It’s extremely simple. There is only one species-specific, species-appropriate diet for each category of animal. There is only one way of eating, one natural diet that will maximize health and vitality and let you live a life close to your life expectancy. Going against your physiology and consuming “foods” that are not species-appropriate will severely damage your body and shorten your life-span. Within biology, we can see this with dogs where those who are fed their natural carnivorous diet never get any kind of disease and live at least 3 years longer than those given a typical but very unnatural “balanced diet” with carbohydrates. Considering their comparative short lifespan, that’s about a 30% increase. And if we look at those poor dogs given industrially processed food, as in dry food or kibble, they usually live less than half of their life-expectancy and are also riddled with modern disease — diseases also seen in humans that consume plant-based and processed food. However, none of these diseases are observed in nature where animals naturally follow their species-appropriate diet.

If we search all the literature and research papers within anthropology, physiology, and biology, it is well-established that humans are obligate hyper carnivores, any deviation from that way of eating will cause damage, and that damage will accumulate quickly. Considering that most scientists and researchers agree that humans have the potential to live for at least 120 to 150 years if following our natural diet, it’s obvious that we, just like our poor dogs, are being poisoned by the propaganda and misinformation about food.
Even if anthropology can give us some clues to what we as a species used to eat, humans are the only animal that relies more on instant gratification and feelings than on basic instincts like other animals. We also have a different kind of intellect that many times deceives us, which is especially true in survival scenarios where we will eat anything that will not instantly kill us.
Thus it is important to understand that we as humans, although animal-based foods have always been our staple and most dominant food source, have consumed fruits, berries, and other available plants when given the opportunity just to feel full and satiated. And as our population grew and the ruling elite wanted us to be weak and docile, grains and other man-made vegetables were introduced.
And all these different foods that we have consumed throughout history has absolutely nothing to do with what is appropriate and good for our physiology. We already know through physiology, biology, and biochemistry that humans are obligate hyper carnivores and that every single plant, nut, fruit and seed is ridden with toxins that severely damages our cells. It’s simply human nature to grab and consume as much as possible, no matter if it is good for us or not — as we lost touch with our human nature several thousands of years ago. Even some animals do this, especially domesticated animals such as cats and dogs who many times are conditioned to consume a very toxic and deadly diet, as in dry food or poor-quality meat mixes filled with rice, grains or potatoes. Our poor pets simply trust us and eat, just as the sleeping masses trust the government, the food industry, and the medical field and simply consume toxic garbage 24/7.

And, as more people are slowly realizing the importance of animal-based foods and even that we as humans are carnivores, new disinformation is being spread by controlled opposition and food industry shills. By doing this, they not only split people into new camps, fighting each other, but they also make sure that a lot of the health benefits of a pure carnivore diet is nullified by incorporating very toxic and damaging foods. One of these “psy-ops” is the fruit and honey shills, the either misled, misguided, or simply extremely evil shills that totally misrepresent human physiology and biology by lying about various “problems” and how to fix them with ‘carbohydrates’ from either fruit, honey, or both.

I already covered all the misconceptions and lies, such as muscle cramps, sleep, hormonal health, insulin and the kidneys, and much more in my article exposing the shill, charlatan and honey-boy Paul Saladino from September 2023. Everything he tried to lie about to rectify some carbohydrates was extremely easy to debunk. So, while I’ve already covered this, let’s simply look at fruit in general and why it is extremely toxic and bad for you. And this will be a shortened version with only the most obvious and important things about fruit, as I only have about an hour to write and provide snippets from real literature and research within the fields of biology, biochemistry, and physiology.
Carbohydrates Are Extremely Damaging
I’ve covered this more times than I can count. Most fruits contain glucose and fructose, while a few also contain sucrose. In the big picture, the type does not matter as all of them will break down to glucose which will elevate our blood glucose levels. And any elevation above normal levels as maintained by gluconeogenesis will damage blood vessels, organs, nerves, and various soft tissues. In other words, every single time you consume some carbohydrates, no matter the source, you will inflict damage on these tissues, damage that will accumulate.

Also, elevated blood glucose, as from consuming any kind of carbohydrate, will due to all the damage caused, accelerate the aging process and shortening your life-expectancy more than anything else. Carbohydrates are the invisible killer, the poison that keeps us from reaching our potential lifespan, and the food- and pharmaceutical industry know this.

Fructose Will Destroy Your Liver
Looking at all available literature within physiology, biology, and biochemistry, we can clearly see that as obligate hyper carnivores, we are not meant for any kind of carbohydrate consumption. However, fructose is even more damaging as it has to pass the liver where it will damage cells and if you consume fructose regularly, that damage will accumulate and eventually lead to several metabolic disorders and what is called ‘fatty liver.’

Even the evil shill-organization The World Health Organization recommends reducing the intake of free sugars, including fructose, to less than 10% of total daily energy intake. That is approximately 50 grams in total, of which 25 grams comes from fructose. That’s about 2 large apples a day or four bananas. Good luck with that on a retarded fruitarian diet.
However, while most studies have shown liver damage from chronic consumption of fructose at levels above 10% of daily caloric intake, there is also plenty of evidence that much lower amounts, if consumed daily, will have the same impact. There is some data that suggest that even 10 grams of fructose daily, if consumed for a long time, can cause liver damage.

