they are there as a result of it. Again, retarded backwards thinking as we see time and time again among these imbeciles. And we will cover bile acids in a moment.
Now, as we know that heavy metals cause damage to the colon and eventually your body will form tumors to shield off these toxins and to better protect the remaining healthy cells, we can look at calcium and see how they may interact.
From biochemistry we know that lead and cadmium can bind to the same receptors as calcium and we also know that these heavy metals can cause tissue damage, especially in the colon.

Thus, by increasing the intake of bioavailable calcium we can saturate these tissues and receptors, lowering the chance for lead and cadmium to bind and thus, in turn, increase the possibility of excreting them from the body without doing additional harm. Simple and logical.

“Bile acids, produced by the liver and stored in the gallbladder, help digest fats and oils. An excess of these acids has been linked to an increased risk of some cancers.”
Oh, sorry I asked, Papier, you obviously are retarded (and likely a paid shill.)
Bile acids are a natural compound produced by the body, and thus, it can never be harmful. However, we know that plant-based fats, as in seed/vegetable oils, as in the unnecessary and harmful monounsaturated- and polyunsaturated fats from plants are inorganic and very toxic to our physiology. These inorganic and chemically different fats need to be broken down and converted to the best of our ability, hence a dramatic increase in bile acids. And while some of it can be converted and used, the rest will cause cellular damage. However, even worse, a lot of the fatty acids in seed oils and especially processed foods have gone rancid, and these rancid fats are even more difficult for the body to absorb and neutralize — really revving up the production of bile acids but to no avail. Thus, these rancid fats can travel all the way to the colon where they will do a lot of damage (as in causing cancer/tumors.)
Hence, the increased risk of cancer is from toxicity due to toxins and especially rancid seed/vegetable oils, and not from bile acids that are a natural response to these oils. Again, this is child-level common sense and biochemistry.

And considering that complete fools and big-pharma shills like this Papier gets quoted simply reinforces the abysmal state that our world is in today — being puppeteered by people less intelligent than monkeys.
“Calcium also helps regulate molecular processes in the body that are involved with colorectal carcinogenesis, when cells become tumors. Fedirko said it likely plays a role in reducing the risk of colorectal cancer in both biological men and women.”
That has to be the vaguest statement I’ve heard in a long time. Cells become tumors out of necessity as you, the host, are allowing the body to become a toxic waste dump.
Actually, calcium plays a role in the healing of damaged cells, especially in the intestinal tract. It is involved in proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis (cell death.) Calcium helps to promote the growth and differentiation of new intestinal cells, which is essential for repairing damaged tissues and maintaining the integrity of the intestinal epithelium.

Thus, getting more calcium can increase the odds of successfully detoxing and repairing damaged tissue and decreasing the need for forming tumors to protect healthy cells.
However, there are a lot of other nutrients that are just as crucial, which is why you should always adopt our natural human diet of only animal-based foods.
How to Lower Colorectal Cancer Risk
“While growing evidence suggests calcium may be protective against colorectal cancer, experts say the key is eating an overall healthy diet.
It’s not just one factor, but many that drive the risk higher or lower, Lieu, of the University of Colorado, said.”
Yes, this is what I’ve said all along in all my articles. However, most people, and especially the shills of the medical- and pharmaceutical industry have no idea of what a healthy diet is — so I will not quote their retarded recommendations (which would make you severely unhealthy.)
Again, humans are obligate hyper carnivores. We can only be healthy and thrive on an animal-based diet, preferably a pure carnivore diet and as “raw” as possible. This is an undebatable and undeniable fact. This is the most important step of all for true health. If you do not follow our species-appropriate diet, you can never be fully healthy and you will cut your life short. It is as simple as that.
So, to summarize, while calcium does play a role in detoxification and tissue repair, and it can block some heavy metals from attaching to tissues, it is only one nutrient of many that are needed for the same processes. So, trying to increase calcium while continuing with the same retarded diet that gave you cancer in the first place will do pretty much nothing. You always have to remove the offenders, the stuff that causes toxicity and damage. And that stuff is always anything that is non-species specific, such as all plant-based and processed garbage, supplements, medicines, drugs, remedies, all unnatural hygiene- and self-care products, plastics, and so on. I’ve covered this many times. Simply check my archives or do a quick site-search for more.
If you need help with any kind of health problems or transitioning from your current way of eating to our natural species-appropriate, species-specific way of eating, I’m available for both coaching and consultation.
Coaching and Consultation
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