
Iran and Israel Psy-Op and Fake Stabbing Spree in Australia

This weekend has been rather busy with ongoing psy-ops and scripted events. Unfortunately, I’m very short on time as I have clients in need of my immediate help, so this will be a simple recap of the two biggest events. In the last two days, the media has brewed a new conflict between Israel and Iran. And this morning, April 14, 2024, Israel that was founded on May 14, 1948, turned 911 months old, […]

Iran and Israel Psy-Op and Fake Stabbing Spree in Australia Read the Full Article »

The Baltimore Key Bridge Controlled Demolition Psy-Op

I guess no one could have missed yesterday’s Jesuit and Masonic ritual of the “collapsing” Baltimore Francis Scott Key Bridge, as it was plastered all over media and with some very interesting alleged “video footage” – which once again show us how gullible and desensitized the masses actually are. Yes, those who watched the official “video footage” of the “collapse” and didn’t immediately question it, must be heavily fluoridated and extremely dumbed down. Here’s

The Baltimore Key Bridge Controlled Demolition Psy-Op Read the Full Article »

The COVID-19 Lab Leak Psy-Op Revival

As I wrote on January 12, after the scripted House Select Subcommittee hearing with Anthony Fauci, the “lab leak theory” psy-op is once again being pushed by the ‘right-wing,’ ‘alt-right,’ and ‘alternative media.’ This is, of course, by design; as to keep the ‘non-believers’ on the fake political right within the illusion of viruses and contagion. While the dumbed-down people on the ‘left’ already are afraid of non-existing viruses and catching “disease” from other

The COVID-19 Lab Leak Psy-Op Revival Read the Full Article »

Truther Chickenfeed: The Fabricated Jeffrey Epstein Documents

The ultimate chickenfeed just got sprinkled all over gullible baby truthers in the form of yet another dragged out chapter of the Jeffrey Epstein psy-op. The CIA-doctored “Epstein Documents” allegedly got “unsealed…” and behold, it revealed an enormous nothingburger with world-stage names such as Bill Clinton and Prince Andrew; names that has already been connected to the psy-ops for years. If you haven’t been keeping up for the last 10 years or so, Jeffrey

Truther Chickenfeed: The Fabricated Jeffrey Epstein Documents Read the Full Article »

Halloween Israel-Hamas Fake News by the Numbers

Yesterday, October 31st, was Halloween, also known as Samhain, the first Highest Satanic holiday and the celebration of the beginning of the Celtic Year (Nov. 1st). In Catholicism (also Satanic,) November 1st is known as All Saints’ Day, which is also celebrated on Halloween, or the ‘Eve of All Hallows day.’ On this highly Satanic day, that no sane person would participate in, or let their children participate in, the hidden hand that rules

Halloween Israel-Hamas Fake News by the Numbers Read the Full Article »

Israel-Hamas Psy-Op: October 30 Headlines by the Numbers

Yesterday, October 30, was a day with some special date-numerology, including that of 9, 11, 47, 63 and 83. Putting 9 and 11 together should be self-explanatory, as it reads as their hoax-code of 9/11, something that is tied to staged events within the realm of war and terrorism psy-ops, like the staged demolition of the Twin Towers and now the ongoing staged and fake war between Israel and Hamas. 63 is 6+3, as

Israel-Hamas Psy-Op: October 30 Headlines by the Numbers Read the Full Article »

Matthew Perry “Dead” by The Numbers, or is He?

As I’m pressed for time this morning, this will be a short summary of the much-debated Matthew Perry’s alleged death. First and foremost, you need to realize that every single celebrity, star, and public figure on the world stage that get exposure is heavily controlled. They only let people that they control get exposure. These people are either mind-controlled puppets, as in under contract and controlled by handlers, or they are in the club,

Matthew Perry “Dead” by The Numbers, or is He? Read the Full Article »

Suspect in the Fake Maine Mass Shootings Allegedly Found Dead

The suspect in the staged and fake Lewiston, Maine, mass shootings, who’s ‘wanted picture’ had been recognized by several people in lottery stores from a wanted ad posted over a month ago with a different name, has now, according to the Freemasonic police, been found dead from a ‘self-inflicted’ head-shot wound.Yes, they are playing games, reusing old computer-generated images of people who do not exist for their psy-ops simply to mock the masses. As

Suspect in the Fake Maine Mass Shootings Allegedly Found Dead Read the Full Article »

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