And as a note, fructose is added to a lot of processed food, especially sweets, bakery goods, and beverages.
The Extremely Damaging Defense Chemicals (Antioxidants)
Defense chemicals, also called “antioxidants,” are produced by plants as a natural response to stress, environmental hazards, pathogens, insects, or against being consumed by anyone.

These chemicals are simply a defense mechanism and are thus extremely toxic. More than 8,000 defense chemicals have been identified, and a single plant, vegetable, fruit, or berry can have anywhere from 20 to 200 of these chemicals where every single one has its own unique damaging effect on our physiology.
So, not only do you inflict damage to tissues by elevating blood glucose, you also inflict damage to tissues from these defense chemicals. Again, all that damage will accumulate.
The Extremely Harmful Antinutrients
Antinutrients in plants are naturally occurring compounds that bind to vitamins, minerals, and amino acids to ensure that the plant has what it needs to grow – while also rendering them useless for any organic being/mammal consuming the plant. This is why you will find the highest concentrations of these toxic and damaging compounds in seeds and nuts, as that is how the plant reproduces and a seed will need a lot of nutrients to grow.

However, antinutrients do not only bind to nutrients, rendering them useless for anyone consuming them, they are also very toxic and just as damaging as defense chemicals. It is well-established that they can damage tissues and even dissolve cell membranes, disrupt hormones, alter the gut microbiome, inhibit enzymes, and, of course, block nutrient absorption.
I covered some of them in the ‘Know Your Poison” article series.

The Deadly Pesticides
As with all plant-based rubbish, fruits are heavily sprayed with pesticides, as in extremely toxic chemicals made to kill. Chemicals that penetrate the skin and will be present within the fruit even if you peel and wash it.

These chemicals will interfere with your hormones, they can damage the nervous system, and also various tissues and cells.

All Modern Fruits Are Man Made
There’s nothing natural about the fruit you’ll find today in stores or from plantations, as every single fruit has been cultivated and genetically modified to be sweeter and to better withstand harm, as in producing even more defense chemicals and antinutrients while being lower in actual “nutrients.” All fruit you’ll find today is many, many times unhealthier and more damaging than what you could ever find in nature or only a few hundred years ago. This is the exact same scenario as with all vegetables, as with all plant-based crap. Not one single plant used as food today existed a few hundred years ago. None of them are natural.

Deuterium (Heavy Water) Disrupts Our Cells Energy Processes And Accelerates Aging
Hydrogen comes in two “shapes.” We have regular hydrogen, which is actually called protium, and then we have deuterium. Deuterium has the same properties as hydrogen, except the fact that it has an additional neutron that is paired with a proton in the nucleus. Because of this, deuterium is twice as big and twice as heavy, and is therefore referred to as “heavy hydrogen” or “heavy water”. This difference makes deuterium behave quite differently from regular hydrogen in chemical reactions and in our bodies.
Deuterium binds to the energy process in our cell’s mitochondria, robbing us of energy while increasing oxidation. Less oxygen is drawn from the blood, energy levels are reduced and your redox potential decreases. A lowering of your redox potential means a huge increase in your risks of chronic diseases and accelerates the aging process.
While small amounts of deuterium exist in plain drinking water, which our body normally can handle, it exists in very large quantities in all plants, and it increases with the content of carbohydrates, as in starches and sugars. That means that you will find the most deuterium in starchy vegetables, grains and of course fruits.

Now, some charlatans will try to defend fruits by claiming that they contain the fourth phase, also known as Exclusion Zone (EZ) water, which according to the same asshats has some magical properties. Well, even if it did, we have already, without a doubt, settled the fact that fruits are extremely damaging to our health and should never be consumed by anyone. Even if you would find some droplets of water that could be beneficial, it could never outweigh the extreme damaging properties of fruits.
As for EZ water, there is currently not a single evidence in any literature that or has any benefits for humans. It’s all theoretical and hypothetical. Actually, it is characterized by a structured, liquid-crystalline arrangement of water molecules, which is thought to occur in certain environments, such as near surfaces or in the presence of specific substances — which are simply proteins.

In mammals we have a similar thing and it’s called metabolic water, which is generated as a byproduct of cellular metabolism, specifically during the oxidation of energy-containing molecules such as carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Metabolic water is the purest form of water for biological beings and is totally free of deuterium. Metabolic water is what the body produces itself and uses to keep us alive and you can only get it from an external source by consuming meat.

Also, fruit contains fiber, which is very harmful for our digestive system that is not built for fermentation. Fiber is the cause of most digestive diseases and colon cancer. I’ve covered this in many articles.
There is absolutely nothing that you can find in fruits that is necessary or essential for a human, only the complete opposite. While not as bad as seed, nuts, grains, and some legumes and vegetables, they are still very damaging and will not contribute with any bioavailable nutrition to speak of. Instead, they will inflict a lot of damage, especially metabolic damage. Only animal-based food provides all essential nutrients in a fully bioavailable format and without a single toxin!
Those pushing fruits or honey are either extremely uneducated fools, or simply evil shills employed by the food- and pharmaceutical industry to spread misinformation and to make sure people still get diseases and cut their life-span short. It is that simple.
If you need help with your health, nutrition, and/or transitioning from your current way of eating to our natural species-appropriate, species-specific way of eating, I’m available for both coaching and consultation.
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