Today we return to and one of their summaries of a recent study, a study that is another prime example of something that never should have been conducted because you can easily predict all the outcomes using logic and common sense and it does not add anything useful or new to the table.
What was studied?
“Whether vaping is associated with lower levels of inflammation than cigarette smoking. The primary outcome was levels of the inflammatory biomarker high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP).”
Before continuing, let’s quickly summarize these two idiotic practices of poisoning and hurting oneself willingly.
Vaping is the act of inhaling an aerosol, often referred to as vapor, created by an electronic cigarette (e-cigarette) or other vaping device. These devices heat a liquid, known as e-liquid or e-juice, containing nicotine, flavorings, and other chemicals, producing a mist that is inhaled into the lungs. Anyone with half-a-brain should understand that this is toxic and will cause an inflammatory response, as in detoxing/neutralization of these toxic chemicals and a healing response from the damage they cause before they can be neutralized and discarded by the body.
Cigarette smoking is defined as the act of inhaling and exhaling the fumes of burning plant material, typically extremely toxic tobacco, through a cigarette. A cigarette is a narrow cylinder containing a combustible material, usually tobacco, rolled into thin paper for smoking. As any plant matter contains hundreds of toxic compounds, including defense chemicals, antinutrients, heavy metals, pesticide residues, etcetera, and you also heat/burn some of them, causing a very toxic smoke, it’s very simple to understand that cigarette smoke is even more toxic than a simple vapor with only a few stimulatory ingredients and that do not burn, causing very toxic chemical reactions.
And finally, when you inhale any kind of smoke, the toxins and chemical compounds enter the lungs and can be absorbed into the bloodstream. The lungs have a large surface area, and the walls of the alveoli, where gas exchange occurs, are very thin, allowing for the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide. Unfortunately, this also allows toxins from smoke, or whatever you inhaled, to pass into the bloodstream. That is why you need to wear a gas mask when handling toxic stuff.

What was studied?
“Whether vaping is associated with lower levels of inflammation than cigarette smoking. The primary outcome was levels of the inflammatory biomarker high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP).”
High-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) is a modified form of C-reactive protein (CRP,) a pentameric protein produced by the liver in response to toxic damage in tissues, thus responsible for initiating a healing response, as in inflammation.
hs-CRP plays a role in modulating the healing response by interacting with various cell types, including macrophages, T cells, and endothelial cells. Thus, hs-CRP contributes to breakdown of damaged tissue as well as tissue repair/regeneration by promoting the clearance of apoptotic cells and debris.

This also means that if your hs-CRP levels are chronically elevated, there is continuous damage occurring from toxic exposure, as hs-CRP is one of the main controllers of the healing process. That is why hs-CRP is sometimes used as a marker for increased risk of cardiovascular disease, as your cardiovascular system is taking damage from your lifestyle and your body is desperately trying to keep up with healing all the damage done on a daily basis.

So, if you inhale toxic smoke, as in vaping or smoking a cigarette, a lot of the toxins will reach the bloodstream and thus be present all around your body. This will increase hs-CRP levels as the damage from the toxins needs to be mitigated, the affected tissue all around your body need to be cleared of toxins and repaired. And because the toxins entered the bloodstream, hs-CRP will be detected everywhere healing is necessary, which will be pretty much all over your body, and that is why they call it systemic inflammation — as it is a healing response that affects multiple tissues and organs. And in someone who continues to expose themselves to these toxins, they define systemic inflammation as a chronic and widespread inflammatory response, as in healing taking place in multiple places all throughout your body due to the toxic exposure.

Who was studied?
“18,797 participants (average age of 58; 62% women, 38% men; average BMI of 28.5), of whom 5,806 had measured levels of hsCRP.”
Ok, carry on.
How was it studied?
“In this cross-sectional study, the participants were divided into 5 groups:
- Never use (never smoking or vaping)
- Exclusive smoking
- Dual use (vaping + smoking)
- Never smoking + current vaping
- Former smoking + current vaping.
The researchers adjusted for the potential confounders of age, sex, race and ethnicity, and education level.”
Ok, good enough, And “exclusive smoking” is simply ‘cigarette smoking.’
What were the results?
“Compared to exclusive smoking, never smoking was associated with lower hsCRP levels, regardless of whether participants were vaping or not.”
That is kind of a no-brainer. Considering that most people eat the same crap, their toxic load should be somewhat similar with similar high levels of hs-CRP. Then you add smoking or vaping on top of that toxic load, and it will increase significantly, thus increasing hs-CRP even further among those stupid enough to inhale toxins by will.
“Exclusive vaping was associated with lower inflammation levels compared to exclusive smoking.”
Another no-brainer, as vaping contains less toxins than tobacco and you do not burn the contents, as you do with a cigarette. While vaping is very toxic and completely idiotic, it is not as toxic as cigarette smoking.

“Exclusive smokers and former smokers who vaped had similar hsCRP levels.”
As you previously said that smokers had higher hs-CRP levels than vapers, this is due to accumulated damage. Going from smoking to vaping will only lower the toxic load a little, but the accumulated damage from the previous smoking will not be fixed until you actually stop inhaling toxins all together, as the body obviously can’t keep up (otherwise hs-CRP would not be elevated.)
This is also why some smokers can be healthy and never encounter any problems, because their overall toxic load is lower than that of people who get health problems from smoking. If you consume a somewhat decent diet with plenty of animal-based foods, giving your body proper nutrition, and if you eat infrequently, giving your body time to be in a fasted state where it can do these things, it will be able to detoxify much quicker and more thoroughly than someone lacking in nutrients and also getting a lot of toxins from plant-based foods and processed foods.
Still, doing anything to your body that is damaging, whether you can detox most of it or not, is extremely stupid. And even if you do not get any “diseases” from it, it will shorten your lifespan no matter how good you eat, as it is a toxic stressor and it forces your body to work hard to clean and rebuild tissue and that stress will take its toll.
In other words, always try to avoid anything that will add to your toxic load, and most importantly, only consume food that is species-appropriate, as in animal-based foods.
So, to conclude, you could simply have used simple logic reasoning, as in common sense, to figure out these so-called “findings.” More toxins equals more damage, which equals more detoxification and healing, as in an increased inflammation response. Simply look at the number of toxins, their toxicity, and the method used to deliver them, and there’s no need to do a study to find out what will happen.
If you need help with any kind of health problems or transitioning from your current way of eating to our natural species-appropriate, species-specific way of eating, I’m available for both coaching and consultation.
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