Is Resveratrol Even More Toxic And Dangerous Than Previously Thought?

Once again we return to and one of their attempts to summarize a meta-analysis of six useless and stupid randomized controlled trials in 533 participants with type 2 diabetes. The evil researchers of these trials supplemented the poor participants with resveratrol in order to look at “markers of inflammation” and “oxidative stress,” including C-reactive protein (CRP) and lipid peroxides.

Key study details

“The intervention group took resveratrol (40–1,000 mg daily) for 4 to 24 weeks, and the control group received a placebo.”

Well, first of all, it’s quite the difference to poison someone with 40 mg compared to 1,000 mg. That is quite the range. So, it’s important to point out that the lower dosages where given for a longer time, as for example in the trail by Wajiha Mahjabeen, 200 mg a day was given for 24 weeks, while the higher dosages as in the trial by ShadiSadat Seyyedebrahimi, 800 mg a day was administered for only 8 weeks.

It should also be mentioned that the trial with only 40 mg a day that was conducted by the University of Turin, Italy, for 24 weeks also had a group who received a whopping 500 mg a day, and neither group showed any measurable positive effect on any markers. Only a CRP decrease of 5.6% (Resv40) and 15.9% (Resv500) was observed vs placebo, which is really bad and we’ll get to that later.

“Resveratrol reduced both lipid peroxide and CRP levels with a large effect size and oxidative stress markers such as F2 isoprostanes, but it slightly increased antioxidant enzyme levels. However, these outcomes showed substantial heterogeneity, and the risk of bias was high.”

As I’ve mentioned in previous articles, and this is simple biology, physiology, and biochemistry, C-reactive protein (CRP) is a pentameric protein that plays a significant role in our body’s natural detoxification and healing process. It is synthesized by the liver in response to cytokines such as interleukin-6 (IL-6,) and its levels increase dramatically in response to tissue injury as a part of the inflammatory/healing response.
CRP’s detoxification and healing properties are primarily linked to its ability to bind to damaged cells. This binding facilitates the clearance of necrotic and apoptotic cells and bacteria once it has assisted in the breakdown of toxins and other cellular debris, thus aiding in the healing process.
In other words, CRP’s main purpose is to remove damaged and dead cells and debris, working in tandem with bacteria that also aid in the healing process.

In people with type 2 diabetes, CRP will of course be elevated as long as these poor people are being fooled into consuming carbohydrates and then taking extra insulin to mitigate some of the damage the elevated levels of blood glucose does to all soft tissues. The only way to reduce the damage being done is to remove all carbohydrates from the diet, as in adopting our natural human diet. If we remove the offender, there is no longer any tissue being damaged and the body can finally heal, which slowly will bring down inflammation and CRP, which are part of the healing process.

Taking a toxic plant compound can never magically give the body all that it needs to heal while also magically stop damage being done by toxic elevated blood glucose, that is just common sense. Instead, it is logical that this compound, this Resveratrol, as it is a toxic plant defense chemical, damages the liver and interferes with the production of CRP. This has been shown in other studies, which warned about these plant extract’s toxic effects on the liver.

And if you limit the production of CRP, you inhibit the detoxification and the healing abilities of the body, which means more accumulated damage and likely organ failure down the road. That is extremely bad. And that also explains why the higher dosage had a greater impact of lowering CRP, as the toxicity and its impact on the liver was greater. This is really some dangerous and potentially deadly stuff!’s take

“Although this study suggests that resveratrol may be effective for reducing inflammation and oxidative stress in type 2 diabetes, the variability among studies and low quality of evidence reduce confidence in these findings.”

Ah, you frikkin’ morons. Reducing inflammation by taking a drug, supplement, or remedy is never something you want to happen! If you reduce inflammation, you reduce the healing capability of the body. Instead you want to remove the offender, the thing that is causing damage and forces the body to increase inflammation to try and heal the damaged tissue.

Once the offender is removed and the body receives enough nutrients to heal and repair, inflammation will slowly come down and disappear once all the damaged tissue has been repaired. That is the natural process and it might take many months or even years. However, the tissue will actually be healthy again and you will be out of danger as you successfully removed the offender.

And yes, in type 2 diabetics, as with any human as we are obligate hyper carnivores, the main offenders are carbohydrates and seed/vegetable oils.

“From a mechanistic standpoint, resveratrol is believed to reduce inflammation and oxidative stress by (i) blocking inflammatory signals, such as NF-κB activity), (ii) activating protective proteins that repair cell damage, and (iii) enhancing antioxidant defenses to neutralize reactive oxygen species.“

What imbecile came up with this and thought that it would be beneficial or even remotely healthy? Blocking NF-κB activity is extremely bad, and likely one of many reasons why the liver takes extreme damage from toxic compounds such as resveratrol

NF-κB activity is defined as the process by which the NF-κB family of transcription factors become activated in response to various stimuli such as stress, cytokines, free radicals, heavy metals, ultraviolet irradiation, and tissue repair with the assistant of bacteria or exosomes (which some retards believe is an “viral infection, lol”.)

Thus, blocking NF-κB will have severe health consequences such as complete detoxification failure leading to accumulation of toxins and ultimately tissue damage, organ dysfunction and organ failure, and tumors. Blocking NF-κB would also lead to the inability to heal damaged tissue and wounds, which in turn would lead to chronic inflammation (never-ending healing processes.)

And activating “protective proteins” that would repair cell damage might happen at first, as resveratrol causes cell damage that needs repairing. However, as NF-κB is being blocked, this will slow down and eventually stop.

And enhancing the natural production of antioxidants to neutralize reactive oxygen species is also a result of resveratrol’s toxic properties, as it is a defense chemical, a highly toxic compound produced by plants to deter, maim, and kill.

Only a complete fool would think that this is good. Again, we can see how incredibly toxic and dangerous plant compounds are, and that we as humans should never touch them. Anyone pushing resveratrol or anything plant-based for human consumption should be fined or put behind bars.

If you need help with any kind of health problems or transitioning from your current way of eating to our natural species-appropriate, species-specific way of eating, I’m available for both coaching and consultation.

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